






What do you want to draw with? 你想用什么画画呢?

With crayons / paints / pastels / color pencils. 用蜡笔/颜料/粉蜡笔/彩色铅笔

Let's open the sketchbook.我们打开画画本吧

Get out the drawing paper. 拿出画纸

Let's make a sketch. 我们来画草图

What did you draw here? 你在这里画了什么?

You forgot to draw the ears. 你忘记画耳朵了

Now color the picture. 现在开始上色吧

Mom, how do you draw dinosaurs? 妈妈,恐龙怎么画

Look at my drawing. Didn't I draw it well? 看我的画,难道不好吗?

You drew the tree too small / large. 你把树画得太小/太大了。

There is no room to draw the house. 没有地方画房子了

Want to add some facial expressions on it? 要加点面部表情吗?

I'll erase it with an eraser. 我要用橡皮擦掉它(注意千万记住在美国橡皮不是rubber,嘿嘿)

You drew it very well. 你画得很好

You are such a great painter. / We have a great artist here. 你真是个伟大的画家

Wow! It really looks like a bunny running. 哇,看起来真像一个兔子在跑

You made it look real. 你真的画活了!

This part is especially expressive. 这部分特别有感染力

Let's display the picture here. 我们把画在这里展示吧

Do you want me to put it on the wall so that Daddy can see it? 你要我把画挂在墙上给爸爸看吗?

Let's show this to Daddy when he comes. 等爸爸回家时,我们把这个拿给爸爸看。


color pencil 彩笔

crayon [kreən] 蜡笔

pastel [pæ'stɛl] 粉蜡笔

watercolor paint 水彩颜料

oil paint 油画颜料

sketchbook 速写簿

drawing pencil 美术笔

easel ['izl] 画架

paintbrush 画笔

palette ['pælət] 调色盘

color 上色

paint 涂颜料


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