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at 3.pm. on monday, the eghteenth (of) March,2024

The maesters of the Citadel who keep the histories of Westeros have used Aegon’s conquest as their touchstone for the past three hundred years. Births, deaths, battles, and other events are dated either AC (After the Conquest) or BC (Before the Conquest).







True scholars know that such dating is far from precise. Aegon Targaryen’s conquest of the Seven Kingdoms did not take place in a single day. More than two years passed between Aegon’s landing and his Oldtown coronation…and even then the Conquest remained incomplete, since Dorne remained unsubdued. Sporadic attempts to bring the Dornishmen into the realm continued all through King Aegon’s reign and well into the reigns of his sons, making it impossible to fix a precise end date for the Wars of Conquest.








even then:即使那时候:尽管如此。

真正的学者知道这样计时是远远不准确的。Aegon Targaryen的征战不是在一天内发生的。从他的登陆到旧城加冕已经有两年之多,尽管如此,因为多恩人未被征服,征战是不完整的。偶尔尝试征服多恩人(将其带入领地)一直持续在Aegon的统治时期甚至到他的子孙,这让确定结束的时间变得无望。

Even the start date is a matter of some misconception. Many assume, wrongly, that the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen began on the day he landed at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush, beneath the three hills where the city of King’s Landing would eventually stand. Not so. The day of Aegon’s Landing was celebrated by the king and his descendants, but the Conqueror actually dated the start of his reign from the day he was crowned and anointed in the Starry Sept of Oldtown by the High Septon of the Faith. This coronation took place two years after Aegon’s Landing, well after all three of the major battles of the Wars of Conquest had been fought and won. Thus it can be seen that most of Aegon’s actual conquering took place from 2–1 BC, Before the Conquest.


descendants:n.后代,晚辈(descendant 的复数);子节点;衍生物

anointed:adj.(官方)指定的,选定的。v. 傅,涂(圣油、圣水);指定(anoint 的过去式和过去分词)

land at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush:在黑水急流口登录

not so:--不太真实/适用:用于指代先前提到的事物,表示对某人或某物来说不太真实或不太适用。网络 并非如此;不是那样;不然

甚至开始的日期也存在误解。许多错误的假设表示Aegon Targaryen一世的统治开始在其登上黑水急流口,在君临城终将矗立的三座山丘之下。并非如此,Aegon 登陆被他和他的子孙庆祝,但是征服者真正的统治开始在他戴上王冠的那一天并被信仰最高主教涂画在旧城的星空城堡内。加冕发生在Aegon登陆之后的两年,在征战的三次主要斗争并取得胜利后。由此可见,Aegon实际的征战大部分发生在公元前2-1年,在征服之前。

The Targaryens were of pure Valyrian blood, dragonlords of ancient lineage. Twelve years before the Doom of Valyria (114 BC), Aenar Targaryen sold his holdings in the Freehold and the Lands of the Long Summer, and moved with all his wives, wealth, slaves, dragons, siblings, kin, and children to Dragonstone, a bleak island citadel beneath a smoking mountain in the narrow sea.



doom:n.厄运,劫数;悲观,沮丧v. 注定




Targaryen家族是古老龙王血统瓦雷利亚血脉。在瓦雷利亚厄劫之前12年(公元前114年),Aenar Targaryen在永久地契和长夏之地卖掉了他的家当,带着他的妻妾、财富、奴隶、龙、兄弟姐妹、亲属和孩子到了龙岛上,一座荒凉的岛屿,在狭海火山下。


At its apex Valyria was the greatest city in the known world, the center of civilization. Within its shining walls, twoscore rival houses vied for power and glory in court and council, rising and falling in an endless, subtle, oft savage struggle for dominance. The Targaryens were far from the most powerful of the dragonlords, and their rivals saw their flight to Dragonstone as an act of surrender, as cowardice. But Lord Aenar’s maiden daughter Daenys, known forever afterward as Daenys the Dreamer, had foreseen the destruction of Valyria by fire. And when the Doom came twelve years later, the Targaryens were the only dragonlords to survive.

apex:n.顶点,最高点;(几何)顶点;(植)芽苗的顶端;最高职位,最高地位;巅峰,全盛时期;(赛车)拐弯时离赛道边缘最近的点。v. 达到顶峰(或高潮);(赛车)近边缘拐弯



rival:n.竞争对手,敌手;可与之匹敌者,可与之相比的人(或物)。v. 与......相匹敌,比得上adj.竞争的,对抗的



savage:adj.凶猛的,残暴的;猛烈的,恶狠狠的;极严重的,大幅度的;<旧>未开化的,野蛮的;(土地)荒凉的,无人烟的。n. <旧>未开化的人,野蛮人;凶狠残暴的人;(纹章)长须半裸带叶环男人形 v. (动物)凶猛攻击,撕咬;激烈抨击,猛烈批评

dominance:n. 优势,支配地位

surrender:v. 投降;任凭摆布,沉溺于;(被迫)交出,放弃;(向官员)交出(证件);(体育运动中)失利(或丢分);退保;期满前就放弃(租借物)。n. 投降,自首;屈服,屈从;(尤指在战争等过后)放弃,交出;退保

cowardice:n. 怯懦,胆小

maiden:n. <旧>少女,未婚女子,处女;(板球)零得分投球轮;(赛跑中)未赢过的马。adj. 首次的,初次的;(女子)未婚的;(赛马)从未跑赢过的;(树木或其他果实植物)生长期第一年内的


Dragonstone had been the westernmost outpost of Valyrian power for two centuries. Its location athwart the Gullet gave its lords a stranglehold on Blackwater Bay and enabled both the Targaryens and their close allies, the Velaryons of Driftmark (a lesser house of Valyrian descent) to fill their coffers off the passing trade. Velaryon ships, along with those of another allied Valyrian house, the Celtigars of Claw Isle, dominated the middle reaches of the narrow sea, whilst the Targaryens ruled the skies with their dragons.

outpost:n. 前哨;警戒部队;边区村落

athwart:prep. 横跨;与……相反。adv. 横跨着;相反

ally:n. 同盟国;盟友,支持者;辅助物,助手

lesser:adj. 较少的;次要的;更小的。adv. 较少地;更小地;不及

coffer:n. 围堰;保险箱;金库;资金。vt. 把……放进箱柜;用平顶镶板装饰

dominate:v. 统治,支配;在……中占首要地位;俯视,高耸于;。占绝对优势专业 主导 [法学];支配 [计算机科学技术];称霸 [历史学]。网络 支配;占优势;主宰

whilst:conj. <英,正式>当……的时候;与…同时;然而,但是;虽然,尽管;<古>直到…为止;与……同时;<古>直到……为止


Yet even so, for the best part of a hundred years after the Doom of Valyria (the rightly named Century of Blood), House Targaryen looked east, not west, and took little interest in the affairs of Westeros. Gaemon Targaryen, brother and husband to Daenys the Dreamer, followed Aenar the Exile as Lord of Dragonstone, and became known as Gaemon the Glorious. Gaemon’s son Aegon and his daughter Elaena ruled together after his death. After them the lordship passed to their son Maegon, his brother Aerys, and Aerys’s sons, Aelyx, Baelon, and Daemion. The last of the three brothers was Daemion, whose son Aerion then succeeded to Dragonstone.

affair:n. 事务,事宜;风流韵事(affair 的复数)

exile:n.流放;被流放者,流亡者v. 流放;使离开

glorious:adj. 光荣的,值得称道的;辉煌的,绚丽的;极其愉快的;(天气)阳光灿烂的


The Aegon who would be known to history as Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon the Dragon was born on Dragonstone in 27 BC. He was the only son, and second child, of Aerion, Lord of Dragonstone, and Lady Valaena of House Velaryon, herself half Targaryen on her mother’s side. Aegon had two trueborn siblings; an elder sister, Visenya, and a younger sister, Rhaenys. It had long been the custom amongst the dragonlords of Valyria to wed brother to sister, to keep the bloodlines pure, but Aegon took both his sisters to bride. By tradition, he would have been expected to wed only his older sister, Visenya; the inclusion of Rhaenys as a second wife was unusual, though not without precedent. It was said by some that Aegon wed Visenya out of duty and Rhaenys out of desire.

trueborn:adj. 嫡出的;道地的;真正的

custom:n. 风俗,习俗;习惯;光顾,惠顾;<法律>惯例,习惯法;(经常性的)顾客adj. 定做的,量身设计的

inclusion:n. 包含,包括;包含物,包括的人;认同感,归属感

though not without precedent:虽然并非没有先例

out of duty:出于责任



All three siblings had shown themselves to be dragonlords before they wed. Of the five dragons who had flown with Aenar the Exile from Valyria, only one survived to Aegon’s day: the great beast called Balerion, the Black Dread. The dragons Vhagar and Meraxes were younger, hatched on Dragonstone itself.

hatch: v. 孵化,孵出;密谋,策划。n. (船甲板或飞机底部装货物的)舱口;(尤指厨房和餐厅之间供传递食物的)两室之间的小窗口;(飞机或宇宙飞船的)舱门;(地面或天花板的)开口


A common myth, oft heard amongst the ignorant, claims that Aegon Targaryen had never set foot upon the soil of Westeros until the day he set sail to conquer it, but this cannot be truth.

myth:n. 错误的观点,荒诞的说法;神话,神话故事;虚构的人(或事),想象中的人(或事)


Years before that sailing, the Painted Table had been carved and decorated at Lord Aegon’s command; a massive slab of wood, some fifty feet long, carved in the shape of Westeros, and painted to show all the woods and rivers and towns and castles of the Seven Kingdoms. Plainly, Aegon’s interest in Westeros long predated the events that drove him to war. As well, there are reliable reports of Aegon and his sister Visenya visiting the Citadel of Oldtown in their youth, and hawking on the Arbor as guests of Lord Redwyne. He may have visited Lannisport as well;

carve:v. 雕,刻;切下,割下;开创,赢得(carve out);铺(路),修(路);侵蚀,冲刷;减少,削减

slab:n. (石、木等硬质材料的)厚板;(蛋糕、面包、巧克力等的)厚块;停尸台;(烹饪食品时所用的)厚桌面,砧板;(登山)突起的岩石;原木膘皮,板皮。<澳新,非正式>(装24瓶或24罐啤酒的)箱。v. 去掉(原木或树木的)膘皮;把……分成厚片;用石板铺

plainly:adv. 明白地;坦率地;平坦地;朴素地

hawk:n. 鹰,隼;鹰派分子,主战分子;(似鹰般)贪婪的人;灰泥托板。v. 叫卖,兜售;咳痰;(人)带鹰出猎;(鸟,蜻蜓)飞行觅食

predate:vt. 在日期上早于(先于)










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