


The call to raid Area 51 was a joke. Then, 2 million people signed on to the Facebook event. Area 51 is a secretive Air Force base in the Nevada desert. Many think that alien UFOs are there. This has created lots of conspiracy theories. A conspiracy theory is an idea that something isn't as it appears. It assumes that some group was behind an event. The group is trying to hide its involvement.


atthew Roberts is the man who created the raid Area 51 event. He is now planning a real-life festival called Alien Stock. It will be near the remote base.


Area 51 is a couple hours' drive northwest of Las Vegas. The closest town is Rachel, Nevada. Rachel has just 54 official residents. It could soon be overrun by thousands of visitors.


onnie West is from Rachel. "Of course it's scary," she said. Her alien-themed inn declares on its website that it is "BOOKED SOLID FOR ALIEN-STOCK." "But I'm excited," she told the Washington Post. "How can I not be?"


Small Town Will Be Invaded By Alien Fans


The U.S. government claimed Area 51 didn't exist for many years. Now, documents prove it does exist. They also show that the government spent a lot of money there. It was for a program dealing with "anomalous aerospace threats." Those are commonly known as UFOs. These facts feed the rumors. Conspiracy theorists think that the base has hidden aliens and their spacecraft.


Rachel embraces the rumors. The town is located on the Extraterrestrial Highway. A town welcome sign notes an extraterrestrial population as well as a human one. Still, it's a quiet place. Not everyone is happy about the prospect of so many visitors, West said. "We live in a quiet little place because we like it quiet."


One festival organizer expects thousands to show for the event. This could lead to some trouble. The town's website has posted a warning: "There is no gas and no store.... We expect cell service and the Internet to be offline," the note reads. "Credit card [processing] will not work, so bring enough cash."


Alien Stock say it's "a meeting place for all the believers." That includes the hard-core ones or people who are just curious. Details are still in the works on the festival. There is only one announced performer.


Some Facebook commenters are suspicious of the event's motives. They could also be joking. When it was announced, one person commented, "Distraction ... well played, government."



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