Let's give it up for him可不是放弃他

Let's give it up for him可不是放弃他

首页休闲益智Lets Up!更新时间:2024-07-28

昨天给大家介绍了一个"让我们为某人喝彩"的短语,然后就有细心的同学给我提出了另一个非常容易混淆的常用口语~give it up for somebody, 提得真好!如果不细看上下文的话,的确很容易让人理解为“为某人放弃什么”,但实际上这也是一句非常地道的口语表达,就是“让我们用热烈的掌声来欢迎某人上台(表演或发言等)”的意思,等同于 "let's all give a warm welcome ...(让我们热烈欢迎……)"

give it up for sb.

请为某人鼓掌; 用掌声来欢迎......

【En】 /spoken informal/ Used to ask people to applaud someone. 用来请求人们为某人鼓掌。Applaud enthusiastically. 热情地鼓掌。If an audience is asked to give it up for a performer, they are being asked to applaud. 如果观众被要求为一位表演者喝彩,他们就是被要求鼓掌。Used to ask people to clap their hands to show their enjoyment or approval of a performance. 用来要求人们鼓掌以表示他们对表演的欣赏或赞许。To show your approval of somebody by clapping your hands. 用拍手表示对某人的赞同。

【活学活用 give an example】

• Ladies and gentlemen, will you give it up for Danny Jones.


• Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for Tom Hanks.


• Let's give it up for pop diva Lady Gaga!

让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎流行天后Lady Gaga!

• Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the star of our show, Amy Jones!


• Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Joseph Lin and the Auckland Philharmonia conducted by Steven Smith , coming to you live from the Auckland Town Hall.


• The winner is Michael Jackson. Let's give it up for Michael!


• It's time to invite our director on stage. let's give it up for George Lucas.



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