

首页模拟经营modern warships手游更新时间:2024-04-30

With the United States frequently sending aircraft carriers to different parts of the world to showcase its global hegemony, many countries have expressed disgust and are seeking ways to counteract them. China has already come up with an ingenious solution that even Russia praises, despite being harassed multiple times by the US. In order to maintain its own hegemonic position and protect its mili

tary forces deployed globally, the US often sends out aircraft carriers for patrols. It is well known that the US is only stirring up trouble and collecting military intelligence under the guise of freedom and democracy. Some countries choose to silently tolerate it, but there are also some countries looking for ways to counteract aircraft carriers. For example, Russia has developed anti-ship miss

iles that pose a certain threat to the US aircraft carriers. China is also actively seeking countermeasures and has received praise from Russia. China's proposed solution is to use intelligent mines. These mines differ from traditional mines, as they are specifically designed to intelligently search for aircraft carrier tracks and launch attacks. They are even more effective against nuclear-powere

d US aircraft carriers than the Dongfeng-21 missile. Russian experts have said that once a US aircraft carrier encounters such a mine, it is afraid that it will no longer have the courage to continue sailing. However, some people doubt whether these intelligent mines can truly stop the US's 11 aircraft carriers.In everyone's impression, mines are an ancient weapons for naval warfare. Nowadays, m

ines have become an indispensable equipment for the naval forces of various countries. It is understood that mines have the ability to penetrate deeper into the sea than nuclear weapons, and can quickly surface to launch an attack after detecting enemy warships, with extremely strong concealment and lethality. Compared with past mines, today's mines are more proactive and do not need to wait for t

he enemy to be hit before exploding. They can threaten all types of naval vessels, and even rival anti-ship ballistic missiles. Currently, China has installed intelligent mines with power and detection systems. Once a war breaks out, these mines can accurately search for the location of an aircraft carrier and conduct targeted attacks. They can also identify targets such as US aircraft carriers, C

hinese warships, and civilian ships, with a very small chance of making mistakes. Therefore, even if the US sends out 11 aircraft carriers, it is not invincible. China, Russia, and other countries have the ability to respond.This also illustrates that modern warfare requires more advanced weapons, and we need to continue to cultivate professional talents, continuously improve in the military fie

ld, and enhance national defense capabilities. The use of intelligent mines is just one example of how technological advancements can aid in national defense. As countries continue to develop new methods of warfare, it is important for each nation to remain vigilant and prepared for any potential threats that may arise.


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