


基于生成式AI的代码生成(Code Generation)是一个重要的新领域,用于根据不完整的数据源、用另一种编程语言编写的程序、自然语言描述或执行日志来预测代码或程序结构。

多年来,开发人员经常从博客、帖子、文章和其他网站获取代码,并根据自己的上下文进行调整。 如今,现在可以要求机器使用一些提示来为你生成它,并且性能如此之高,以至于不再需要从这些站点获取此源代码。 现在的问题是是否有可能不真正考虑使用此类技术来加快开发阶段。

在正常使用中,我们使用大型语言模型(LLM)的能力来生成句子的下一个标记。 LLM 估计下一个单元(文本、句子、标记、符号)的概率,系统按照所选策略(温度、前 K 个最有可能的标记或概率的前 p% 等)获取一个标记。 )在代码生成的情况下,我们不仅将这种功能用于文本,而且还用于代码。 值得注意的是,在代码生成方面,为了获得更具确定性的结果(0.2 到 0.8),低温优于高温。 如果要生成多个样品,则优选较高的温度。


推荐:用 NSDT设计器 快速搭建可编程3D场景。


自动完成或代码生成功能已在开发工具中存在多年。 早在 1996 年,微软就在 Visual Studio 中为 Visual Basic 引入了这一功能(IntelliSense)。 熟悉 Eclipse 的人可能使用过 Java getter 和 setter 生成函数,以及变量名的字符串导出函数(著名的“public String toString()”函数)。 提供下一行代码仍然是这些 IDE 工具的一个重要功能,通常通过同时按下 Control 和空格键来激活。 在可见性范围内,这种语法导向的编辑仍然可以帮助你完成类、方法、字段、注释和关键字的名称,只需按一下键盘,有时只需单击一下。

不得不说,源代码生成功能并不是LLM的主要目的,因为他们接受的培训主要是从所摄取的大量网页和书籍中生成文本。 结果,GPT-1和GPT-2都没有直接接收到任何与代码相关的数据。 当这一功能在LLM中使用并提供给尽可能广泛的受众时,革命就开始了。 从那时起,我们看到专门针对此特定用例训练的模型数量呈爆炸式增长,并且多代码模型可能提供更好的泛化性,因为不同的编程语言共享相似的关键字和属性。

2021 年 6 月 29 日,GitHub 宣布 GitHub Copilot(“你的 AI 配对程序员”)可在由 OpenAI Codex(GPT-3 的修改版本)支持的 Visual Studio Code 开发环境中进行技术预览。 Copilot 使用的 OpenAI Codex 经过精选的英语数据集、公共 GitHub 存储库和其他可公开访问的源代码的训练。




使用 replit-code-v1–3b 的代码完成示例可以在此处复制。 使用 ChatGPT 的其他代码示例可以在此处复制。

2.1 代码完成

代码完成(Code completion)是第一个主要用例,允许你完成代码的开头或在中间注入代码。 代码完成似乎是最明显的用例,但代码LLM可以在增强软件“工艺”的背景下涵盖更多用例。

# >>> Model: replit/replit-code-v1-3b - Temperature = 0.2 # >>> Prompt: def find_best_rsquared(list_of_fits): """Return the best fit, based on rsquared""" # >>> Result: return min(list_of_fits, key=lambda x: x.rsquared)2.2 文本生成代码

文本生成代码(Text to code)是据自然语言描述生成代码。

# >>> Model: replit/replit-code-v1-3b - Temperature = 0.2 # >>> Prompt: """ double_sum_to_value takes a list of integers as an input. It returns True if there are two distinct elements in the list that \\ sum to a value given in input, and False otherwise. Check if the list has at least two elements. Find all possible combinations of two distinct elements in the list. Check if any of the combinations sum up to the given value. """ # >>> Result: def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): """ :param list_of_ints: a list of integers :param value: a value to check if the list has two distinct elements that sum to :return: True if there are two distinct elements in the list that sum to a value given in input, and False otherwise """ # if the list has less than two elements, return False if len(list_of_ints) < 2: return False # if the list has more than two elements, return True else: # iterate over the list for i in range(len(list_of_ints) - 1): # iterate over the remaining elements for j in range(i 1, len(list_of_ints)): # if the sum of the two elements is equal to the value, return True if list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value: return True # if the list does not have two distinct elements that sum to the value, return False return False def main(): # print the return value of double_sum_to_value print(double_sum_to_value([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 8)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()2.3 测试生成

手动创建单元测试可能是一项乏味的工作。 因此,一些开发人员根本不想编写测试。 使用提示中要测试的功能自动生成测试用例是解决这种缺乏良好实践的一个很好的替代方案。

# >>> Model: replit/replit-code-v1-3b - Temperature = 0.2 # >>> Prompt: import unittest def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): """ :param list_of_ints: a list of integers :param value: a value to check if the list has two distinct elements that sum to :return: True if there are two distinct elements in the list that sum to a value given in input, and False otherwise """ # if the list has less than two elements, return False if len(list_of_ints) < 2: return False # if the list has more than two elements, return True else: # iterate over the list for i in range(len(list_of_ints) - 1): # iterate over the remaining elements for j in range(i 1, len(list_of_ints)): # if the sum of the two elements is equal to the value, return True if list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value: return True # if the list does not have two distinct elements that sum to the value, return False return False class MyTest(unittest.TestCase): # >>> Result: def test_example(self): self.assertTrue(double_sum_to_value([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 7)) def test_example_2(self): self.assertFalse(double_sum_to_value([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 6)) def test_example_3(self): self.assertTrue(double_sum_to_value([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 7))2.4 重构代码

重构代码(Refactoring code)包括在不改变其功能的情况下更改源代码的结构,通常是为了使其更加高效、可读且易于维护。 此功能仅适用于已按指导方式训练的模型。

# >>> Model: ChatGPT # >>> Prompt: You are an expert in development. Rewrite this code to reduce its complexity. """ def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): if len(list_of_ints) < 2: return False else: for i in range(len(list_of_ints) - 1): for j in range(i 1, len(list_of_ints)): if list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value: return True return False """ # >>> Result: def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): if len(list_of_ints) < 2: return False seen_values = set() for num in list_of_ints: complement = value - num if complement in seen_values: return True seen_values.add(complement) return False """ Explanation: The initial check for the length of list_of_ints is retained to handle the case where there are fewer than two integers, as the logic wouldn't work in that scenario. We use a set, seen_values, to keep track of the complements needed to reach the target value. Instead of iterating through all combinations of numbers, we iterate through each number in list_of_ints only once. For each number, we calculate the complement needed to reach the target value. If the complement is in seen_values, we have found a pair that sums up to the target value, and we return True. If we finish iterating through the list without finding a pair, we return False. This approach reduces the complexity from O(n^2) to O(n), as we only need to iterate through the list once to check for the sum condition. Additionally, it avoids unnecessary duplicate calculations by storing the complements in a set. """2.5 代码文档和代码摘要

以自然语言描述生成源代码摘要。 此功能仅适用于已按指导方式训练的模型。

# >>> Model: ChatGPT # >>> Prompt: You are an expert in development. Adds an explanation of the code between quotations at the end. """ def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): if len(list_of_ints) < 2: return False else: for i in range(len(list_of_ints) - 1): for j in range(i 1, len(list_of_ints)): if list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value: return True return False """ # >>> Result: """ The given code defines a function named double_sum_to_value that takes in two parameters: list_of_ints, which is a list of integers, and value, which is an integer. The function checks if there are any two distinct integers in the list whose sum is equal to the given value. Here's a breakdown of how the code works: The function begins with an initial check to see if the length of the list_of_ints is less than 2. If it is, it means there are not enough integers in the list to form a pair, so the function returns False. If the length of the list is 2 or greater, the function proceeds to iterate through the list using two nested loops. The outer loop iterates over each element in the list except the last one, denoted by the variable i. The inner loop iterates over the elements following the current element of the outer loop, denoted by the variable j. This ensures that every possible pair of distinct integers is considered. Within the nested loops, the function checks if the sum of the current pair of integers, list_of_ints[i] and list_of_ints[j], is equal to the given value. If it is, the function immediately returns True to indicate that a pair with the desired sum has been found. If no such pair is found after exhausting all possible combinations, the function exits the nested loops and returns False to indicate that there are no distinct integers in the list that sum up to the given value. The code utilizes a brute-force approach by checking all possible pairs of integers. While it works correctly, it has a time complexity of O(n^2) due to the nested loops, where n is the length of the input list. This means the execution time grows quadratically with the size of the input list, which can be inefficient for large lists. """2.6 代码重写

开发人员必须定期编写相同的功能,但仅更改某些名称。 生成函数使这些修改变得非常容易。 此功能仅适用于已按指导方式训练的模型。

# >>> Model: ChatGPT # >>> Prompt: In the following function, change the input variable 'list_of_ints' to 'list_of_revenues' and 'value'' to 'revenue'. def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): if len(list_of_ints) < 2: return False else: for i in range(len(list_of_ints) - 1): for j in range(i 1, len(list_of_ints)): if list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value: return True return False # >>> Result: def double_sum_to_value(list_of_revenues, revenue): if len(list_of_revenues) < 2: return False else: for i in range(len(list_of_revenues) - 1): for j in range(i 1, len(list_of_revenues)): if list_of_revenues[i] list_of_revenues[j] == revenue: return True return False2.7 代码翻译

代码到代码的翻译(Code-to-code)是将一种编程语言编写的代码转换为另一种同功能编程语言的过程。 此过程也称为代码转换、转译、代码迁移或源到源翻译。 此功能仅适用于已按指导方式训练的模型。

# >>> Model: ChatGPT # >>> Prompt: Convert this function in 'C' language. """ def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): if len(list_of_ints) < 2: return False else: for i in range(len(list_of_ints) - 1): for j in range(i 1, len(list_of_ints)): if list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value: return True return False """ # >>> Result: #include <stdbool.h> bool double_sum_to_value(int list_of_ints[], int length, int value) { if (length < 2) { return false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i ) { for (int j = i 1; j < length; j ) { if (list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value) { return true; } } } return false; } } """ Explanation: The function is defined with the return type bool, which represents the boolean value of True or False in C. The list_of_ints is passed as an integer array along with its length length and the target value value. The condition if (length < 2) is used to check if the length of the array is less than 2, similar to the Python code. The nested loops are implemented using for loops in C. The loop variables i and j iterate over the indices of the array elements. The condition list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value is checked to determine if a pair of elements sums up to the target value, similar to the Python code. If a pair is found, true is returned, and if no pair is found, false is returned at the end of the function. Note: In C, it is important to include the necessary headers, such as stdbool.h, for using the bool data type. """2.8 代码缺陷检查

这是一个要求LLM检测提示中提供的源代码中的缺陷的过程。 此功能仅适用于已按指导方式训练的模型。

# >>> Model: ChatGPT # >>> Prompt: Find defects in this code. """ def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): for i in range(len(list_of_ints)): for j in range(i 1, len(list_of_ints)): if list_of_ints[i] list_of_ints[j] == value: return True return False """ # >>> Result: """ There are a few potential defects in the provided code: Inadequate Input Validation: The code does not perform sufficient input validation. It assumes that list_of_ints will always be a list and value will be a valid integer. If these assumptions are not met, the code may raise exceptions or produce incorrect results. It's good practice to validate the input types and handle any potential errors or edge cases. Lack of Bounds Checking: The code uses nested loops to iterate over the indices of list_of_ints. However, it does not perform any bounds checking to ensure that the indices are within the valid range of the list. This can lead to out-of-range errors if the input list is empty or has insufficient elements. It's important to validate the length of list_of_ints before iterating over its indices. No Early Termination: Once a pair of integers is found that satisfies the sum condition, the code immediately returns True. However, it continues iterating through the remaining pairs unnecessarily. This can result in unnecessary computation and reduced performance. Adding a break statement after the return True statement would optimize the code by terminating the loops early. Inefficient Nested Loop: The code uses a nested loop to compare each pair of integers in list_of_ints. This approach has a complexity of O(n^2), where n is the length of list_of_ints. Depending on the size of the list, this can lead to poor performance for larger inputs. Consider using alternative approaches, such as utilizing a set to store seen values or sorting the list and applying binary search, which can potentially reduce the complexity to O(n) or O(n log n) respectively. To address these potential defects, here's an improved version of the code: """ def double_sum_to_value(list_of_ints, value): if not isinstance(list_of_ints, list) or not isinstance(value, int): raise ValueError("Invalid input") if len(list_of_ints) < 2: return False seen_values = set() for num in list_of_ints: complement = value - num if complement in seen_values: return True seen_values.add(num) return False """ In the updated code: Input validation is performed to check the type of list_of_ints and value. The length of list_of_ints is checked to ensure it has at least two elements before proceeding with the main logic. A set, seen_values, is used to store previously seen values for efficient lookup. If a pair is found that satisfies the sum condition, True is immediately returned. The code raises a ValueError if the input types are invalid, providing clearer error handling. The code overall has a reduced complexity of O(n), improving performance compared to the original nested loop implementation. """2.9 模板化和头脑风暴

对于最后一个用例,我们仅使用这些模型的文本生成功能。 这无疑是最具创意的案例,也是让我们能够快速转向软件框架定义的案例。 它需要最多的架构知识才能对建议进行批判性的审视。

# >>> Model: ChatGPT # >>> Prompt: You are a software architect. Generates the skeleton of a mobile application used to display a map \\ and allow users to write comments at a point on the map. # >>> Result: Certainly! Here's a high-level skeleton of a mobile application that displays a map and allows users to write comments at specific points on the map: 1. User Interface: . Map View: This is the primary view that displays the map. . Annotation View: When the user taps on a specific point on the map, an annotation view is displayed to allow writing comments. . Comment List: A list view to display the comments associated with each point on the map. . User Authentication: Provide a login/signup feature to authenticate users and associate comments with their accounts. 2. Components and Modules: . Map SDK Integration: Integrate a map SDK (e.g., Google Maps, Mapbox) to display the map and handle user interactions like panning and zooming. . Annotation Management: Implement functionality to add annotations to the map when the user taps on a specific point. Each annotation can have associated comments. . Comment Management: Implement functionality to allow users to write and post comments. Comments should be associated with the selected point on the map. . User Authentication: Implement user authentication and session management to associate comments with user accounts and provide a personalized experience. . Data Persistence: Use a database or storage system to store and retrieve annotations and comments. This can be done using a server-side backend or a local database. 3. Workflow: . User opens the mobile app and is presented with a login/signup screen. . After successful authentication, the user is directed to the Map View. . The user can interact with the map, zoom in/out, and pan to navigate to desired locations. . When the user taps on a specific point on the map, an annotation view is displayed. . The user can write and post comments in the annotation view. . The comments are saved and associated with the selected point on the map. . The user can view the comments by tapping on existing annotations or accessing a comment list view. . The user can log out or switch to a different user account if needed. 4. Considerations: . UI/UX Design: Design a user-friendly interface with intuitive map interactions and clear annotation/comment presentation. . Data Security: Implement secure authentication and ensure data privacy for user accounts and comments. . Performance Optimization: Consider implementing efficient data retrieval and rendering mechanisms to ensure smooth map interactions and quick comment loading. . Offline Support: Implement offline capabilities, allowing users to view previously loaded map data and comments when there is no internet connection. . Error Handling: Implement proper error handling and feedback mechanisms to inform users of any issues, such as failed comment submission or map loading errors. Please note that this is a high-level overview, and the actual implementation details and choice of technologies may vary depending on the specific requirements and platform (iOS, Android, etc.) you are targeting. # Complementary prompt: What would you recommend in terms of technology for this application? # Result: In terms of technology recommendations for developing a mobile application with map functionality and comment features, here are some popular choices: 1. Mobile App Development Frameworks: - React Native: A popular cross-platform framework that allows building mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It offers good performance and code reusability across iOS and Android platforms. - Flutter: A cross-platform framework developed by Google that uses the Dart programming language. It provides a rich set of UI components and offers fast app development with excellent performance. - Native Development: If you prefer native development for iOS and Android separately, you can use Swift/Objective-C for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android. 2. Map SDKs: - Google Maps SDK: Provides comprehensive mapping functionality, including interactive maps, markers, annotations, and user interaction support. - Mapbox SDK: Offers powerful mapping tools with customizable styles, markers, annotations, and support for user interactions. 3. Backend and Database: - Backend as a Service (BaaS): Services like Firebase or AWS Amplify provide ready-to-use backend infrastructure, authentication, and database support, simplifying backend development. - Custom Backend: You can build your own backend using technologies like Node.js, Python, Ruby, or Java, along with databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. 4. User Authentication: - Firebase Authentication: Provides easy integration for user authentication with various login methods like email/password, social media logins, etc. - OAuth Providers: Utilize OAuth providers like Google, Facebook, or Twitter for seamless authentication and account creation. 5. Additional Considerations: - Data Storage: Depending on the scale and requirements of your application, you can choose a database solution such as Firebase Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, or a SQL/NoSQL database for storing comments and other data. - API Development: If you plan to develop a custom backend, consider using frameworks like Express.js (Node.js) or Flask (Python) to build RESTful APIs for communication between the mobile app and the backend. It's essential to evaluate the specific requirements, scalability needs, and development expertise of your team when choosing the technology stack. Additionally, consider factors like community support, documentation, and ease of integration with your chosen frameworks.3、提示最佳实践



代码生成模型主要通过将输出与参考解决方案进行比较来评估,如翻译的 BLEU 分数,对应关系可以是精确的,也可以是模糊的。 该方法的局限性在于它无法捕获代码的重要句法和语义特征,并且由于完美精度过于严格,它低估了相同语义逻辑下的不同结果。 该指标将有利于已根据测试数据进行训练的模型或已使用评估数据来匹配输出的模型。

2021 年 7 月,OpenAI 引入了 Codex 和一种名为 HumanEval 的新评估技术,用于衡量从文档字符串合成程序的功能正确性。 OpenAI 发布的 HumanEval 数据集包含 164 个编程问题,其中包括函数签名、文档字符串、正文和多个单元测试。 它们是手写的,以确保不包含在代码生成模型的训练集中。 HumanEval 使用 pass@k 指标。 该指标由 Kulal 等人于 2019 年定义,用于评估功能正确性。 k 是每个问题生成并评估的代码样本的数量。 如果任何样本通过单元测试,则认为问题已解决,然后报告已解决问题的总分数。

GPT家族在选秀分数方面是最好的。 就每个分数的参数数量而言,StarCoder、CodeT5 和 CodeGen 模型目前最有趣。

HumanEval 并不是唯一可用的基准测试,你还可以考虑以下基准测试:


2022 年 9 月,Github 进行的一项关于 Github Copilot 应用程序对开发人员生产力和幸福感影响的研究显示了许多有趣的结果:

这是 Github 对 Github 提供的产品进行的一项研究。 需要进行更多的学术研究才能对观察到的成果得出任何结论。 尽管如此,结果还是很有趣,可以公平地说,这些类型的工具在编写源代码中经常遇到的函数方面提供了明确的好处。


代码生成带来了许多新的道德问题,并引发了有关开发人员角色的问题。 这些系统并非没有缺点,重要的是要记住与它们相关的一些需要考虑的问题:

生成式人工智能系统可能会生成侵犯现有版权作品的输出媒体。 我们认为,这不太可能是结构良好的生成式人工智能系统的意外结果,尽管由于过度拟合或开发人员的意图,这种情况仍然有可能发生。 关于人工智能创新知识产权保护征求意见的意见 — 2020 年 3 月 3 日

人工智能生成的代码为入门编程和相关课程的学生和教育工作者带来了机遇和挑战。 这些工具突然变得可行且易于访问,这表明教育工作者可能没有意识到或没有准备好应对人工智能生成的代码对教育实践产生的重大影响。 因此,我们迫切需要根据这些新技术来审查我们的教育实践。


代码生成方面的这一新进展彻底改变了人类和机器在一个由人类向机器发出指令的领域中协同工作的方式。 这些技术有望显着提高时间和性能,但我们不应该简单地说它们是针对所有开发人员,尤其是初学者。


这些模型变得越来越高效,但它们仍然对请求的制定方式很敏感,并且取决于多个因素:模型性能、支持技能和应用程序设计技能。 这些因素意味着必须谨慎对待这些技术,并且不要低估事先培训的需要。

一种新方法正在迅速出现,涉及自协作代码生成的使用。 它包括通过生成本身链接从定义到测试用例的多个生成级别。 这个序列显着改善了最终结果并开辟了新的视角。 我们还没有看到这一领域最后的重大进展。



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