Leo story Next Door 黑布林#阅读打卡

Leo story Next Door 黑布林#阅读打卡

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hello i'm neo i'm nine,today i'm gonna describe this book and its title is next door,the main character of this book is is the oi and his two idiot neighbors and oi's friend mia,their the alien neighbors have superpowers,like like the brother can like the brother alien can.reminds and the alien sister,can control things,so finally,they am o,m am and the two alien sister have talked alia、oyz,thought they were lying.but then,he had an idea,that can that if the brother alien really can read mind,so he thinks abouta monkey eatingpastel,on a banana tree,in a banana tree,of in the blue desert.then the alien brother said,why are you thinking,a monkey eating pastel,in a you know banana tree,so he eating all you know,the two eighty,the neighbors are really negative,they go to.unless the two alien is go,away from the earth,they want oi to come with them,they make good friends,and the two alien,576 said,they can teach him to read minds,And they use their spaceship go to the ser go to series,the bright star,in the space,thank you, that these alien sister have talked alia,oyz,thought they were lying,but thenhe had an idea,that can know if the brother alien really can read mind,so he 内蕴 about a monkey eating pastel,however go,go,away from the tap,they want oi to come with them,they make good friends,the two alien express said,they can teach him to read minds,and they use their space go to the ser the mag 上嘴,the 海信 star,in the space,thank you,右脚右脚右脚右脚右脚右脚右脚右脚单,上床,这双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双单单单单单单,感受感受,感受感受,手脚手脚手脚难受,感受感受,感受感受感受,手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚手脚慌张,感受感受,感受感受,感受感受,感受感受,感受感受,感受感受,感受感受,感受感受,感受感受,感受感受,哪怕哪怕哪怕哪怕哪怕哪怕哪怕哪怕,松下双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双双


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