



又称符号逻辑,数学的一个分支,处于数学与哲学(特别是数学哲学)的交叉部分。数理逻辑一方面使用形式逻辑的思想方法研究数学及数学推理的基本原则和规律;另一方面使用数学工具来表示和研究形式逻辑的性质和结构。包含了很多分支和研究方向,其中最主要的分支为模型论、证明论、集合论和递归论(即可计算理论)。这四个分支的发展都和哥德尔在 20世纪30年代完成的工作有着密切的联系。







Shùlǐ luójí yòu chēng fúhào luójí, shùxué de yīgè fēnzhī, chǔyú shùxué yǔ zhéxué (tèbié shì shùxué zhéxué) de jiāochā bùfèn. Shùlǐ luójí yī fāngmiàn shǐyòng xíngshì luójí de sīxiǎng fāngfǎ yánjiū shùxué jí shùxué tuīlǐ de jīběn yuánzé hé guīlǜ; lìng yī fāngmiàn shǐyòng shùxué gōngjù lái biǎoshì hé yánjiū xíngshì luójí dì xìngzhì hé jiégòu. Bāohánle hěnduō fēnzhī hé yánjiū fāngxiàng, qízhōng zuì zhǔyào de fēnzhī wèi móxíng lùn, zhèngmíng lùn, jíhé lùn hé dìguī lùn (jí kě jìsuàn lǐlùn). Zhè sì gè fēnzhī de fǎ zhǎn dōu hé gē dé'ěr zài 20 shìjì 30 niándài wánchéng de gōngzuò yǒuzhe mìqiè de liánxì. Shùlǐ luójí shì bàn suí zhāo shùxué gōnglǐ huà jìnchéng ér bùduàn fāzhǎn de. Zài 19 shìjì hòuqí dào 20 shìjì chū, fú léi gé hé luōsù zhìlì yú yòng fúhào luójí tìdài zìrán yǔyán lái miáoshù shùxué yuánlǐ hé shùxué tuīlǐ, tāmen fāzhǎn le mìngtí yǎnsuàn hé wèicí yǎnsuàn, shǐdé shùxué gèngjiā xìtǒng huà hé yángé huà, cóng'ér shǐdé shùxué hé luójí chéngwéi yītǐ. Tāmen de gōngzuò yě shǐdé rénmen gèngjiā liǎo xiè shùxué tuīdǎo zhōng de luójí yǔyì hé luójí yǔfǎ de chābié. Zhè tuīdòngle shùxué gōnglǐ huà de jìnchéng. Dàn zài cǐ fāzhǎn zhōng chǎnshēngle duì shùxué gōnglǐ huà guòyú lèguān de qīngxiàng, jí rènwéi zuìzhōng kěyǐ zhǎodào yīgè xiāng róng de, wánbèi de gōnglǐ xìtǒng shǐdé suǒyǒu de shùxué dìnglǐ, bāokuò zhège gōnglǐ xìtǒng de xiāng róng xìng, dōu chéngwéi zhège gōnglǐ xìtǒng de tuīlùn. Zhè jiùshì suǒwèi de xī ěr bó tè jìhuà. Dànshì zhège qīngxiàng què bèi gē dé'ěr suǒ fǒudìng. Gē dé'ěr guānyú yī jiē luójí de wánbèi xìng dìnglǐ biǎomíng shùxué zhōng jīyú yǔfǎ shàng de tuīdǎo hé jīyú yǔyì shàng de tuīlǐ shì děng jià de. Jīyú yǔfǎ shàng de tuīdǎo shì yīgè ànzhào yīdìng guīzé jìnxíng de jīxiè guòchéng. Tā bù yīlài yú yuányīn, jiéguǒ yǐjí zhōngjiān guòchéng de jùtǐ hányì; jīyú yǔyì shàng de tuīlǐ zé tōngguò duì měi yīgè yǔjù zài měi gè shùxué jiégòu (móxíng) zhōng de yǔyì jiěshì hé zhēn jiǎ zhí lái quèdìng yuányīn hé jiéguǒ de guānxì. Gē dé'ěr wánbèi dìnglǐ shēnkè de jiēshì chū shùxué lǐlùn zhōng yǔfǎ xíngshì tuīdǎo hé yǔyì nèiróng fēnxī tuīlǐ zhī jiān de yīzhì xìng; yě yīncǐ zhǎnxiànle móxíng zài shùxué tuīlǐ zhōng de zuòyòng, cùjìnle móxíng lùn de fǎ zhǎn. Gē dé'ěr dì yī bù wánquán xìng dìnglǐ chénggōng dì yìngyòng shùxué tuīlǐ lái fēnxī luójí de nèihán hé qí júxiàn xìng, bìng zhèngmíngliǎo xī ěr bó tè jìhuà de bùkě xíng xìng, jí duìyú rènyì yīgè xiāng róng de, bāohánle ruò suànshù gōnglǐ de, kě pànduàn de gōnglǐ xìtǒng, zǒng cúnzài yīgè yǔjù shǐ qí bùnéng cóng gāi gōnglǐ xìtǒng chūfā lái zhèngmíng huò fǎnzhèng. Zhè chéngwéi shùlǐ luójí lìng yī fēnzhī zhèngmíng lùn de qǐdiǎn. Wèi liǎojiějué zài yǐnjìn liǎo wúxiàn jíhé hòu chǎnshēng de gè zhǒng chāochū dāngshí xiǎngxiàng de wèntí, kāng tuō ěr jiànlìle púsù jíhé lùn. Dàn zài luōsù fāxiànle zhùmíng de luōsù bèi lùn hòu, duì púsù jíhé lùn jìnxíng gǎizào jiù pòzàiméijié. Zài cè méi luò, fú lún kè ěr jí qítā shùxué jiā de nǔlì xià, jíhé lùn de gōnglǐ xìtǒng, rú cè méi luò-fú lún kè ěr gōnglǐ xìtǒng, zài shùlǐ luójí de kuàngjià xià déyǐ jiànlì. Cè méi luò-fú lún kè ěr gōnglǐ xìtǒng de yǐnrù bìmiǎnle luōsù bèi lùn. Yīnwèi cè méi luò-fú lún kè ěr lǐlùn xìtǒng shì zuòwéi zhěnggè shùxué de jīchǔ lǐlùn ér yǐn jìn de, tā de xiāng róng xìng jiù dédào shùxué jiāmen de zhòngshì. Gē dé'ěr duì jíhé lùn fāzhǎn de gòngxiàn cúnzài yú liǎng gè fāngmiàn. Yī fāngmiàn, gē dé'ěr dì èr bù wánquán xìng dìnglǐ zhèngmíngliǎo cóng rènyì yīgè xiāng róng de, bāohánle suànshù gōnglǐ de, kě pàndìng de gōnglǐ xìtǒng chū fǎ bùkěnéng zhèngmíng gāi xìtǒng qí zìshēn xiāng róng xìng. Suǒyǐ zài cè méi luò-fú lún kè ěr gōnglǐ xìtǒng zhōng bù kěnéng zhèngmíng gāi xìtǒng de xiāng róng xìng, cóng'ér shǐ rénmen bìmiǎnle zài cè méi luò-fú lún kè ěr gōnglǐ xìtǒng nèi xúnzhǎo běn xìtǒng xiāng róng xìng de wúwèi nǔlì. Lìng yī fāngmiàn, gē dé'ěr yǐnrùle kě gòuzào xìng hàn kě gòuzào yù, cóng'ér jiànlìle xuǎnzé gōnglǐ hé liánxù tǒng jiǎshè yǔ cè méi luò-fú lún kè ěr gōnglǐ xìtǒng de xiāngduì xiāng róng xìng. Zhè hé yǐhòu kē'ēn lìyòng lì pò fǎ zhèngmíng de fēi xuǎnzé gōnglǐ yǐjí fēi liánxù tǒng jiǎshè yǔ cè méi luò-fú lún kè ěr gōnglǐ xìtǒng xiāngduì xiāng róng de jiéguǒ yīqǐ chéngle xiàndài gōnglǐ jíhé lùn de dúlì xìng zhèngmíng de yàngběn. Gē dé'ěr dì yī bù wánquán xìng dìnglǐ zhèngmíng zhōng de yīgè zhòngyào bùzhòu shì fēnxī kě zhèngmíng yǔjù de jìsuàn fùzá xìng. Gē dé'ěr zhèngmíngliǎo zài yīgè xiāng róng de, bāohánle ruò suànshù gōnglǐ de, kě pànduàn de gōnglǐ xìtǒng zhōng, suǒyǒu kě zhèngmíng yǔjù de jíhé shì bù kě pàndìng de, suǒyǐ yīdìng cúnzài yīgè bùzài gāi jíhé zhōng de yǔjù shǐdé cǐ yǔjù de fǒudìng yě bùzài gāi jíhé zhōng. Wèile wánshàn duì kě pàndìng xìng de miáoshù, qiū qí, tú líng děng tíliàn chū dìguī hánshù hé tú líng kě jìsuàn xìng děng gàiniàn. Duì zhèxiē gàiniàn de shēnrù yánjiū cù fāle dìguī lùn de chǎnshēng hé fāzhǎn. Shùlǐ luójí shì yīgè guǎngfàn de lǐngyù, yǐshàng sì gè fēnzhī bìng bù bāohán suǒyǒu shùlǐ luójí de nèiróng. Lìngwài rú duō zhí luójí, móhú luójí, mó tài luójí děng, dōu shì shùlǐ luójí yǒuqù de zǔchéng bùfèn.

Mathematical logic
Also known as symbolic logic, a branch of mathematics is at the intersection of mathematics and philosophy (especially mathematics philosophy). On the one hand, mathematical logic uses the thinking methods of formal logic to study the basic principles and laws of mathematics and mathematical reasoning; on the other hand, it uses mathematical tools to express and study the nature and structure of formal logic. Contains many branches and research directions, the main branches of which are model theory, proof theory, set theory and recursion theory (that is, calculation theory). The development of these four branches is closely related to the work completed by Gödel in the 1930s.
Mathematical logic is constantly evolving with the axiomatic process of mathematics. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, Frege and Russell were committed to using symbolic logic instead of natural language to describe mathematical principles and mathematical reasoning. They developed propositional calculus and predicate calculus, which made mathematics more systematic and strict, so that Math and logic become one. Their work also makes people more aware of the difference between logical semantics and logical grammar in mathematical derivation. This promotes the axiomatization of mathematics. But in this development, there is a tendency to be too optimistic about the axiom of mathematics, that is, a compatible and complete axiom system can eventually be found so that all mathematical theorems, including the compatibility of this axiom system, become this axiom system Inference. This is the so-called Hilbert plan. But this tendency was denied by Gödel.
Gödel's completeness theorem about first-order logic shows that grammatical deduction and semantic reasoning in mathematics are equivalent. Syntax-based derivation is a mechanical process carried out according to certain rules. It does not depend on the specific meanings of causes, results, and intermediate processes; semantic-based reasoning determines the relationship between causes and results through the semantic interpretation and true and false values ​​of each statement in each mathematical structure (model). Gödel's complete theorem profoundly reveals the consistency between the derivation of grammatical forms in mathematical theory and the reasoning of semantic content analysis; therefore, it shows the role of models in mathematical reasoning and promotes the development of model theory.
Gödel's first incompleteness theorem successfully applied mathematical reasoning to analyze the connotation of logic and its limitations, and proved the infeasibility of Hilbert's plan, that is, for any compatible one, including weak arithmetic axioms There is always a sentence in the axiomatic system that can be judged so that it cannot be proved or disproved from the axiom system. This became the starting point of proof theory of another branch of mathematical logic.
In order to solve the problems beyond the imagination after the introduction of infinite sets, Cantor established the naive set theory. But after Russell discovered the famous Russell paradox, it was imminent to transform the naive set theory. With the efforts of Zemelo, Frenkel, and other mathematicians, the axiom system of set theory, such as the Zemelo-Frenkel axiom system, was established under the framework of mathematical logic. The introduction of the Zemelo-Frankel axiom system avoids the Russell paradox. Because the Zemelo-Frankel theory system was introduced as the basic theory of the entire mathematics, its compatibility has been valued by mathematicians. Gödel's contribution to the development of set theory exists in two aspects. On the one hand, Gödel's second incompleteness theorem proves that from any compatible, decidable axiom system containing arithmetic axioms, it is impossible to prove the system's own compatibility. Therefore, it is impossible to prove the compatibility of this system in the Zemelo-Frankel axiom system, so that people avoid the unnecessary efforts to find the compatibility of this system in the Zemelo-Frankel axiom system. On the other hand, Gödel introduced constructability and constructable domains, thereby establishing the relative compatibility of the selection axioms and continuum assumptions with the Zemelo-Frankel axiom system. This, together with the results of Cohen's non-selective axioms and the assumption that the discontinuous system is relatively compatible with the Zemelo-Frankel axiom system, proved to be a sample of the independent proof of modern axiom set theory.
An important step in the proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem is to analyze the computational complexity of provable sentences. Gödel proved that in a compatible, decidable axiom system that includes weak arithmetic axioms, the set of all provable sentences is undecidable, so there must be a statement that is not in the set making this statement negative Is not in the collection. In order to perfect the description of decidability, Church, Turing, etc. refined the concepts of recursive function and Turing computability. The in-depth study of these concepts has promoted the emergence and development of recursion theory.
Mathematical logic is a broad field. The above four branches do not contain all the contents of mathematical logic. In addition, such as multi-valued logic, fuzzy logic, modal logic, etc., are all interesting components of mathematical logic.

数学の論理は、数学の公理的なプロセスとともに常に進化しています。 19世紀後半から20世紀初頭にかけて、FregeとRussellは自然言語ではなく記号論理を使用して数学の原理と数学的推論を記述することに専念しました。彼らは命題計算と述語計算を開発し、数学をより体系的かつ厳密にしました。数学と論理がひとつになります。彼らの研究はまた、数学的な派生における論理的な意味論と論理的な文法の違いを人々にもっと気づかせます。これは数学の公理化を促進します。しかし、この開発では、数学の公理について楽観的になりすぎる傾向があります。つまり、互換性のある完全な公理系が最終的に見つかり、この公理系の互換性を含むすべての数学的定理がこの公理系になるようになります。推論。これは、いわゆるヒルベルト計画です。しかし、この傾向はゲーデルによって否定されました。
無限集合の導入後、想像を超える問題を解決するために、カントールは単純集合理論を確立しました。しかし、ラッセルが有名なラッセルのパラドックスを発見した後、ナイーブセット理論を変換することが差し迫っていました。ゼメロ、フレンケル、および他の数学者の努力により、ゼメロ-フレンケル公理​​系などの集合論の公理系は、数学的論理の枠組みの下で確立されました。 Zemelo-Frankel公理システムの導入により、ラッセルのパラドックスが回避されます。ゼメロ・フランケル理論システムは数学全体の基礎理論として導入されたため、その互換性は数学者によって評価されてきました。ゲーデルの集合論の発展への貢献は2つの側面で存在します。一方、ゲーデルの2番目の不完全性定理は、算術公理を含む互換性のある決定可能な公理システムから、システム自体の互換性を証明することは不可能であることを証明します。したがって、Zemelo-Frankel公理システムでこのシステムの互換性を証明することは不可能です。そのため、Zemelo-Frankel公理システムでこのシステムの互換性を見つけるための不必要な努力を回避できます。一方、ゲーデルは構築可能性と構築可能領域を導入し、それによって選択公理と連続体仮定のZemelo-Frankel公理システムとの相対的な互換性を確立しました。これは、コーエンの非選択的公理の結果と、不連続システムがZemelo-Frankel公理システムと比較的互換性があるという仮定とともに、現代の公理集合理論の独立した証明のサンプルであることが証明されました。

Sūrironri-gaku shinborikkurojikku to shite mo shira rete iru sūgaku no bunki wa, sūgaku to tetsugaku (tokuni sūgaku no tetsugaku) no kōsaten ni arimasu. Ippō de, sūgaku-teki ronri wa keishiki ronri no shikō hōhō o shiyō shite, sūgaku to sūgaku-teki suiron no kihon genri to hōsoku o kenkyū shimasu. Ippō de, sūgaku-teki tsūru o shiyō shite, keishiki ronri no seishitsu to kōzō o hyōgen oyobi kenkyū shimasu. Ōku no bunki to kenkyū no hōkō-sei ga fukuma rete ori, sono omona bunki wa, moderu riron, shōmeiriron, shūgō-ron, oyobi saikiriron (tsumari, keisan riron)desu. Korera no 4tsu no shibu no kaihatsu wa, 1930-nendai ni gēderu ga kanryō shita sagyō to missetsu ni kanren shite imasu. Sūgaku no ronri wa, sūgaku no kōri-tekina purosesu to tomoni tsuneni shinka shite imasu. 19 Seiki kōhan kara 20 seiki shotō ni kakete, furēge to rasseru wa shizen gengode wanaku kigō ronri o shiyō shite sūgaku no genri to sūgaku-teki suiron o kijutsu suru koto ni sen'nen shimashita. Karera wa meidaikeisan to jutsugokeisan o kaihatsu shi, sūgaku o yori taikei-teki katsu genmitsu ni shimashita. Sūgaku to ronri ga hitotsu ni narimasu. Karera no kenkyū wa mata, sūgaku-tekina hasei ni okeru ronri-tekina imi-ron to ronri-tekina bunpō no chigai o hitobito ni motto kidzuka semasu. Kore wa sūgaku no kōri-ka o sokushin shimasu. Shikashi, kono kaihatsude wa, sūgaku no kōri ni tsuite rakukanteki ni nari sugiru keikō ga arimasu. Tsumari, gokanseinoaru kanzen'na kōrikei ga saishūtekini mitsukari, kono kōrikei no gokansei o fukumu subete no sūgaku-teki teiri ga kono kōrikei ni naru yō ni narimasu. Suiron. Kore wa, iwayuru Hiruberuto keikakudesu. Shikashi, kono keikō wa gēderu ni yotte hitei sa remashita. Ichiji ronri ni kansuru gēderu no kanzen seiteiri wa, sūgaku ni okeru bunpō en'eki to imironteki suiron ga dōtōdearu koto o shimeshite imasu. Kōbun bēsu no hasei wa, tokutei no rūru ni shitagatte jikkō sa reru kikai-tekina purosesudesu. Gen'in, kekka, chūkan purosesu no tokutei no imi ni wa izon shimasen. Imi-ron ni motodzuku suiron wa, kaku sūgaku kōzō (moderu) no kaku sutētomento no imi kaishaku to shin to nise no atai o tsūjite, gen'in to kekka no kankei o kettei shimasu. Gēderu no kanzen'na teiri wa, sūgaku-teki riron ni okeru bunpō keishiki no dōshutsu to imironteki naiyō bunseki no suiron no ma no ikkan-sei o fukaku akiraka ni shite iru tame, sūgaku-teki suiron ni okeru moderu no yakuwari o shimeshi, moderu riron no hatten o sokushin shite imasu. Gēderu no saisho no fukanzensei teiri wa, ronri-tekina imiai to sono seigen o bunseki suru tame ni sūgaku-teki suiron o umaku tekiyō shi, Hiruberuto no keikaku, tsumari yowai sanjutsu kōri o fukumu gokanseinoaru keikaku no jikkō fu kanōsei o shōmei shimashita kōri shisutemu ni wa, kōri shisutemu kara shōmei matawa hanshō dekinai yō ni handan dekiru bun ga tsuneni sonzai shimasu. Kore wa, sūgaku-teki ronri no betsu no bunki no shōmeiriron no shuppatsu-ten to narimashita. Mugen shūgō no dōnyūgo, sōzō o koeru mondai o kaiketsu suru tame ni, kantōru wa tanjun shūgō riron o kakuritsu shimashita. Shikashi, rasseru ga yūmeina rasseru no paradokkusu o hakken shita nochi, naībusetto riron o henkan suru koto ga sashisematte imashita. Zemero, furenkeru, oyobi hoka no sugakusha no doryoku ni yori, zemero - furenkeru kōri ​​-kei nado no shūgō-ron no kōrikei wa, sūgaku-teki ronri no wakugumi no shita de kakuritsu sa remashita. Zemelo - furankeru kōri shisutemu no dōnyū ni yori, rasseru no paradokkusu ga kaihi sa remasu. Zemero furankeru riron shisutemu wa sūgakuzentai no kiso riron to shite dōnyū sa reta tame, sono gokansei wa sugakusha ni yotte hyōka sa rete kimashita. Gēderu no shūgō-ron no hatten e no kōken wa 2tsu no sokumen de sonzai shimasu. Ippō, gēderu no 2-banme no fukanzensei teiri wa, sanjutsu kōri o fukumu gokanseinoaru kettei kanōna kōri shisutemu kara, shisutemu jitai no gokansei o shōmei suru koto wa fukanōdearu koto o shōmei shimasu. Shitagatte, Zemelo - furankeru kōri shisutemu de kono shisutemu no gokansei o shōmei suru koto wa fukanōdesu. Sonotame, Zemelo - furankeru kōri shisutemu de kono shisutemu no gokansei o mitsukeru tame no fuhitsuyōna doryoku o kaihi dekimasu. Ippō, gēderu wa kōchiku kanōsei to kōchiku kanō ryōiki o dōnyū shi, sore ni yotte sentaku kōri to renzoku-tai katei no Zemelo - furankeru kōri shisutemu to no sōtaitekina gokansei o kakuritsu shimashita. Kore wa, kōen no hisentakuteki kōri no kekka to, furenzoku shisutemu ga Zemelo - furankeru kōri shisutemu to hikakuteki gokansei ga aru to iu katei to tomoni, gendai no kōri shūgō riron no dokuritsu shita shōmei no sanpurudearu koto ga shōmei sa remashita. Gēderu no saisho no fukanzensei teiri no shōmei ni okeru jūyōna suteppu wa, shōmei kanōna bun no keisan no fukuzatsu-sa o bunseki suru kotodesu. Gēderu wa, yowai sanjutsu kōri o fukumu gokanseinoaru kettei kanōna kōri shisutemude wa, subete no shōmei kanōna bun no setto wa kettei fukanōdearu koto o shōmei shimashita. Korekushon ni fukuma rete imasen. Kettei kanōsei no kijutsu o kanzen ni suru tame ni, chāchi, chūringu nado wa, saiki kansū to chūringu keisan kanōsei no gainen o senren shimashita. Korera no gainen no shōsaina kenkyū ni yori, saikiriron no shutsugen to hatten ga sokushin sa remashita. Sūrironri-gaku wa habahiroi bun'yadeari, jōki no 4tsu no buranchi ni wa sūrironri-gaku no subete no naiyō ga fukuma rete iru wakede wa arimasen. Sarani, tachi rojikku, fajīrojikku, mōdarurojikku nado wa subete, sūgaku-teki rojikku no kyōmibukai konpōnentodesu.


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