


萨古鲁 Isha

Venture into the exhilarating worlds of skateboarder Nyjah Huston and Sadhguru, as they navigate an engaging conversation about life, balance, and mental health. From courageous stunts and pushing through pain, to attaining inner equilibrium and understanding the contemporary mental health landscape – their dialogue surfs through unusual and inspiring terrains. Read on for an intriguing catch-up.

随着滑板运动员尼亚·休斯敦和萨古鲁这场关于生命、平衡和心理健康的引人入胜的谈话,“冒险” 进入他们令人兴奋的世界。从勇敢的特技表演、挺过疼痛,到获得内在平衡及了解当代心理健康现状——他们的对话驰骋于不同寻常和充满启发的疆域。继续阅读这段引人入胜的谈话吧。

Nyjah Huston: It’s so nice to meet and conversate with you because I’ve seen a lot of the videos of you where you talk about people making the most out of their lives and not being so stuck in their everyday routine.


Sadhguru: If life allows you to do what you really care for, that’s the greatest privilege.


Nyjah Huston: Yes, I agree. I’m always so thankful for that.


Fans often come up to me, and they’re like, “Oh, I love your skating. I used to skate back when I was a kid, but I fell and broke my wrist, and I didn’t want to do it anymore.” It really takes a certain type of person to be able to get back up time after time again, after taking so many hard falls, enduring the pain, the bleeding, concussions, ending up in the hospital, and still being willing to do it. So, what’s your take on that, and what kind of mindset do you think it takes?


Sadhguru: Well, there is no adventure without danger. If someone thinks they can do adventure without any danger, they’ll end up with a venture. Pursuing ventures or seeking adventures are two different ways of looking at life. So, is it necessary for everybody to break their bones? No, but it may happen.


Nyjah Huston: At least for me, a big part of it is about accepting the fact that in some situations, there’s a high chance of me getting hurt, instead of being in denial of it.


Sadhguru: In these many, many years of riding and crisscrossing India, only once, I broke a bone. One day, I came across a hill that is very interesting to ride. I thought, “Why don’t I just ride down off-road?” So, I went down on my motorcycle, over the rocks and through the bushes. I couldn’t see anything. A tree branch came and shattered my left ring finger. But I kept going, and I came to the bottom without falling down or breaking anything, except my ring finger. That’s the only broken bone I had on a motorcycle.


Nyjah Huston: Surprisingly, the only bone I’ve ever actually broken is my pinky finger. That’s funny to hear you have a similar story. But you must be pretty good at riding if you can just cruise off into the jungle and not fall. I respect that.


Sadhguru: Balance, above all, balance in life. If you’re mentally, physically, and emotionally balanced, you can do everything to the best of your ability. This is one thing that most human beings lack. They may be intelligent, they may be talented, they may have many capabilities, but there’s no balance. When there’s no balance, your capabilities turn against you, one way or the other.


If you’re mentally, physically, and emotionally balanced, you can do everything to the best of your ability.如果你在头脑、身体和情绪上是平衡的,你可以尽你所能做任何事。

Nyjah Huston: Speaking of that – what are your thoughts about how in this day and age, so many people are suffering from anxiety, depression, overthinking, and that whole aspect?


Sadhguru: There is no such thing as overthinking. People are not thinking enough. But because there is so much friction in their thinking, they think they are thinking too much. There’s no such thing. If you’re driving a tractor, which has got a lot of friction, going at 40 miles per hour might feel very fast. But if you’re riding a fast motorcycle, you may not realize that you’re going 120 miles per hour because it’s moving without much friction.


The same goes for your body and your mind. If your mind is in a lot of friction, and you have ten thoughts, then you think you’re overthinking. But you can have a million thoughts per day and still be cool if there’s no friction. The problem is friction, not too many thoughts. People are not thinking enough, if you ask me.


Nyjah Huston: I like that way to look at it.


Sadhguru: There are tools and methods as to how to make your mind function the way you want. And the whole human mechanism is so fantastic. If you make it work for you, it’ll do wonders. If you make it work against you, it’s a torture. We can teach you something which sets you up.


I must tell you how I got into these yogic practices. I was maybe around 12. In the summer vacation, we always went to our ancestral home, my grandfather’s place. There was a well of about eight feet in diameter, where the water was at least 60 to 70 feet below the ground level. We used to jump into the well. You have to go down straight. If you jump down at an angle, your brains will become a smear on the wall.


The whole human mechanism is so fantastic. If you make it work for you, it’ll do wonders.整个人体机制就是这么奇妙,如果你让它为你工作,它会创造奇迹。

And for climbing up, there is no foothold, no step, no ladder, nothing – just rocks to hold on with your fingertips. By the time you reach the top, your fingernails will be bleeding from the sheer pressure. I was pretty good at that.


One day, a man who was over 70 years old simply stood there and watched us quietly as we did this. Then, without a word, he came and jumped in. I thought this old guy was finished. But he came up faster than me. I didn’t like it. I asked him, “How?” He said, “Come and do Yoga.” That’s why I’m telling you, come and do some Yoga – you’ll do your tricks much better. [Laughs]


Nyjah Huston: I’m into it. I want to be able to keep doing what I’m doing for as long as possible and keep the body healthy, keep the mind healthy, and the balance on and off the board. Sounds like that’s the key.


Sadhguru: If you’re balanced, you’re on board with life.


Nyjah Huston: Love that. Thank you so much for meeting. It’s an honor to meet you and talk about life and meaningful things. I feel like not enough people nowadays talk about real meaningful things.


Sadhguru: About anxiety and other things you mentioned, we are launching a movement called Conscious Planet in 2024.


Nyjah Huston: Awesome.


Sadhguru: This will offer a variety of possibilities for people to do some simple practice, 12 to 15 minutes a day to bring mental wellbeing. Today, it’s become a huge concern in the world, especially in the United States. The number of people who are having mental fluctuations or ailments is very, very high. In another 15 to 25 years, almost every home will have at least one mentally disturbed person. We are going there very rapidly.


If you’re balanced, you’re on board with life.如果你是平衡的,你就是在与生命结伴而行。

We want this to reach at least three billion people and encourage them to spend 15 minutes a day to do something for their own mental wellbeing. Because mental illness does not mean, “Someone is mentally sick, and I am not.” We are all walking the thin line between sanity and insanity. One wrong step, and we could be there. When people are young, they don’t think they’ll ever be physically ill. But how many millions and millions of people are ill one way or the other.


Just like physical illness, mental illness can happen to us if we take a step in the wrong direction. So, the Conscious Planet movement is about bringing this awareness and giving people tools to fix themselves, for them to make sure that they don’t go there, or if they are already there, to come out of it. With just 15 minutes investment per day, one can come out of it. Let’s make it happen so that we live in a healthy world.


Nyjah Huston: Let’s do it. I’m definitely down to be a part of that. It sounds great. The world needs more of that.



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