诺贝尔奖年年颁,要说老百姓最关心的,或许就是文学奖 和生理学或医学 奖 了。
(图via nobelprize.org)
三人因为在生理学/医学上的巨大发现,一共获得了900万瑞典克朗的诺贝尔奖金——相当于人民币700万 。
而这个巨大发现,和我们每一个人息息相关:它相当于一个对人类的健康忠告,而且…… 相当的简单粗暴。
"...discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm." → 发现了“生物昼夜节律的控制分子机制” 。
“生物钟” 的说法在中国一直有,有人信有人存疑。而这次,三位诺贝尔得奖主从权威科学地角度证实了它的“存在”。
而“生物钟”这玩意儿,放在当下又有了非常现实的指导意义 。
不 要 熬 夜
According to the Nobel committee’s citation, Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young were recognised for their discoveries explaining “how plants, animals and humans adapt their biological rhythm so that it is synchronised with the Earth’s revolutions.”
When there is a mismatch between this internal “clock” and the external surroundings, it can affect the organism’s wellbeing – for example, in humans, when we experience jet lag.
当(生物)内部的“时钟”与外部环境不协调时,它就会影响该机体的健康 ——例如人类有关时差 的经历。
Nobel prize for medicine awarded for insights into internal biological clock (via The Guardian)
倒时差的痛苦感觉,毕竟大多数普通人经历得不多。但 熬 夜 却是咱们每个人都立过(又倒下了)的flag。
不熬夜还好,一熬夜晚睡,你担心的各种毛病可能都会找上门来:皮肤变差、精神变差、脾气变差、 注意力变差、体质变差、抵抗力变差……
The Nobel Prize, and continuing research, highlight how far sleep research has come: For many decades it had been neglected by the medical community, even thoughsleep, especially lack of it, can contribute to disease and cost society billions of dollars, a recent New Yorker magazine piece noted.
Forty-seven million U.S. adults do not get a restorative sleep at night;workplace injuries and decreased productivity resulting from sleep deprivation are estimated to cost the United States billions annually; andtired drivers cause 20 percent of all car crashes, more than 1 million crashes a year.
Nobel prizes 2017: everything you need to know about circadian rhythms (via The Guardian)
不过……道理大家都懂,但若真让你如许多专家建议的,每晚10点睡、早晨6点起 ,你做得到吗?
通常成年人能满足7-8小时睡眠 即可。至于具体时间,可以参考下面的“佛系养生法”——
Still, experts recommend that the best way to get a good night's sleep is to try and rise around the same time every morning, and go to bed at our sleepiest, which might fluctuate slightly from day to day. To determine your optimal bedtime, set your alarm consistently, restrict the amount of time in bed to how many hours you normally need per night, and hit the sack 15 minutes before that. → 获得良好睡眠的最好方法是,早上在同一时间起床,晚上在最困的时候睡觉。 要坚持设置闹钟,保证每天需要的睡眠时间,并提前15分钟上床就寝。
When's The Best Time to Go to Bed, According to Science? (via Science Alert)
也就是说,早上不赖床,晚上不拖沓 ——就这么简单!
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