










The timer starts running. The moment the door shuts behind you and other players in the unfamiliar room, the game begins. The clock on the wall, the lamp on the desk or the rug on the floor… any item in this small space could contain hidden codes, clues and cryptic messages for you to unlock the mystery and secure a way out. Finding out an exit within a certain period of time needs a clear mind, calm nerves and great observation skills.

Welcome to the Takagism Game, or room escape.

Initially inspired by online video games in the US and later Japanese TV shows, the latest incarnation of this adventure game is no longer confined to online players or TV viewers, having made its way to the physical world and the hearts of China's youths.


Since 2011, around 4,200 Takagism Game studios have sprung up in cities across the country, according to Mi Shouchun, founder of China Escape Game Alliance (China EGA).

2014 was of particular importance with the meteoric rise of such establishments. Two years later, their numbers dwindled as competition drove small players out of business and shuttered the doors of unqualified ones. Meanwhile, successful stores ate up market share and big chains began operating on a much larger scale.

“Shanghai is well developed in the industry, while Beijing has seen the largest number of Takagism Game studios in China, as about one-fifth of the country’s game studios are located in the capital,” said Mi. “The prices and number of players are also the highest with various product types [in Beijing].”

Mi noted that several second-tier cities have maintained a good momentum of development, such as Hangzhou, Chongqing, Changsha and Chengdu.

解谜 社交:多元化的娱乐方式

As a multiplayer game, six to ten players need to join hands, and collaborate, converse and coordinate to accomplish their mission – escaping the room where they're trapped.

The real-life Takagism Game has broken the boundaries of its online version, emphasizing a comprehensive ability of analysis, creativity and most importantly, team spirit.

Unlike singing at a Karaoke bar, dancing the night away at a party or going on a shopping spree, the adventure game offers a real chance for human connections, while setting an open mind and positivity as preconditions for success.


Rather than the traditional one or two-hour-long puzzle-solving gameplay, some businesses have taken things a step further and created more thematically complex designs with longer durations.

A 12-hour escape game, the longest of its kind in the country, was launched in Beijing's Fengtai District last month. It proved to be a hit among young thrill seekers.

Li Youfu, who is the brainbox behind the lengthy game, along with a six-strong team, explained to CGTN how the idea came about, and where he sees the industry going in the future.


Li is a self-proclaimed introvert who, for years, settled with simply observing with a keen eye of interest the happenings inside a locked room with his friends. He admits he participated very little. But that didn't stop him from trying out different themes and truly grasping the fine details that are usually elusive to others.

“I myself have played (the escape game) too many times,” said Li. “I wanted my own idea to come to life.” He began his own project, from location selection to room design, at the end of last year.

The immersive experience of the game is what draws Li the most, that’s why he put a lot of effort into the interior decoration of his own studio.

When talking about the future of room escape and what kind of pastime activities the young generation should adopt, Li focuses on curious experiences and the sense of discovery.

“Compared to other forms of entertainment, puzzle games are good for both our health and intelligence.”

“After all, to have fun is what young people actually need,” he emphasizes.


There's little doubt that escape rooms are cabinets of curiosities, redefining entertainment for a generation of young people who are on always on the lookout for exciting and unconventional ways to kill time.

However, the rapid growth of the industry is not without speed bumps.

One such difficulty is low repeat purchase rate. A single-pass game costs around 150 to 400 yuan, but once the puzzle is solved and the door cracks open, few will consider going back to experience the same scenario for a second time.

Content originality is key for startups to gain a competitive edge, but coming up with an innovative game design is undeniably costly, both in time and money.

From setting the scenes and preparing the costumes and props, to casting non-player characters, every detail matters. Everything in the room has to be real, reasonable and in place, which requires a certain level of operational capability.

还是密室逃脱游戏小白?CGTN送你一份通关指南 Tips on how to play escape games

货比三家 选择优质的游戏场地、适合的游戏主题

Do your homework before you choose a studio and try to find one with a good reputation. It’s worth taking time to compare facilities and services, and most importantly, theme designs.

发散思维 综合考虑各种线索

Be vigilant! Sometimes, a clue may be hidden in the lyrics of the background music or a very unnoticeable object in the room. Though most clues are not necessarily hard to find, what matters is how to put the pieces of the puzzle together to solve it.


Time is everything in the game. If you truly have no clue or find yourself stuck at a certain point longer than expected, simply ask staff for help and advice through interphone.



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