

首页休闲益智throw it out更新时间:2024-05-02


Where do I know you from? 我在哪里见过你?I can’t believe he asked you out. 他居然约你出去。I told him I would think about it. 我告诉他会考虑。What do you think she wants? 你觉得她她有啥事儿?I was just trying to be supportive. 我只是想表示支持。You wanted to see me? 你想见我?Are you trying to hurt me or something? 你是想伤害我还是别的什么?You know how much I love that movie. 你知道我有多喜欢那部电影。You are a petty man! 你真是个小气的男人。I’m just trying to help you here. 我是在帮你。

You’re so just doing it out of spite. 你这么做就是为了故意气我。He is our age. 他和我们年龄差不多大。I sure as hell can’t figure it out! 我实在搞不懂。Does it bug you? (某事/物)会不会让你烦?I have to do something. 我必须做点什么。I’mnot gonna let you do this. 我不会让你这么做的。She’s moving on. 她(放下过去)开始新的生活了/她往前走了。I miss her so much. 我真的很想她。That’s what I didn’t wanna know. 我就是不想知道这个(事儿)。I’m just doing this for the wrong reasons. (这么做)我的出发点是错的。

I’m just doing it to get back at him. 我这么做就是为了报复他。I’m sorry, it’s not fair to you. 对不起,这对你不公平。Can I ask you something? 我能问你件事么?Just tell me the truth. 跟我说实话/告诉我真相。I just recently got out of a really serious relationship. 我刚结束一段很认真的感情。

Wasn’t that like a year ago? 那不是一年前吗?You know what I mean? 你懂吗/你懂我的意思吧?I don’t want this to come out wrong. 我希望你别误会。He seems awfully confident. 他看起来非常自信。You wanna get something to eat? 要不要去吃饭?I wasn’t doing anything. 我什么都没做。Can we please trying stay focused on my problem here? 请专心讨论我的问题好吗?I’m talking about you, you big freak. 我说的就是你,你这个大怪胎。You have done nothing but talk about her for last 48 hours. 这48小时以来你开口闭口都是她/你什么都没做光谈论她了。You forgot your shoes. 你忘了拿鞋了。Feel like getting a cup of coffee? 要不要去喝杯咖啡?You ready to go? 可以走了吗?Hey, how was work? 嘿,工作顺利吗?He dropped by a box of your stuff. 他拿了一盒你的东西过来。I guess I had that one coming. 我想我预料到了。I’m just fonna throw it out. 我会扔掉它。His work is done. 他的工作做完了/完成任务了。Wow, you’re really crazy about her, huh? 哇,你真的很喜欢她?It’s so great to see you feeling like this! 看到你有这样感受真好。We were all pretty shaken up about it. (这个消息让)我们都很震惊。I always thought death was supposed to be sad, in a way. 某种意义上,死亡不是悲伤的事吗?She was a cruel, cranky, old bitch! 她是个残忍的糟老太婆!My grandmother used to say the exact same thing to me. 我奶奶也说过同样的话。She did give you one chance. 她曾经给过你一次机会。You know, you didn’t have to walk me all the way back here. 你不必非送我回来的。

Hello, you don’t work for me. 你好,你不是我员工。He’s just goofy like that. 他就是这么幽默。I actually, hardly notice it anymore. 我都几乎不会注意到。Is he married or involved with anyone? 他结婚了吗?有没有对象?I’ll ask him for you if you want me to? 如果你想我可以帮你问问他。That would never happen. 那是不可能的。Obviouly you don’t know much about him. 你显然并不了解他。What do you think? You interested, at all? 怎么样?你有兴趣吗?She seemed cool, attractive. 她看起来不错,蛮吸引人的。I went to the restaurant that you were talking about. 我去了你说的那家餐厅。I’m a big fan of yours. 我是你的超级粉丝。Get out of here, really? 少来了,真的吗?You are so funny. 你真幽默。What are you doing after the class. 你下课后干什么?Do you wanna get a drink or something? 要不要去喝一杯/喝点东西?

I’ll see you then. 待会儿见。How did it go? Tell me everything. 怎么样?快说说。I didn’t get to enjoy any of that. 我一点儿都没尽兴。We just clicked. 我们一拍即合。He’s got such a good heart! 他心肠很好。He said he was gonna call. 他说他会打来。What do you see in him anyway? 你到底看上他哪一点了?He happens to be brilliant. 他很聪明。Since when do you care who I’m hanging out with? 你什么时候开始关心我和谁玩儿了?Do you want me to care? 你希望我关心吗?Let’s pick it up where we left off. 我们继续吧。I’ve got no reason to stay. 我没理由留下来。Since we’re getting off early, do you wanna grab a cup of coffee? 既然我们提早下班了,要不要去喝杯咖啡。I was so listening to that. 我很用心的听了。That’s pretty much what I had in mind. 我想的差不多就这些。

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