


若你是依赖性强的人不适合在瑞典生活,因为当地人在家从不靠父母,在外绝不靠朋友。If you are a dependent person is not suitable to live in Sweden, because the locals are never dependent on their parents at home, never by friends outside.

每个人都独立自在,从不轻易给被人找事儿,个人主义永远凌驾于集体主义。Everyone is independent, never easy to find things, individualism always over collectivism.

跟朋友吃饭,你必须AA制,哪怕她是你正在追求的人,你要是抢着买单,就是对她最大的不尊重。Eat with a friend, you must AA system, even if she is the person you are pursuing, if you are rushing to pay the bill, is the greatest disrespect for her.

瑞典人的工资相差不大,所以谁也别想图别人点儿啥,富豪和白领就差“一条内裤”谁也豪横不了。Swedes pay the difference is not big, so no one should want to figure others what, rich and white-collar on the difference "a pair of underwear" who can not afford.

热爱工作的人也不太适合在瑞典生活,因为瑞典的假期数量是世界第二,你的老板会以各种名义给你放假。People who love work are also less suited to live in Sweden, where the number of holidays is the second largest in the world, and your boss will give you a holiday in a variety of names.

不仅有寒假暑假,还有春季假秋季假运动假,更别提国家规定假日了,一年有一半在放假。Not only have winter vacation and summer vacation, but also spring vacation autumn vacation, not to mention the national regulation of holidays, half of the year in the holiday.

一年有一半在放假,若你不小心*了,恭喜你的老公和你同样享受480天带薪产假,其中60天是爸爸的专属假,啥也不干,专心当奶爸。Half of the year in the holiday, if you accidentally pregnant, congratulations to your husband and you also enjoy 480 days of paid maternity leave, of which 60 days is the father's exclusive leave, do nothing, concentrate on being a milk dad.

急性子的人也不适合在瑞典生活,这边干啥事都随缘,若遇到小偷没办法找到派出所,因为拨打112接线员会告诉你警察都搁大街上溜达。Acute people are not suitable to live in Sweden, this side of what to do with the edge, if encountered thieves can not find the police station, because call 112 operators will tell you that the police are on the street.

爱热闹的人也不适合在瑞典生活,瑞典人喜欢保持距离,坐公交车时,所有人都是靠窗坐一排,旁边空一排,后上车的人宁愿站着也不愿坐你旁边,人口少就是这么豪横。People who love to live in Sweden, Swedes like to keep their distance, take the bus, everyone is by the window to sit in a row, next to the empty row, after the person who gets on the bus would rather stand than sit next to you, the population is so bold.

注重隐私的人不适合在瑞典生活,在瑞典你的信息是公开的,上网输入一个名字,可以查到所有信息,包括家庭住址门牌号月收入多少买几辆车全都是透明的。Privacy-conscious people are not suitable to live in Sweden, in Sweden your information is public, enter a name on the Internet, you can find out all the information, including home address number number monthly income how much to buy a few cars are transparent.

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