

首页战争策略Call of Victory更新时间:2024-07-28


1. The book is, in Henry's o    ,the best book on the subject.


2. Tsinghua University,      (创立) in 1911,is home to many famous person.


3. Many parents send their kids a     for further study.

key: abroad

4. After four- year study in America, he got a     degree(博士学位).


5. Edison was one of the greatest inventors. During his life time he had many i .


6. Her parents went away on     (出差), so she had to stay at home alone.


7. Never be     (违反)the traffic rules.

key: against

8. There is nothing in this box, it’s e    .

key: empty

9. Water is (必要的)for life and no one can live without it.

key: necessary

10. He is an h     boy and can be trusted.

key: honest

11. Parents have a far greater     (影响) on their children.

key: influence

12. People were trying to e     from the fire but were overcome by smoke.

key: escape

13. My teacher’s words will remain in my      (记忆)forever.

key: memory

14. It’s time for you to make a      (决定).

key: decision

15. It is the     (能力)to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are.

key: ability

16. Many people s     from this terrible disease and lost their lives.

key: suffered

17.Speaking before groups helps to build your      (胆量).

key: courage

18. Keeping a      (日记)is a good way to improve our writing.

key: diary

19. We call the person who wins a game a w      .

key:  winner

20. You passed the test. C      !

key: congratulations

21. Tom has been a      from his desk for two weeks because of his illness.

key: absent

22. We should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables because health is     (财富).


23. Many people fell a     during the dull speech.

key: asleep

24. She has       (最近) recorded a program for television.

key: recently

25. The two sides agreed with each other and reached an       . (协议)

key: agreement

26. The success or failure of the matter depends on your own      (努力).

key: effort

27. John laid the table and Alice wen to the kitchen to      (端上)the fish.

key: serve

28. With the development of      (工业), pollution is becoming a serious problem.

key: industry

29. There are four s      in a calendar year.

key: seasons

30. The struggle against sand storm will not end in     (胜利) unless we pay much attention to the balance of nature.

key: victory

31. I get into the h      of listening to music every night.

key: habit

32.      (志愿者)are wanted in the local hospitals.

key: Volunteers

33. As long as we are united, here is no      (困难)we cannot overcome.

key: difficulty

34. As we all know, there is no such things as     (标准的)English.

key: standard

35. Of all musical i     he is best at playing guitar.

key: instruments

36. With all his p     money, Dan bought a present for his mother on Mother’s Day.

key: pocket

37. I was born in the     (东北).

key: northeast

38. Now, people regard drinking tea as a culture than a     (习惯).

key: habit

39. Jackson has been dreaming about becoming a     (飞行员).

key: pilot

40. As you can see, the bridge is made of      (石头).

key: stone


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