



What are the top 10 skills that are hard to learn, but will pay off forever by successful entrepreneurs?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Former Chief Manager at Central Bank of India (1987–2017)
For Fly By Night Entrepreneurs - the Skills required are simply two - Lies and Hype
This is sufficient for a fly by night startup that will rise like to a sharp peak and collapse equally fast.
For Real Entrepreneurs like Google or Microsoft - I believe in my personal opinion - the Skills required include :-
Core Competence - The Entrepreneur should actually be good at his field. Really Good. Really Really Good. You want to design an OS - you have to be superb at whatever is needed to do so technically. You want to make a Robot - your Robotics skill should be A1. Ultimately you have to be Good. Mediocre Talents cannot be Real Entrepreneurs unless they team up with Excellent Talents.
Patience - This is a very crucial thing. A Real Entrepreneur must know when to be patient and when to promote and advertise. Sometimes it may take 15 years before a Startup can be profitable and in 5 more years it can hit a 5 Billion mark but very few Entrepreneurs are willing to wait for 15 years (At least in India). They all want the Billion Buck Valuation in 3 years or 5 years which means Disaster in general.
Humility - Again you are not contesting for elections. Humility is crucial here. Startups are very very risky even in general and there is a 13 chance in 1000 that your startup can be a sustainable success all the way to IPO (987 chances in 1000 that it will fail). So being Humble is crucial. Always keep quiet and dont make unrealistic projections or make hype about your products. Advertise only when you have an Acceptable Quality.

Courage - Stand up to Criticism. Not hide behind nonsense like “I only take Criticism from Gates and Musk” or “All Critics are Crabs” or “I will remove lixed in or Youtube account”. As a Startup - you will face much more criticism than a normal established company. You need a team to handle and uate criticism and not call everyone a troll and be an Ostrich. Example - Ather , Cred are such startups which take a lot of criticism constructively.
Unconventionalism - For gods sake dont read books on Entrepreneurship. I cannot read a book on how to play cricket and become Kohli and i cannot read a book on how to act and become Irrfan Khan. Dont Quote nonsense quotes from the Self Help Books which in my opinion are utter and total disasters. None of those diagrams or those theories.
Accountancy - This is a crucial skill. You cannot trust your money unless you have some skill to understand how it is being spent. Unless your wife is the CFO or your father or sister, you have to learn Accountancy and understand the intricacies of a Start UP Balance Sheet which is so much different from a Public Companys Balance sheet. Almost 70% Startups have money related fights in the first 3 years - due to different assumptions.

Networking - Meeting People. This is crucial. A Introvert would not do well unless he has a Revolutionary Product. Entrepreneurs need to meet other people and talk to them and network with them. This is a way to uate talent, recruit new talent, new strategies, ideas, establish new markets etc.
Some Hobby - Entrepreneurs are under tremendous tension most of the times. This requires stress relief to avoid smoking 50 cigarettes a day. A Hobby would do very well. Westerners prefer Mini Golf or Golf as a stress buster or Racket Ball (Their version of Squash) but hobbies like Cricket or Gaming would be useful to rid off the stress.
Awareness and Adaptability - An Entrepreneur has to be constantly aware of his competitors and the innovations in his field. A Restaurant should be aware of new competition, new tastes while a Edtech should be aware of free courses and new technology. Likewise Adaptability is very crucial here. The Entrepreneur has to evolve all the time.
People Management - Startups have shaky employee related issues in a way which is stronger than normal companies. So People skills are crucial here.
Finally the Greatest thing an Entrepreneur needs is LUCK
That is something that you cannot learn from a Skill. That is something that is written on your forehead.

Asim Qureshi
A friend of mine has huge feet - sized UK 13.
A few years ago I was strolling through a high-end departmental store in Malaysia with him.
He saw a shoe he liked, asked for it in his size, tried it on, went to the cashier to pay with his credit card.
The odd thing was that the price wasn't written on the shoe, he hadn't asked the price, and he wasn't particularly wealthy - he was in the early stages of a startup.
I asked him, "Why didn't you even ask for the price of the shoe before buying?"
He explained, "Asim, the shoes could cost anything from US$200 to $1k, I liked them, and my shoe size is pretty difficult to find in Malaysia. If I spend 2 hours finding a shoe at the lowest end of that scale I'd save up to $800 but my 2 hours is worth way more than that to me."
The shoes ended up costing around $300.
This guy is now worth more than $10m.
Tip. Value your time.



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