



1. We hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and tell us your decision at your earliest convenience

2. We wish you will reconsider your price and give a new bid so that there could be a possiblity for us to meet half way

3. To accept the price you quote.would leave us only a small profit on our sales because the principle demand in our city is for articles in the medium price range

4. Your competitors are offering considering lower prices and unless you can reduce your quotations we have to buy elsewhere

5. To accept your present quotation would mean a heave loss to us not to speak of profit

6. I wish to point out that your offer are higher than some of your competitors in other countries

7. We can obtain the same quality through another channel at much lower price than that you quoted us

8. There is big difference.between your price and those of your competitors

9. we hoped you will give your rock-bottom price,otherwise we have no alternative but to place our orders else where

10. If you insist on your original offer it will reduce our profit considerably

11. we didn't expect that the discount you offer would be so low

12. Your price should be base on the actual situation of our customers

13. In our market products of similar types are so many and with such a lower price that many of our regular.customers may switch.other companies i am afraid


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