神奇宝贝中心设计 · 一个游戏空间

神奇宝贝中心设计 · 一个游戏空间


I IN是一家总部位于东京的室内设计工作室,由设计师照井洋平和汤山皓联合成立于2018年。他们不断地探索空间的更多可能性,并善于创造能够引发共鸣和给人留下深刻印象的空间。工作室通过利用人们的日常行为和设计方法的多样性,提供具有创造性且适用范围广泛的解决方案。

I IN is a Tokyo-based interior design studio founded in 2018 by designers Yohei Terai and Hao Tomoyama. They are constantly exploring the possibilities of space and are adept at creating Spaces that resonate and impress people. The studio offers creative and widely applicable solutions by leveraging the diversity of people's everyday behaviors and design approaches.

Pokemon Center Okinawa



Pokemon Center, which is a store, is also a game space and information center, sharing the latest character and game news. Inspired by the world view of the Pokemon series, the design aims to give visitors a sense of stepping into the world of video games.


The open circular walls and continuous alien Spaces resemble a building in a virtual world and echo the cave landscape of the Pokemon universe. The ball's signature red and blue shell is repeated throughout the space; It presents the rich natural vegetation and seawater resources of Okinawa in an abstract and bold form, making this heterogeneous space more immersive.

Goodlife Office



The design of Goodlife's office is a new office style, established by the relationship between light, color and materials. At the entrance to the office is a sculpture featuring Goodlife's signature work, which uses red, blue and green lights to shape the space.


The well-conceived rest area has become the focus of the space. Red, green and blue three color light belts subtly integrate and interweave the whole area, rendering a dream situation about light, shadow and color, leaving a deep and vivid memory.


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