

首页休闲益智Change Your Ways更新时间:2024-04-26





Admit it, not all of us have the best eating habits,

承认吧 不是所有人都有好的饮食习惯

but if you can recognize what you're doing wrong,


it'll empower you to change your ways.


At least, according to certified dietician kathleen Zelman,

至少 根据注册营养师kathleen Zelman的说法

she says that breaking bad eating habits and replacing them with good ones,

她说 打破坏的饮食习惯 用好习惯来代替坏习惯

is the key to effective weight loss.


And if you take on an overall healthy lifestyle,


the benefits will only be multiplied.


Besides, shedding unwanted pounds,

此外 减掉多余的体重

you'll have a stronger body and a happier spirit.

你会有一个更强壮的身体 精神上会感到更加快乐

1. Avoid "Fat-Free" Products 避免食用"无脂肪"的食物

A study published in the Journal of the Association for consumer research,


showed that people who consumed products that were labeled fat-free,


found them less filling and ended up eating more to satisfy their appetite.

他们吃得更少 容易饥饿 最后只能吃得更多来满足他们的胃口

You see, in order to replace fats,

你看 为了取代脂肪

these foods are filled with low performing carbs that get digested so fast,

这些食物都是低碳水化合物 消化得很快

that the feeling of hunger quickly comes back.


This means that you'll need more in order to fill your stomach,


resulting in weight gain.


2. Get 6-8 Hours of Sleep a Day 每天保证6-8小时的睡眠

Researchers at Wake Forest Medical Center have found that


people who sleep five or fewer hours at night


put on over two times more belly fat than those who get an average of six to eight hours of sleep a night.

与每晚平均睡眠6至8小时的人相比 腹部脂肪增加了两倍多

This is especially true for people under 40.


Not sleeping as much as you should makes you feel hungry even if you're not,

睡眠不足会让你感到饥饿 即使你并没有感到饥饿

and that's because sleep loss affects the secretion of cortisol a hormone that regulates the appetite.

这是因为睡眠不足会影响皮质醇的分泌 这是一种调节食欲的激素

3. Don't Drink Coffee on an Empty Stomach 不要在空腹的时候喝咖啡

If you're like me, you reach for the coffeepot first thing in the morning,

如果你和我一样 早上第一件事就是去拿咖啡壶

no breakfast, no shower, no talking, only coffee.

不吃早餐 不洗澡 不说话 只喝咖啡

Well, looks like we're doing some real damage to our bodies by drinking coffee with nothing in our stomach.

嗯 看起来 空腹的时候喝咖啡 对我们的身体造成了真正的伤害

Dr. Adam Simon, the chief medical officer at Busch doctor,

亚当·西蒙博士 Busch doctor的首席医疗官

an online doctor consultation service in the UK,


is also a contributing writer to the sights blocks.


In one of his articles, he explains that when coffee enters an empty stomach,

他在一篇文章中说到 当空腹喝咖啡时

it helps produce acid that can damage your stomach lining and cause indigestion.

它有助于产生酸 可以破坏你的胃粘膜 从而导致消化不良

Plus, coffee stresses your body out causing it to store fat.

另外 咖啡会给你的身体带来压力 导致它储存脂肪

4. Don't Watch TV or Listen to Music While Eating

在吃饭的时候 不要看电视或听音乐

Researchers at the university of Vermont found that


overweight people who reduce their TV time by 50%,


burned an average of 119 more calories a day.


Another study published on the journal food quality and preference showed that,


people who ate while listening to music consumes significantly larger amounts than those who dined in silence.


This is because the mind is too preoccupied with the surrounding distractions,


that it doesn't realize you've eaten enough.


5. Don't Go to the Grocery Store While Hungry 不要在你饥饿的时候去杂货铺

Oh yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

没错 你肯定知道我说的是什么

You go grocery shopping on an empty stomach and end up shoving everything you see into your cart,

你空着肚子去杂货店买东西 结果把你看到的所有东西都塞进了购物车

so you can probably guess what the solution is.


Zellman recommends eating something small and healthy before heading to the grocery store.

泽尔曼建议 在去杂货店之前 可以吃一些小而健康的食物

It's also imperative to bring a shopping list and stick to it as best as you can.

带一张购物清单也很有必要 并尽可能地按照购物清单来买

Another really great idea is to sit down and plan your meals for the week ahead,

另一个好主意就是 坐下来 提前计划好一周的饮食

this way you'll know for sure what products you'll need to hunt for.

这样 你就可以确定你到底需要买什么

6. Cut Way Down on the Soda 少喝汽水

A regular 12 ounce soda contains 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar,


that means if you drink only one can a day, you will eventually start putting on weight.

这意味着 如果你每天只喝一罐 你的体重还是会增加

A new study by Harvard th Chan School of Public Health and Mexico's National Institute of Public Health,


found that women who reduced their soda intake to just one can a week,发现那些将汽水摄入量减少到一周一罐的女性

lost one pound more than those who didn't cut back on the sugary bubbly stuff.

与那些不减少含糖饮料的人相比 他们多减掉了一磅

The study lasted from 2006 to 2008,


and 11,000218 women took part in the research.


By the end of this period, the overweight participants lost a ton of extra pounds just from giving up pop.

在这一阶段结束时 超重的参与者仅仅因为放弃了汽水就减掉了一吨的额外体重

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