Record Breaking Swim by A Man Over 60 who Swam Across the Yangtze River13 Times

Record Breaking Swim by A Man Over 60 who Swam Across the Yangtze River13 Times

首页休闲益智Crossing The River更新时间:2024-05-09


Record Breaking Swim by A Man Over 60 who Swam Across the Yangtze River13 Times within 11 Hours

万劲军 (受访者供图)

Wan Jingjun (Photo by the Interviewee)


Wan Jingjun swimming across the Yangtze River(Photo by the Interviewee)


Wan Jingjun after crossing the river (Photo by the Interviewee)

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 邱睦 见习记者 王佳文

Jimu News Reporter: Qiu Mu

Trainee Reporter: Wang Jiawen

翻译:王佩林 吴术 驰卫拉(湖北大学)

Translators: Wang Peilin Wu Shuchi Lisa M.K(Hubei University)


Swimming across the Yangtze River 13 times within 11 hours, a distance totaling 33.7 kilometers --- that was the new record set by Wan Jingjun, a member of the Yangtze River Voluntary Rescue Team, when he swam in the waters around the Junshan Yangtze River Bridge on September 18th. According to him, he broke not only his personal record which stood at 10 times of continuously swimming across the river, but also the amateurs records that were ever reported.


Two years ago, He only Swam by the River Side


Born in Tian’men, Hubei Province in 1960, Wan Jingjun has been a good swimmer since his childhood. In 1979, he gave up studies for military service in Northwest China Xinjiang Province, a place so far away from his hometown. After 13 years of service, he was demobilized and was assigned to work in China Yangtze Shipping Group Co., Ltd. in 1992. After settling in his new job, his wife signed up for him a long-term membership card at a swimming facility, in hopes that he could reignite his love for swimming. During his time there, Wan Jingjun made friends with some other swimming lovers and was introduced to swimming in natural lakes and rivers.


“At first, when I tried to swim in the Yangtze River, I only swam by the riverside. It took me two years to get familiar with the water conditionsand surroundings of the river”,said Wan Jingjun.“Then I joined the YuehuBridgeWinter Swimming Team and tried to swim across the Yangtze River for the first time during the Yangtze RiverCrossing Festival”.


Recalling his first crossing, Wan Jingjun said, “Ive never had such a wonderful experience”. More than eighty members swam across together. To ensure the team stayed together, they worked in concerted efforts to meet challenges they faced when in the water and it is this teamwork that gave Wan an enjoyable experience. After thisfirst successful swim, his enthusiasm grew ever stronger. Wan Jingjun said, “The Yangtze River is like my lover,and every time I get to swim across is like enjoying a date withher. Ithas now become a part ofmy exercise routine.”Whenever he completed a crossing, he would record the details in his notebook. So far, according to his notes, he has crossed the Yangtze River more than 1,600 times.


His Swimming Pals Call Him “The Yangtze River Expert”


When swimming in the Yangtze River, it is commonplace to encounter a drowning person. In 2012, to further avail himself to rescuing people, Wan Jingjun joined the Wuhan Water Rescue Team (later renamed the Yangtze River Voluntary Rescue Team).


On July 1, 2018, while he was swimming by the Yangtze River with his friends, he heard a sudden call for help. They hurried to check around and found that a man had driftedfar away from the shore with his head almost sinking into the water.


“Theres a very little chance of rescuing someone in such circumstances unless you dive deep to lift him up above the water which is not an easy task. Attempting such a rescue would put both the rescuer and the drowning person in grave danger,” said Wan Jingjun. “Nevertheless, I jumped into the water without thinking too much and saved him.”


Wan Jingjun said, he has saved four people since joining the rescue team. And the 2018 rescue mentioned above left him with the biggest impression due to its level of difficulty.


“I have crossed the river safely more than 1600 times, which I think is closelyrelated to how safety consciousI am.”Wan Jingjun said, “whenever I plan to swim across the river, I always evaluate the weather and hydrological conditions on that day in advance. And right before I actually swim, I pay attention to the sailing ships on the river and other conditions to ensure that I am on the safe side.”


Wan Jingjun has also published a number of articles related to safety when crossing the river on the Winter Swimming Forum, an online forum for winter swimming lovers nationwide, reminding swimmers to pay attention to safety. For this reason, his fellow swimmerscall the zealous Wan Jingjun “The Yangtze River Expert”.


Untrained Citizens Advised Against Swimming across the Yangtze River


Due to the drought this year, the water level ofthe Yangtze River had notably decreasedand its width narrowed. In August, Mr. Yang, a fellow swimmer, sent an invitation to their online chat group for a challenge of swimming across the river from bank to bank 10 times in a row. Wan gladly accepted this challenge.


On August 26th, the two finally completed the challenge after a tooth-and-nail fight within eight to nine hours. “After completingthis challenge, I didnt feel overly exhausted at all, so I plan to take an evenmore challenging task---to swim across the river more than 10 times at a time.”said Wan Jingjun.


After a targeted training for a period of time, Wan decided to take the new challenge on September 18.


Around 8:30 a.m. that day, Wan jumpedinto the water nearthe Junshan Yangtze River Bridgeand began to swim. Swimming for nearly 11 hours, he finally got ashore at about 8 p.m. near the Wuchang Beach. According to a FitnessApp, Wan hadtravelled a total distance of 33.7 kilometers,that is, he had swum across the river 13 times.


Wan Jingjun introduced that all was well in the daytime. However, when night fell, the wind and waves became stronger. So,he had to abandon backstroke for free style.


The Water Police Team of Wuhans Public Security Bureau warns the public that untrained citizens should not casually attempt to swim across the Yangtze River. The reason why members of the Yangtze River Voluntary Rescue Teamattempt swimming across river is because they are familiar with the water conditions. Citizens ought to remember that ones rash action may not only disturb sailing ships, but also risk ones own life when facedwith intricate water conditions.




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