选自The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology - Richard Fish & Ryan Kurczak
卜卦占星书籍参考印占学习分享 - 如何开始学习印度占星?Prashna Shastra(随机占卜的艺术):
“According to the opinions of astrologers, every person, impelled by destiny, will at some time wish to enquire of the current good or bad nature of things in their lives.” -Prasna-tantra 1:1
“根据占星家的观点,每个人在命运的驱使下,都会在某个时候想问问他们生活中当前事物的好坏性质。“-Prasna-tantra 1:1
The practice of prasna (or horary astrology as it is known as in the west) implies that there is an intimate link between human consciousness and a greater universal consciousness and that all things are a manifestation of consciousness. It is a most worthwhile subject to study because it can be used to answer important questions regarding the immediate consequences of actions affecting our everyday life.
prasna(或西方所称的horary astrology)的实践意味着人类意识和更大的宇宙意识之间有着密切的联系,所有事物都是意识的表现。这是一个非常值得研究的课题,因为它可以用来回答关于影响我们日常生活的行为的直接后果的重要问题。
The prasna chart is calculated for a specific query at a given time and place, and is particularly useful for those people who do not possess accurate information regarding their time of birth. The essential condition for using this form of astrology is that the querent (the person asking the question) approaches an astrologer when he or she feels impelled to seek astrological help for a specific query. As in natal astrology a complete chart is erected, only this is calculated for the time of query rather than for the time of birth.
Although there are various of books or translations of classical works specific to the practice of prasna such as Prasna Marga (17th century) or Prasna Tantra by Neelakanta (16th century), giving detailed information regarding the analysis of prasna charts, a chart erected and analysed in accordance the rules and principles of traditional Parashari predictive astrology can also be employed in order to obtain a meaningful interpretation.
虽然有各种书籍或经典作品的翻译,具体到prasna的实践,如Prasna Marga(17世纪)或Prasna Tantra由Neelakanta(16世纪),提供了关于prasna盘分析的详细信息,根据传统Parashari预测占星术的规则和原则建立和分析的图表也可以用于获得有意义的解释。
Prasna And Birth Chart In Combination
As a practicing astrologer you should calculate a chart for your client based upon the moment that he or she arrives for the consultation. You can then use this chart for predicting various aspects of the client's life, cross referencing their birth-chart with the prasna chart. This is a very useful practice and will give helpful information additional to the birth chart relating to their present needs and circumstances.
When using a natal chart a few minutes error in the birth time can often change the timing of events by days or months, division charts can become unreliable and, depending on the extent of the timing error, even the starting dates of the dasha period/sub-period can change significantly.
If the client is vague or uncertain regarding their exact birth time (an exact birth time being the exception rather than the norm) the chart calculated for the time of the consultation will often prove invaluable. Some astrologers call this kind of prasna chart the “consultation chart.” Be sure to note whether or not the Ascendant of this chart is likely to change during the course of the consultation. If there is a likelihood of this happening you should also prepare a second chart based on the new Ascendant or at least make a note of the time that this change occurs.
By being aware of the planetary positions in operation for each day, you can often see the trend of the readings to be given that day and of the type of people and problems that you are likely to encounter.
“Rising early in the morning and remembering in his heart his ishta devata (chosen divinity or form of God) the astrologer should engage himself in mantra and daily prayer. Thereafter he should consult the almanac and calculate the positions of the planets. Having done this he should have a calm and composed mind.” -Prasna Marga 2:1
每天清晨起床,占星家在心中记住他的ishta devata(神的选择或神的形式)并进行颂歌和每日祈祷。此后,他应该查阅历书,计算行星的位置。做了这件事,他的心应该是平静的。——Prasna Marga 2:1
The Birth of a Question
The moment a client puts a question to you becomes the basis for the Prasna chart.
Avoid vague or ambiguous questions or those relating to more than one topic. Make sure that your client has stated their question in a manner that is clear and precise and is worded in such a way that its precise meaning is understood by both of you.
Avoid questions that pose alternatives, such as “Will I get a job as a laboratory assistant or in a clerical capacity?” Such a question can be answered but it is much more complicated than being asked “Will I be employed as a laboratory assistant?”
Sometimes the answer received by the client is not the one they want to hear and you may be requested to draw up additional charts or to re-consider the original chart in the light of the question being re-phrased. This should be avoided at all costs.
The chart is usually drawn up for the time the client puts the question to you. If the question comes through the post or email you should use the time that you first read and understand the contents the letter. The same applies to telephone requests. Use the time and place of your location rather than that of the client's. However, there can sometimes be exceptions to this rule. For example, if your client clearly recalls the time and place when the query first became important or significant to them or records the time and date of a query sent in the form of a letter, you may also put up a prasna chart based on the client's location at that significant moment. You will then have two charts to draw upon. If one is clearer than the other in its indications of the outcome you will probably use that chart in preference to the other.
Although, differences between the chart calculated for the time and place recalled by the client and the one calculated for the time and place at which you received the query may well reflect any relevant changes that have occurred between then and now.
Although the classical prasna texts put forth rules allowing for the client to ask more than one question during a prasna consultation (using the Moon sign as ascendant/1st house for a second question and the Sun sign as ascendant/1st house for a third question) it is advisable to keep the consultation restricted to just the one query. Succeeding questions will have less and less significance and the information from the chart will become less precise.
“If only one question is answered, the prediction cannot go wrong.” -Prasna Chinthamani
如果只有一个问题被回答,预测就不会出错。——Prasna Chinthamani
With this kind of astrology it is essential that the person asking the question has an intense desire to know the outcome. Just as with a multiple birth we find that one or more of the offspring can be weak or die at or soon after birth, so it is with giving ‘birth’ to multiple questions – some will not have sufficient vitality to ‘live.’ I.e., asking more than one question at the same time is a multiple birth of mental queries and in such an event the forecast results given by the astrologer are much less likely to be realized.
“…(In matters of prediction) there will not be any significant difference between the birth lagna and the prasna lagna.” -Phaldeepika 20:63
“……(在预测方面)在出生盘和prasna盘之间不会有任何显著的区别。——Phaldeepika 20:63
“Considering the ascendant at the time of query as equivalent to the birth ascendant, the rules of natal astrology should all be applied to the prasna chart.” -Prasna Marga 1:47
“考虑到提问时的上升点相当于出生时的上升点,出生占星术的规则应该全部应用于prasna盘。——Prasna Marga 1:47
It should be remembered that prasna charts are interpreted in a similar manner to natal charts, but that over the centuries some differences and modifications that have been introduced in order to take into account the specialized nature of prasna. Of course the main difference is that a specific question or issue has to be analyzed and interpreted rather than a person's life. So prasna requires a shift in focus and emphasis but not a fundamental change from the basic principles of birth chart interpretation.
Deciding just how much of shift in emphasis is required has given rise to several schools of thought.
The more ancient method was to apply all the rules of birth-chart interpretation but only to focus on the particular house or houses associated with the query.
More recently (since the 16th century) a system of prasna astrology has developed which works to much more specialized rules. These were set out by Neelakanta in his book “Prasna Tantra.” In this system emphasis is placed on the formation and separation of aspects existing between planets relevant to the query. These aspects are not the traditional Parashari aspects but those which are more familiar to Western astrologers – the trine, square, opposition and sextile. This is known as the Tajaka system.
最近(自16世纪以来),一套prasna占星术系统已经发展起来,适用于更专门的规则。这些都是Neelakanta在他的书“Prasna Tantra”中提出的。在这个系统中,重点放在与提问相关的行星之间存在的相位的形成和分离上。这些相位不是传统的Parashari相位,而是西方占星家更熟悉的三分相、四分相、对分相和六分相。这被称为Tajaka系统。
In practice both systems ‘work’ and since both can be employed using the same chart it is possible to blend and synthesize the two systems.
Many modern Vedic astrologers also include the positions of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) in their calculation of the prasna chart. Some also use the Shripathi system of house division - a quadrant system (using the M.C. as the 10th house cusp) known in the west as the Porphery system.
Charts cast for times of marriage, promotion, journey, new project or other ventures can also be very useful. Erecting charts for such important moments can help us understand the significance of such undertakings and reveal a great deal about their chances of success or failure. Charts can also be calculated for the onset of an illness, the time of an accident or of an operation, to shed light on the nature of the disease or to diagnose the likely period of recovery.
Charts calculated for the time that someone departs from this life are said to give indications of the course of their journey through higher realms.
The Importance of the Ascendant
The Ascendant invariably represents the querent – the one who puts the question. Other houses that are examined will depend upon the nature of the question. The usual practice is to examine the Ascendant and its ruling planet as these represent the querent, along with the house that represents the nature of the query along with the planet which rules it (known as the significator).
For example, someone may come to you with a query regarding the likelihood of purchasing a property. In order to answer this question we examine the 1st house and its lord (representing the querent) and the 4th house and its lord (representing property). We examine their sign position, the presence of benefic or malefic planets occupying or aspecting these two houses and, most importantly, whether the lords of these two houses are in aspect to each other. We should also consider the Moon as, irrespective of its house ownership, this is the karaka (representative) for home and property. Mars is also a primary karaka of property.
The Ascendant/1st house is examined for issues involving the querent, their happiness, health, success or whatever is most relevant to the person. The nature of the Ascendant and the influences on it will show the attitude and energy of the querent. Additionally we could also examine the Moon (representing the querents state of mind) and Navamsha Ascendant (for the more subtle and perhaps less obvious influence on the 1st house).
“Always note the strength of the Navamsha Lagna. If it is subject to benefic aspects the querent obtains favourable results. Malefic aspects give rise to unfavourable results.” -Neelakanta
The situation of the Moon in a prasna chart is often very revealing of the querents state of mind, frequently indicating the area of their fears and concerns.
Generally, if the Ascendant, Moon and Navamsha Ascendant are under predominantly benefic influences the outcome of the particular question will be fulfilled or the querent will meet with a successful outcome. Indeed, if the querent is seeking a simple yes or no, or posing the question “Will I succeed or fail, be lucky or unlucky?” we often need only to examine the influences on the Ascendant, However, situations encountered in the practice of prasna are not usually that simple and for the more involved or detailed issues we should also undertake an examination of the relevant house(s).
If we are to use the correct Sanskrit terminology then the planet ruling the Ascendant is called the lagnesha and the planet ruling the house under consideration (significator) is known as the karyesha. In this text we will use the term lagnesha but use the perfectly adequate English term ‘significator’ instead of the term karyesha.
Nature And Indications Of The Rising Sign
The Movable signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If a movable (cardinal) sign is rising a change is indicated due to the dynamic nature of these signs.
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. If a fixed sign is rising then there will be no change in the situation due to its static nature.
The Common or Dual signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. If a dual (mutable) sign is rising then the outcome is mutable or mixed in its nature due to the fluid nature of the sign. The first half rising (0 to 15 degrees) will be more fixed in its nature, and the second half (15 to 30 degrees) will incline more towards change.
For example, if the Ascendant, lagnesha (Ascendant ruler) and Navamsha Ascendant are all in movable signs then without a doubt there will be a significant change in the situation under consideration. But if all of these factors are in fixed signs the situation will certainly remain static.
In any question the most important factor is the strength of the Ascendant, particularly the nature and strength of planets occupying or aspecting it. A natural benefic planet aspecting or occupying the Ascendant indicates a favorable outcome to the query while a natural malefic indicates the opposite, unless rendered benefic through owning the Ascendant or the house to which the query refers.
Certain signs, called shiirshodaya signs, are considered auspicious when on the Ascendant. (Shiirshodaya means rising head first). The shiirshodaya signs are Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra Scorpio or Aquarius, and if one of these is found rising in the rashi or navamsha chart, then a successful outcome is more likely.
If a malefic planet occupies or aspects the 1st houses it does not lead to good results. If the planet which rules the Ascendant be in a difficult house such as the 6th, 8th or 12th, or be associated with or aspected by malefics there is little hope of a successful outcome to the query, at least not without initial struggles or difficulties.
Examination of Relevant Houses
Normally we look at the relationship between the Ascendant and the house that relate to the particular question. However, if the querent is asking something regarding (or on behalf of) another person, we read from the house that pertains to the other person. (for wife, husband or partner use the 7th house as Ascendant, for children use the 5th, for mother use the 4th, for father use the 9th, for younger brothers or sisters use the 3rd, for elder, the 11th, and so on).
For example, if the querent asks about the prospects of their son's career take the 5th house as the Ascendant and the 10th from 5th (the 2nd house) as representing the son's career prospects.
Key points to keep in mind when doing a prasna chart:
The chart is cast for the local time and location of the astrologer, not the querent. For example, if you are in London and you get a call from Aberdeen, the chart is cast for the local time and location of London.
Make sure that that question is phrased in a clear and unambiguous way.
Avoid answering multiple questions.
Whenever possible you should verify the indications of the prasna chart with the natal chart (if querent's birth time is known).
Prasna is a very extensive area of Vedic Astrology, and there are many subtle facets to it. Be aware of your surroundings when practicing prasna. An Indian astrologer will, when the querent appears in person, often analyse the chart in an outdoor environment with all the background noises and other distractions. The astrologer will note the direction the querent comes from and any noticeable sounds or events occurring during the course of the consultation. An experienced practitioner of prasna is also aware of any inner changes that occur during the course of the consultation, such as intuitive perceptions or awareness of changes that occur to the flow of breath in the nostrils. Classical works such as Prasna Marga place much emphasis on this kind of detail.
Prasna是吠陀占星术的一个非常广泛的领域,它有许多微妙的方面。练习prasna时,要注意周围的环境。当询问者亲自出现时,印度占星家通常会在有背景噪音和其他干扰的室外环境中分析星象。占星家会注意到询问者的方向,以及在咨询过程中发生的任何明显的声音或事件。一个有经验的prasna实践者也会意识到在咨询过程中发生的任何内在变化,比如直觉感知或意识到鼻孔中呼吸流动的变化。像Prasna Marga这样的经典作品非常强调这种细节。
The Signs With Special Reference to Prasna
As mentioned already there are certain signs classified as Shiirshodaya, (Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius) which are considered auspicious. These are another group are refered to as Prishtodaya signs (meaning signs that rise with their back or hind-part first). These are Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn, which are not considered so auspicious. This leaves only Pisces, whose symbol is two fishes swimming in opposite directions, which is classified asUbhayodaya or rising both ways at once.
Shiirshodaya signs indicate a positive, successful or prosperous outcome; Prishtodaya signs indicate a negative, disintegrative or destructive outcome. Ubhayodaya (Pisces) indicates only partial or delayed success.
When the sign relating to a query is unoccupied by planets and the indications of the planet ruling the sign is difficult to determine, or suggests mixed or mediocre results we should then consider the above mentioned quality of the sign in order to give weight to the outcome. However, if the sign is occupied by one or more planets then the prediction should be made through the indications of the planets rather than through the Shiirshodaya/Prishtodaya nature of the sign.
One other use which can be applied to both prasna and natal charts is that of noting the nature of planets occupying the two types of signs. Benefic planets (Venus, Jupiter, waxing Moon or a well aspected Mercury) will give even better results if occupying a Shiirshodaya sign. If malefic planets (Mars, Saturn, Sun, waning Moon or badly aspected Mercury) occupy a Prishtodaya sign they become even more malefic, while benefics lose some of their better qualities.
With the exception of Gemini the Shiirshodaya signs become stronger influences during the day (which is why they are sometimes refered to as Diurnal signs) and the Prishtodaya signs are stronger at night (which is why they are also refered to as Nocturnal signs).
Planetary Significations With Special reference To Prasna
It is important to become acquainted with the various properties of each planet. Those listed below are particularly pertinent to the practice of prasna. These lists of planetary attributes could be greatly extended, and you will find that as your practice and experience of astrology grows you will be able to add many more attributes.
Sun: The father. Males. Heart. Vitality. Self (atma). Shiva. Creativity. Gold, Brass, Copper. Fame and Glory. Leadership. Kingship. Government. Administrator. Social status. Politician. Physician. Aristocracy. Heat (Pitta). Flame red colours. Eyes and vision. Minerals. Courage. Independent spirit. Thin hair. Eastern direction. Sattvic nature, Kshatriya (warrior) caste.
Moon: The mother. Females. Anything or anyone who nourishes, nurtures and soothes. Mind. The past. Memory. Home. Hotels and places offering hospitality and nourishment. Nursing and caring for others. Pregnancy. Softness. Sailors. The sea. Liquids. Milk and dairy produce. Cows. Agriculture. Aquatic plants. Swiftness. Circular shapes. Pearls. North-western direction. Sattvic nature. Vaishya caste (Traders and artisans).
Mars: Younger brother. Police. Soldier. Commander. Surgeon. Barbers. Chemist. Engineer. Entrepreneur. Fever. Anger. Fiery temperament. Anyone working with fire or heat. Kitchens. Crematoriums. Wounds and injuries. Instruments for cutting and piercing. Cruel or wavering nature. Rashness and violence. Blood red colours. Youthfulness and vigour. Sexuality. Southern direction. Kshatriya (warrior) caste.
Mercury: Young people. Youthfulness. Speech. Communication. Mental and intellectual strength. Books, newspapers and other publications. Skill in writing. Astrology. Architecture. Mathematics. Accountancy. Trade and commerce. Merchants. Clerks. Tall body. Wit and humour. Poetry and prose. Northern direction. A mixed constitution (in Ayurvedic terminology a mixture of kapha, pitta and vaata).
水星:年轻人。青春。演讲。沟通。精神和智力的力量。书籍、报纸及其他出版物。写作技巧。占星术。建筑。数学。会计。贸易和商业。商人。职员。高大的身体。机智和幽默。诗歌和散文。北方。混合体质(在阿育吠陀术语中是kapha, pitta和vaata的混合物)。
Jupiter: Elder brothers, Husband, Sons. Morality and ethics. Sincerity. Jovial and expansive nature. Speculation. Gambling. Luck. Judges, ministers and heads of religious institutions. Divine grace. Spiritual adviser. Philosopher. Guru. Yellow or golden colors/ Sattvic nature. North-eastern direction. Brahmin (priestly) caste.
Venus: Wife. Daughters. The arts – an appreciation of color, music, form harmony and beauty. Music, dancing and love of fashions. Perfumes and pleasing fragrances. Beautician. Interior decorator. Refined tastes. Sensuality. White and pastel colors. Attractive features. Sexually transmitted diseases. South-eastern direction.
Saturn: Servants and those who labor or work hard. Time. Old age. Restriction and limitation. Duty and responsibility. Convention and orthodoxy. Sorrow. Caution. Slowness and delay. Fear and cowardliness. Miserly nature. Thoroughness. Ambition. Perseverance. Detachment. Dark colors such as blue and black. Impotence. Brick-laying, building, masonry, mining or any other occupation involving working with rock or stone. Toilets, sinks and soiled clothing. Western direction. Outcasts and vagrants. Old or dead things. Leather.
Rahu: Spies. Those who deceive or manipulate. Drug dealers. Poisons. Insincere or immoral acts. Venemous and bitter speech. Heretical, unconventional or unorthodox views. South-western direction.
Ketu: Psychic influences (traditionally this includes ghosts and spirits, the practice of witchcraft, tantric practices, acts of black magic etc.). Serpents and snake-charmers. Holes, caves, tunnels and darkness. Hypersensitivity. Knowledge of spiritual matters. Bathing in sacred rivers. Liberation or salvation.
The Twelve Houses With Special Reference To Prasna
The following are some of the associations of the twelve houses. As the houses cover all areas of our life and relationships the list of associations given below can in no way said to be complete, although if the general ideas and associations that underlie each house are understood (something which comes with practice and experience) you should be able to make the relevant association of an idea or object with the appropriate house.
You should familiarize yourself with the list of ‘Main significations’ as these represent the most important matters ruled by that house. ‘Other significations’ list less common matters associated with the house and need not be memorized. They are mainly derived from classical and modern prasna texts and may be found useful on occasion.
Under the information relating to each of the first four houses are some hints on answering queries related to those houses. Do not try to memorize them – apart from some relating to the first house they are intended to illustrate principles that can be adapted and applied to all of the houses. The references to Easarapha and Ithasala Yogas are fully explained in the next chapter.
在与前四个宫位相关的信息下面是一些提示,用于回答与这些宫位相关的问题。不要试图记住它们——除了一些与第一个宫位有关的,它们旨在说明可以适用于所有宫位的原则。关于Easarapha和Ithasala Yoga的参考资料将在下一章中详细解释。
1st House
Main significations: The querent. Self interest. Health and vitality. Appearance and complexion.
Other Significations: Happiness. Age. Temperament. Longevity.
The Ascendant always has a prominent role to play. The 1st house always represents the querent or the person who puts the question. We can read from it indications of their appearance, health, vitality and likely degree of success or failure.
A strong disposition of the Ascendant and its lord is essential for benefic results in respect to events signified by the 1st house.
Consider which is most powerful, the Ascendant or Moon lagna. The ruler of the Ascendant (lagnesha) in good aspect with any other house or its lord will promote the results of that house.
If the significating planet has Easarapha Yoga (faster moving planet separating) with the lagnesha, the query pertains to the past; if in conjunction with the lagnesha the query relates to the present; if in Ithasala (faster moving planet applying to the lagnesha), the query relates to the future. Note: Easarapha and Ithasala yogas are fully explained in the next chapter.
如果指标星有Easarapha Yoga(更快移动的行星分离)与lagnesha,询问与过去有关;如果与lagnesha有相位,询问与现在有关;如果在Ithasala(更快的移动行星适用于lagnesha),询问与未来有关。注:Easarapha和Ithasala瑜伽将在下一章中详细解释。
If the object of the query is to be fulfilled then the Ascendant and the Moon must be strong. Both the Rashi and Navamsha lagnas should be associated with or occupied by benefics, or the lagnesha be with benefics. If with malefics then opposite results will occur.
If the Ascendant is occupied by benefics or the lagnesha is with benefics, the querents objects will be fulfilled. There will be good health and income. If the Ascendant or its lord is afflicted the querent will lack mental peace, become ill or suffer financial loss.
If the Ascendant is occupied by Mars or Saturn, and if the lagnesha has Easarapha (a separating aspect) with the lord of the 8th and a malefic, the life of the querent is in some way threatened.
If the query relates to health, predict that the querent will continue to have good health if the lagnesha is free from combustion or conjunction with the 6th, 8th or 12th lords. The stronger the Ascendant or the Moon the better it is for health. The Ascendant should be free from occupation by a malefic. If the ascendant lord is in Easarapha Yoga (separating aspect) and about to enter Ithasala (applying aspect) with a malefic then the health will give way and the querent may fall ill shortly. If, on the other hand, the lagnesha is entering its sign of exaltation, the querent may recover shortly if ill at the time of query.
如果问题与健康有关,预测提问者将继续拥有良好的健康,如果lagnesha没有燃烧或与第6、第8或第12宫主星相位。上升点或月亮越强,对健康越好。上升点应该不被凶星占领。如果上升宫主星正处于Easarapha Yoga(分离相位)中,并带着凶星即将进入Ithasala(应用相位),那么健康将会消失,来访者可能很快就会生病。另一方面,lagnesha正在进入其擢升的星座,询问者可能很快恢复,如果在询问时生病。
2nd House
Main Significations: Monetary affairs. Movable wealth. Precious stones and minerals. Clothes. Food.
Other Significations: Family. Tradition. Fortune. Speech. Vision.
Queries relating to 2nd house: all matters relating to wealth, finances, money, loans and profitability relate to this house.
Good aspects between the lords of the 1st and 2nd or to Jupiter indicates gain and prosperity.
The lagnesha in the 2nd always denotes an improvement in one's financial situation.
Rahu or Saturn in 2nd are indicators of problems or complications in financial matters.
Financial gain or benefit can come from sources signified by a house whose lord is in the 2nd or in association with the 2nd lord.
The planet afflicting the 2nd house or the 2nd lord indicates the source of financial distress and trouble. However, a strong malefic well disposed by sign can indicate gain after much effort.
If the lords of the 1st and 2nd and Jupiter are in a conjunction or in a quadrent or in 1st, 2nd or 11th house or if they are in Ithasala (faster planet applying to aspect), financial prosperity is likely to occur. If the aspect involving the above lords is a square or opposition, then predict gain after initial difficulty. There should be no Easarapha Yoga (faster moving planet separating from aspect).
如果第一和第二宫的宫主星和木星在一个合相或在一个四分相或在第1,2或11宫,或者如果他们在Ithasala(更快的行星应用到相位),财务繁荣可能会发生。如果上述宫主星的相位是四分或对宫,那么在最初的困难之后预测收益。不应该有Easarapha Yoga(更快的行星从相位分离)。
3rd House
Main Significations: Kindred (particularly younger brothers and sisters). Changes. Letters and all forms of correspondence and communication. Journeys (short journeys). Courage.
Other Significations: Tools and instruments. Books, typewriters and word -processors. Blood relatives in general (but not children or parents).
Is it advisable to make a certain journey? If the lagnesha or the Moon is strong and placed in the 3rd house or in aspect to with the lord of the 3rd, then the journey may be safely undertaken. Otherwise it is likely that there will be problems or difficulties associated with the journey.
4th House
Main Significations: Mother. Privacy. Property. Land and farms, gardens, agriculture. Herbs, herbal remedies. Group facilities, parks, museums, galleries, public facilities in general. Hidden treasure, buried wealth. The end or final outcome of the matter under enquiry.
Other Significations: Education, vehicles, domestic peace, peace of mind. Ancestry. Old age, retirement and the final years of ones life. Caves. Grave-yards and cemeteries. All secluded and private environments.
If the query relates to leasing of land, the 1st house signifies the querent, the 7th house the lessee, the 10th signifies the production, and the 4th the final profits resulting from leased land.
Along the same lines, if the query relates to leasing of property the 1st house signifies the querent as landlord, the 7th house the lessee, the 10th house as the value of the property, and the 4th house signifies the property.
For questions regarding the purchase of property we can regard the 1st house as the querent (as buyer), the 7th house as the seller, the 10th house as the price or value, and the 4th house as the property.
If the question pertains to removal from one place to another, then the 1st house signifies the querent, the 4th the place were the person currently resides, and the 7th the place where they intend moving to.
If the question regards changing one's place of business, the 4th house represents the current place where business is carried out, the 10th represents one's business, and the 7th the new place of business. If the lord of the 10th is in Ithasala (faster moving planet applying the aspect) with the lord of the 7th (or the 7th cusp), then it is better to remove the business to a new place.
如果问题是关于改变自己的营业地点,第4宫代表目前开展业务的地方,第10宫代表自己的业务,第7宫代表新的业务地点。如果10宫主与第7宫主(或第7宫头)在Ithasala (更快的行星应用到相位),那么最好将生意转移到一个新的地方。
For questions relating to the purchase of vehicles, if the lords of the 1st and 4th are in favorable aspect the querent is advised to buy the new car (or other form of conveyance). If Mars or Saturn are involved in a malefic aspect with the lord of the 4th the idea of purchasing the new vehicle should be abandoned, at least for the time being.
5th House
Main Significations: Children. Enterprises. Gambling, speculation and speculative gains. Professional entertainers. Sports and recreational activities. Amusement and entertainment. Courtship and love affairs. Pregnancy, embryo, progeny. Intelligence, learning, discourses and lectures. Mantra.
Other Significations: Inventions. Creative talents. Places of recreation and entertainment – carnivals, fairs, amusement arcades, theatres, cinemas etc.
6th House
Main Significations: Enemies and litigation. Debts. Health and sickness. Servants (domestics, butlers, valets etc). Employees. Dependents. Household and domestic chores. Thieves, enemies, quarrels, disputes and war. Domesticated or “small” animals, pets, strayed and lost animals.
Other Significations: Maternal uncle. Losses through theft and fire. Repairs. Handicrafts.
Regarding other relevant houses relating to sickness it should be remembered that the 1st house represents the patient, their health and vitality, and the 7th house represents the doctor or physician. The 4th house represents the medicine being used (particularly important if the treatment includes herbs or plant derived medicines), and will also relate to the final outcome of the treatment. The 10th house indicates the type of treatment being used.
According to Prasna Tantra, Stanza 44-46, “The lagna signifies the physician, the seventh disease, the tenth patient and the fourth medicine or treatment. If malefics are in or aspect the ascendant, the disease cannot be cured by the physician. On the contrary, the disease will be intensified if malefics are in the 10th, due to the querent's own fault the treatment will not work. If malefics are in the 7th or 4th, one complication will lead to another complication.”
根据《Prasna Tantra》第44-46节,“lagna意味着医生,第七宫代表疾病,第十宫代表病人和第四宫代表药物或治疗。如果凶星在或对上升有相位,疾病是不能由医生治愈的。相反,如果凶星在10宫内病情会加剧,由于患者自身的过错,治疗将不起作用。如果凶星在第7或第4宫,一个并发症将导致另一个并发症。”
The previous two paragraphs show two different approaches to this kind of question. Experience and intuition will be your best guide.
7th House
Main Significations: Marriage. Partnerships of every kind. The ‘other party’ in contests or disputes. Lawsuits, lawyers and legal action. All contracts and treaties. The astrologer, professional consultation. The immediate outcome of events.
Other Significations: The ‘way’ – place moved to. Another location. Living abroad.
For queries relating to theft you should deduct where the stolen article is hidden from the sign on the 7th house and through planets occupying the 7th house.
8th House
Main Significations: Other peoples money. Wills, legacies and inheritance. Longevity. Death. Grief, mourning, sadness or sorrow. Accidents. Obstructions, losses or misfortune. Stolen property. Psychic life – spiritism, spirits, necromancy, enchantment, obsession. Occult practices. If the 8th is stronger than the Ascendant then loss of reputation is likely.
Other Significations: Regeneration. Wealth of the querent's partner (personal or business partner).
9th House
Main Significations: Long journeys. Deities, temples, places of worship, ashram, pilgrimage. Lakes, wells, water reservoirs. Philanthropy, charity. Virtue. Teachers and gurus. The father (in the role of teacher and guide). Insurance and other schemes of financial protection.
Other Significations: Prophecy. Prophetic dreams. Birds (but not as pets). Grandchildren.
10th House
Main Significations: Gain of fame and public recognition. Success. Employment. Employer or superior. Business, Honor. Kingdom. Government. Authority. Governmental work. Royalty. Father (as an authority figure). Landlords. Managers. Magistrates. The active head of any enterprise. The pertinent higher reference of any issue.
Other Significations: Rainfall, sky, celestial phenomena.
11th House
Main Significations: Friends and acquaintances. Hopes and wishes. Income. Older brothers and sisters. Social contacts and friendships. Ideals and objectives.
Other Significations: Advisers and counsellors. The planing stage of any project. Important papers and documents.
12th House
Main Significations: Hidden enemies and enmities. Envy, malice, misery. Separation from family. Confinement. Prisons, detention centers and other institutions that restrict one's freedom. Relinquishment. Foreign lands. Exile. Expenditure and losses. Fear of the unknown. Psychic or inner turmoil. Suicide. Unsuspected help. Secret or Illicit relationships. Sexual pleasures. Bedrooms. Sleep. Unconsciousness. The end of life. Destination of the spirit after death. Spirit guides. Spiritual resources.
Other Significations: Animals that are wild or undomesticated. ‘Large animals’ that are a threat to life or property.
General Guidance And Information Derived From The Chart
If a malefic planet occupies a kendra house, particularly the 1st, 7th or 10th houses it does not lead to good results, but should the malefic be in its exaltation its negative nature will not be so pronounced.
Always examine the relationship between the Ascendant (along with the lagnesha) and the house in question (along with its lord). For example, if a query concerns obtaining a house or other property, if the lagnesha and the lord of the 4th are in conjunction in a favorable house, say the 9th, this would indicate gain of a property, perhaps with parental help (9th house). If one is seeking an income through property a relationship between the 4th and 11th house factors is necessary, with an additional connection with the Ascendant or its lord.
For health issues the Ascendant represents the basic health of the person. The 6th house represents the potential for disease. The Ascendant should not be under malefic influences, nor should the lagnesha be influenced by the 6th house and its lord. If the 6th house and its lord are stronger than the Ascendant and its lord, then we would expect the health of the person to decline. If planets tenant the 8th, such as the lagnesha, death through the disease is possible.
It can be helpful to compare the prasna chart with the birth chart of the person. Favorable planetary aspects and exchanges between the two charts will aid in success. Negative ones will indicate failure.
Not every jyotishi feels at ease using prasna. Some find that they prefer to study only the natal chart and fear that prasna is a little too close to ‘fortune telling’ or implies too much emphasis on fatalism. Others find that they have a natural aptitude for the subject. We feel that, provided it is not used for trivial issues, it becomes an essential skill that every astrologer should be able to call upon when the situation warrants it.
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