



▼街道视角, view from the street

This is a house built for an elderly married couple in the outskirts of the city. Besides providing living functions to the couple, the house also has an atelier space for their son who lives in the same city. In the recent years, Japan is experiencing an aging society, where most of the elder citizens are still active as an “Active senior”. It is essential for us to consider and explore a new possible way to help them enjoy their second life after retiring.

▼入口庭院鸟瞰,front yard aerial view


▼平面图,棕色部分为“间之间” ,plan with “AI-NO-MA” being marked

In the project, three private rooms were individually designed for father, mother and son to ensure their privacy. According to the living preference of each of the family, these three rooms are composed of Western style, Japanese style and Earthen floor, and each room was placed apart at the site to create courtyard spaces between them. We placed a curved roof between each private room to form a space called “AI-NO-MA” , which means “In-between Space” .


▼第一个“间之间”:起居室和餐厅,the first AI-NO-MA: living room and dining area

▼起居室,living room

▼餐厅,dining room

▼为母亲设计的和式房间,the Japanese room for the mother

▼从室内望向庭院,view to the courtyard from interior

▼为儿子设计的工作室,the atelier space for the son


Since “AI-NO-MA” is connected with the private rooms, it functions as a buffer to allow each to maintain relationships while keeping distances. “AI-NO-MA” is not only a living area for family to communicate, but also like a shared veranda where they can feel each other even when they are in their own spaces.

▼入口玄关,entry hall

▼第二个“间之间”,the second AI-NO-MA

▼屋顶视角,roof top view

▼场地平面图,site plan


▼剖面透视图,sectional perspective


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