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1. The discount ___ only to children under the age of ten.打折只面向十岁以下的孩子。

2. If you get under 50%, you’ve ___ the exam.如果你考分低于50%,你就不及格。

3. These toys would be ___ for kids of five and under.这些玩具适合于5岁以下的孩子。

4. The work was completed ___ very difficult conditions.这工作是在很困难的条件下完成的。

5. I hate ___ under anesthetic. 我讨厌被麻醉。

6. Now that the ___ is approaching we all feel under pressure.截止日期就要到了,我们都感觉到了压力。

7. The chair broke under his ___.椅子在他重压之下断裂了。

8. The global ecosystem is ___ down under the demands imposed on it by human beings.由于人类过分的攫取,全球生态系统正面临崩溃。

9. Peace talks began last year under the ___ of the United Nations.在联合国的支持下,和平谈判自去年开始。

10. Under the present ___, you can buy ten liters of wine.在目前的规定下,你可以买十升酒。

11. The town is under ___ from the air.城镇正受到空袭。

12. The proposals are now under consideration by the ___ of Governors.这些建议董事会正在考虑之中。

13. The police deny it, but I’m sure she’s under ___.警方否认此事,但我确信她正受到怀疑。

14. The situation is still not under ___.局势仍未得到控制。

15. He was under the mistaken ___ that I was in charge.他错误地认为是我在负责。

16. Once in the courthouse, they were too frightened to lie under ___, so the whole story came out.一旦站在法庭上,他们就害怕得不敢立誓说谎,事情真相就暴露出来了。

17. They were under strict ___ not to talk about their salaries or working conditions.他们奉行严格的命令不得谈及他们的薪资和工作条件。

18. He’s under doctor’s orders to ___ down on fatty food.他遵照医生之嘱少吃高脂食品。

19. He ___ under the name of John Carre.他用约翰·卡雷这个名字发表作品。

20. For his own safety, he has to ___ under a false name.为了自身安全,他不得不用假名。

21. Economic recovery is already under ___.经济已经开始复苏。

22. The film festival ___ under way on 11th July.电影节于7月11日开始。

23. We’re all ___ and underpaid.我们都超时工作而且工资很低。

24. His boss says he’s ___-performing at work.他的老板说他上班时表现不好。

25. In ___ operations, a patient can be under for six hour or more.在大手术中,病人可失去知觉达六个小时或更长时间。

26. The main fields are ___ wheat.主要农田种麦子。

27. What percentage of the land is under ___?已耕地所占百分比是多少?

28. I wonder what Britain was ___ under the Romans.我想知道罗马统治下的英国是什么样子。

29. He’s a Colonel, with hundreds of soldiers under ___.他是个上校,手下有成百上千的士兵。

30. She fell under his ___ when he was her tutor at university.大学时他是她的导师并深受他的影响。

31. ‘Are you ill?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got a ___ and I’ve been under the doctor.’“你病了吗?”“是的,我感染了病毒,已经看过医生了。”

32. Because I’m a bad swimmer, I often go under and ___ a lot of water.由于我不会游泳,经常沉到水里,喝了很多水。

33. Thousands of companies ___ under during the recession.经济衰退期间,成千上万的公司*了。

34. Remember to put an under-balance on the bed before you put the ___ on.记住铺床单前先铺上毛毯垫子。

35. All ___ cost under a pound.所有的物品价钱不到一英镑。

36. I’ll ___ the key under the mat for you, okay?我把钥匙放在门垫下,好吗?

37. In AD 79 the city of Pompei was ___ under a layer of ash seven meters deep.公元79年,庞贝城被湮没在七米深的火山灰下。

38. She put the thermometer under my ___.她把温度计放在我的舌头下面。

39. She was ___ a file under her arm.她腋下夹着一个文件夹。

40. If I don’t get at least seven hours sleep, I get ___ under my eyes.如果我得不到至少七小时的睡眠,我眼下就会浮肿发黑。

41. If you’ve ___ your finger, put it under the cold tap.如果你烫伤了手指,把它放在冷水龙头下面冲。

42. They stood under a tree to avoid ___ wet.他们站在树下以免淋湿。

43. The pedestrian subway ___ under the main road.人行地道在交通干道底下穿过。

44. People born under the star sign Pisces are ___ to be dreamy and artistic.出生于双鱼座时段的人被认为富有幻想力和艺术才能。

45. Under a microscope, a human hair seems to be the ___ of a piece of string.在显微镜下人的毛发显得像绳子一样粗细。

46. The company’s accounts were under the ___ by the tax investigators.公司的账目被税务检察官仔细检查。

47. Wendy had ___ the box under her bed.温迪把盒子藏在了自己的床底下。

48. We ___ under the Golden Gate Bridge.我们在金门大桥下航行。

49. Write you name ___ your picture.在你的照片下面写上名字。

50. I could see something ___ under the water.我看到水下有东西在闪闪发光。

51. He was ___ a jacket under his coat.他在大衣里面穿了件夹克。

52. Under her arm, she carried a large ___.她腋下夹了个大公文包。

53. In summer, we often slept under the ___.夏天,我们经常露宿在星空之下。

54. I’d scare my mom by diving in and ___ under for as long as I could.我会跳进水里,在水里待到憋不住为止,以此来吓唬我妈妈。

55. The bench ___ under the weight of so many people.长椅承受不住这么多人的重量塌了。

56. These toys are not suitable ___ children under five.这些玩具不适合五岁以下的儿童玩。

57. Most of the ___ listed cost under $60.所列项目活动的花费大都低于60美元。

58. I spent just under four hours a day ___ customers.我一天接待客户所花的时间将近四小时。

59. Children aged 12 or under must be ___ by an adult.12及12岁以下的儿童必须由成人陪同。

60. The ___ of employing more staff is still under discussion.关于是否可以招聘更多员工的问题仍在讨论之中。

61. All categories of expenditure are under ___.各项开支正在审查中。

62. Four new ___ stations are currently under construction.有四座新的发电站目前正在建设中。

63. The port was ___ under attack from enemy warships.那个港口正遭到敌舰的攻击。

64. She’s been under a lot of pressure ___ work.她工作压力很大。

65. He was accused of driving while under the ___ of alcohol.他被控酒后驾车。

66. The operation was carried out while she was under ___ anesthetic.手术在她全身麻醉的状态下进行。

67. I’m glad to see that you ___ everything under control.很高兴看到一切都在你的控制之中。

68. Two of our national parks are currently under ___ from road schemes.目前筑路计划可能使我们的两个国家公园遭到破坏。

69. The doctor injected something into my arm and I immediately felt myself ___ under.医生往我的手臂里注射了一种东西,我便立即失去了知觉。

70. I wish I’d met him under ___ circumstances.我真希望不是在这种情况下遇见他的。

71. The system ___ well under normal conditions.正常情况下这个系统运转良好。

72. Now the question is whether the trade is ___ under international law.现在的问题是根据国际法那笔生意是否违法。

73. Under the terms of the agreement, the debt will be ___ over a 20-year period.根据这项协议的条款,这笔债务将在20年内还清。

74. This program was ___ under President Clinton and continued under President Bush.这一计划是在克林顿总统时期启动,布什总统时期继续实施的。

75. Under her leadership, the magazine’s ___ doubled in less than a year.在她的领导下,这份杂志的发行量不到一年就翻了一倍。

76. ___ it have been different under a Labor government?如果是工党执政,会有改变吗?

77. She had a ___ staff of ten working under her.一共有十名员工在她手下工作。

78. From 1847 to 1851 he ___ under Captain John Randolph Stokes.1847年至1851年,他在约翰·伦道夫·斯托克斯上校手下服役。

79. At Cambridge he ___ under F. R. Leavis.他在剑桥大学期间师从F.R.利维斯。

80. The baby’s records are ___ under the mother’s last name.宝宝的记录归档在母亲的姓氏下。

81. He made a few ___ under the name of Joe Ritche.他用乔·里奇的名字录制了几张唱片。

82. These photographs ___ the underbelly of the United States – its poverty, its injustice, and its alienated underclass.这些照片捕捉了美国社会中贫穷、不公正以及被孤立的底层阶级的阴暗面。

83. They needed to find the ___ underbelly of their opponents.他们需要找到对手的软肋。

84. The city is grossly ___ companies to use the land.那座城市对公司用地收取很少的费用。

85. We should pay more attention to the urban underclass, who have little ___ to health care.我们应该更多地关注不能充分享受医疗服务的城市贫困阶层。

86. The teacher said Paul was ___, because he was getting Bs and Cs when he should be getting As.老师说鲍尔未达到水平,他测试总是得些B和C,而他本应得些A的。

87. What is that kid doing in the bar? He’s clearly ___.那小家伙在酒吧里干什么?很明显他还未到法定年龄。

88. The film ___ the sordid underbelly of modern urban society.这部电影揭露了现代城市社会乌七八糟的底层。

89. They don’t like the proposed agreement, and are clearly ___ on undercutting it.他们不喜欢提出的协议,很明显着意暗中破坏它。

90. One shouldn’t ___ the difficulties of getting all the political parties to the conference table.不应低估试图让所有党派都坐下来谈判的困难。

91. From the ___ we could barely see the people on the beach below us.我们在峭壁上几乎看不到下面海滩上的人。

92. His apartment is ___ ours on the left.他的公寓在我们的左下方。

93. The girls wear ___ underneath their cheerleading skirts.女孩们在啦啦队短裙下面穿了短裤。

94. I found the book ___ the sofa.我在沙发底下找到了那本书。

95. They ___ hand in hand beneath the summer moon.他们手拉手在夏夜的月光下散步。

96. The water ___ just beneath the surface of the earth.水就在地表之下。

97. He worked under ___ in Germany and Northern Ireland.他在德国和北爱尔兰做地下工作。

98. He sensed an undercurrent of ___ among the crowd.他察觉出人群中有一股潜在的不满情绪。

99. Online bookstores can ___ retailers by up to 30%.网上书店最多能以低于零售店30%的价格销售。

100. Is a lack of self-confidence undercutting your ___ at work? 是不是缺乏信心影响你的工作表现?

101. Crowds often feel sympathy for the ___.观众经常会同情弱者。

102. We underestimated how long it would ___ to get there.我们低估了到那里所需要的时间。

103. Never underestimate the ___ of the press.绝不要低估新闻的力量。

104. Our education system is seriously ___.我们的教育系统资金严重不足。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 applies 2 failed 3 suitable 4 under 5 being 6 deadline 7 weight 8 breaking 9 auspices 10 rules 11 fire 12 Board 13 suspicion 14 control 15 belief 16 oath 17 orders 18 cut 19 writes 20 operate 21 way 22 gets 23 overworked 24 under 25 major 26 under 27 cultivation 28 like 29 him 30 influence 31 virus 32 swallow 33 went 34 sheet 35 items 36 leave 37 buried 38 tongue 39 holding 40 bags 41 burnt 42 getting 43 runs 44 supposed 45 size 46 microscope 47 hidden 48 sailed 49 under 50 glittering 51 wearing 52 portfolio 53 stars 54 staying 55 collapsed 56 for 57 events 58 seeing 59 accompanied 60 possibility 61 review 62 power 63 coming 64 at 65 influence 66 general 67 have 68 threat 69 going 70 different 71 operates 72 illegal 73 repaid 74 initiated 75 circulation 76 Would 77 total 78 served 79 studied 80 filed 81 records 82 capture 83 soft 84 undercharging 85access 86 underachieving 87underage 88 exposes 89 undercut 90 underestimate 91 cliffs 92 below 93 shorts 94 underneath 95 strolled 96 lies 97 cover 98 resentment 99 undercut 100 performance 101 underdog 102 take 103 power 104 underfunded


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