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在第十三届夏季达沃斯论坛 开幕式上的致辞 (2019年7月2日) 中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强

Address by H.E. Li Keqiang Premier of the State Council of The People’s Republic of China At the Opening Ceremony of The Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2019

Dalian, 2 July 2019

尊敬的施瓦布主席先生, 尊敬的各位元首、政府首脑, 尊敬的各位贵宾, 女士们,先生们: Professor Klaus Schwab, Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

很高兴与大家再次相聚在美丽的大连。首先,我谨代表中国政府,对第十三届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开,表示热烈祝贺!对远道而来的各位嘉宾和媒体界朋友,表示诚挚欢迎! It is a great pleasure for me to come back and meet with all of you in this beautiful city of Dalian. On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to offer warm congratulations on the opening of the 13th Annual Meeting of the New Champions. My sincere welcome goes to all distinguished guests and journalists who have come all the way to join this event.

在当前国际形势下,本次论坛深入研讨经济全球化问题,有很强的现实针对性。在上周举行的二十国集团*大阪峰会上,中国**发表重要讲话,进一步深刻阐述了中国关于经济全球化的立场和主张,再次表明愿与国际社会一道引导经济全球化朝正确方向发展。 In the current international context, the focus of this year’s Annual Meeting on globalization issues is highly relevant. In his important remarks at the G20 Osaka Summit held last week, President Xi Jinping further elaborated on China’s position and propositions on economic globalization and reaffirmed China’s readiness to work with the international community in steering economic globalization in the right direction.

一个时期以来,国际社会围绕经济全球化展开了广泛讨论。首先必须看到,经济全球化作为社会生产力发展的客观要求和科技进步的必然结果,使生产者有了更大市场、消费者有了更多选择、资源要素有了更高效率配置,促进了国际分工协作和各国比较优势的发挥,推动了世界经济长期持续增长,总体上各国都从中受益。 There has been much discussion on economic globalization in the international arena in recent times. First and foremost, we need to recognize that economic globalization, which is a natural requirement and outcome of social productivity growth and scientific and technological progress, has broadened the markets for producers, offered more choices to consumers, and brought about more efficient allocation of resources and factors of production. It has enabled better international division of labor and more effective leveraging of countries’ comparative strengths, thus bolstering the sustained growth of the world economy for the past few decades. Overall this process has delivered benefits to all countries across the world.

在经济全球化条件下产生的新一轮产业革命,以其网络化、平台化、泛在化等特点,不仅使全球产业链、创新链、价值链的联接更加紧密,为世界经济发展注入了新动能,也由于降低了准入门槛,给各方带来前所未有的平等和便利参与机会,有力促进了包容性增长。 The latest round of industrial revolution, born in the age of economic globalization, has closely knitted together global industrial, innovation and value chains thanks to the ubiquitous, networked platforms. This has not only injected fresh impetus into world economic development, but also lowered the threshold for access, presenting unprecedented opportunities for equal and convenient participation and vigorously enhancing inclusive growth.

当今世界,各国经济深度交融、互为市场、彼此依赖,没有哪个国家能够独自为生产者提供所有的资源和创新要素、为消费者提供所有的商品和服务,没有哪个国家能够独立于全球分工体系之外而实现长期持续发展。同时,我们也要看到,在参与经济全球化过程中,确实存在着各方机会和受益不均、传统产业和就业受到冲击等包容性不足问题。对此,要全面深入分析,找出症结所在,有针对性地加以解决。目前存在的一个误区是,简单地、片面地把所有问题都归咎于经济全球化本身,这不仅于事无补,还将动摇世界经济贸易发展的根基。 We now live in a world of profound economic interdependence. Countries rely on each other’s markets. No country can single-handedly provide all the resources and factors of innovation for producers, or offer all the needed goods and services to consumers. Nor can any country sustain its development in isolation from the global system of division of labor. Having said that, we need to acknowledge the lack of inclusiveness that has arisen in the course of economic globalization, such as inequality in opportunity, uneven benefit distribution and shocks to traditional industries and employment. For these issues, we need to make comprehensive and in-depth analyses to find out the root causes and address them with targeted solutions. A problematic tendency we see right now is to simplistically make a scapegoat of economic globalization, which instead of helping matters in any way, will only undercut the foundation of world economic and trade growth.

应坚持经济全球化大方向,促进贸易和投资自由化便利化,同时健全权利公平、机会公平、规则公平的制度安排,更好适应和引导经济全球化,实现互利共赢、平衡普惠发展。各国应坚持包容性增长导向,改善收入分配体制,让民众从经济增长中普遍获益。国际社会应加强对不发达国家的帮助,支持更多发展中国家更深融入全球产业链、创新链、价值链,实现经济增长、就业增加、民生改善。 It is crucial that countries remain committed to the general direction of economic globalization, and advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. At the same time, we need to improve institutional arrangements to promote equal rights, equal opportunities, and fair rules for all, so as to better adapt to and guide economic globalization in the direction of mutually beneficial, balanced and inclusive development. At the national level, countries need to pursue inclusive growth by improving the income distribution system, and deliver the benefits of growth more widely in their societies. The international community needs to increase assistance to the less developed countries, and support their deeper integration into the global industrial, innovation and value chains, so that they can grow their economy, create more jobs, and improve their people’s well-being.

当前世界经济风险有所上升,国际贸易投资放缓,保护主义负面影响加大,不稳定不确定因素明显增多。各方都在积极应对,一些国家已采取降息等政策或发出明确宽松信号。人类社会是在不断总结历史经验教训的过程中前进的。前些年,各国加强政策协调,携手应对国际金融危机,取得明显成效,对此应认真总结和坚持;对所采取的量化宽松、超发货币等政策的中长期效应也要深入评估,从中找出利弊得失。 Risks facing the world economy have increased to a certain extent, from a slow-down in international trade and investment, intensified negative impact of protectionism, to greater uncertainties and destabilizing factors. In response, various countries have taken proactive measures, such as cutting interest rates or signaling more accommodative policies. Human society makes progress by drawing on past experience and lessons. Years ago, we jointly tackled the international financial crisis by coordinating our policies and achieved notable results. We should earnestly learn from and carry on this experience. At the same time, the medium- and long-term effects of the quantitative easing and excessive money supply adopted in the wake of the crisis should be evaluated, and the pros and cons of such policies should be weighed carefully.

面对当前世界经济下行压力,大家同在一条船上,要弘扬伙伴精神,平等协商、求同存异、管控分歧、扩大共识、形成合力。以规则为基础、以世贸组织为核心的多边贸易体制,是经济全球化和自由贸易的基石,也是促进世界经济稳定增长的重要保障,其权威性和有效性应当得到尊重和维护。中国支持对世贸组织进行必要改革,但自由贸易等基本原则必须坚持,开放市场、促进发展的宗旨不能动摇,有利于缩小发展鸿沟、南北差距的重要指向不能改变。 In the face of the downward trends in the world economy, countries need to renew the spirit of partnership as we are all passengers in the same boat. We need to maintain equal consultations, seek common ground while shelving or managing our differences, and forge synergies. The rules-based, WTO-centered multilateral trading system is the bedrock of economic globalization and free trade, and an important underpinning for steady global growth. Its authority and efficacy should be respected and safeguarded. China supports necessary reforms of the WTO. Nevertheless, its fundamental principles such as free trade should be upheld, and the WTO should not waver in fulfilling its mission of opening markets and promoting development and in moving in the important direction of narrowing the development gap and North-South divide.

中国提出共建“一带一路”倡议,旨在让更多国家和地区融入经济全球化、促进包容发展,为世界各国及工商企业提供了新的机遇。希望各方积极参与,在互利合作中实现联动发展、共赢发展。 The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China aims to promote inclusive development by encouraging the integration of more countries and regions into economic globalization. It has created new opportunities for countries and businesses around the world. We welcome the active participation of all parties in order to achieve interconnected and win-win development through mutually beneficial cooperation.

女士们,先生们! Ladies and Gentlemen,

中国改革开放40多年来,我们坚持在开放中与各国分享机会和利益,积极融入全球分工体系和产业链、创新链、价值链。在这个过程中,我们也承受了很大压力、付出了很大代价、经历了很多阵痛,但我们认准经济全球化是不可逆转的大趋势、融入世界经济是不容改变的大方向,不管遇到多少困难都不动摇,结果不仅发展了自己,也惠及了世界。 In the past 40-plus years of reform and opening-up, China has shared opportunities and benefits with other countries through opening-up and actively integrated itself into the international division of labor and the global industrial, innovation and value chains. In this process, we endured huge pressure, paid high prices, and experienced a lot of pain. But we saw economic globalization as an irreversible trend and never lost sight of the general direction of integrating into the world economy. We stood firm in the face of all difficulties and our efforts finally paid off: China has not only achieved its own development, but also brought benefits to the whole world.

回顾这些年,中国不断扩大对外开放,全面履行开放承诺。中国在2010年就已履行完入世降税承诺,关税总水平由加入世贸组织时的15.3%降至9.8%,近年来又多次自主降税,目前关税总水平已降至7.5%。据世贸组织统计,中国贸易加权平均税率只有5.2%,低于绝大多数发展中国家,与发达国家平均水平相差不到3个百分点。 The past four decades and more saw China open itself ever wider to the world and fully honor its commitments. China fulfilled all its WTO accession commitments regarding tariff reduction as early as in 2010, lowering its overall tariff level from 15.3 percent before accession to 9.8 percent. On top of that, China’s repeated voluntary moves to cut tariffs in recent years have brought its overall tariff level further down to the current 7.5 percent. According to WTO figures, China’s trade-weighted average tariffs stand at 5.2 percent, lower than most other developing countries and higher than the average level of developed countries by less than 3 percentage points.

我们进一步开放市场,全面实行准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度。目前制造业已基本放开,现代服务业准入限制持续减少,金融业开放步伐明显加快、开放水平明显提升。我们不断健全知识产权保护法律体系,持续加大执法力度。2018年中国支付的外国专利许可费和技术使用费超过300亿美元,较10年前增长近4倍。去年在全球跨国直接投资下降的情况下,中国实际利用外资保持增长态势。 We have opened up our markets further by rolling out nationwide the management system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list. China’s manufacturing sector has been basically opened up; restrictions on access to the modern services sector are being reduced; the opening of the financial sector has notably accelerated, leading to a visibly higher level of openness. China is also working to improve its laws to better protect intellectual property rights and step up law enforcement in this area. In 2018, China paid more than US$30 billion in royalties for foreign patents and technologies, a nearly fourfold increase compared with 10 years ago. The amount of paid-in foreign investment in China continued to grow last year, bucking the trend of shrinking FDI worldwide.

面向未来,不管国际风云如何变幻,中国将坚定不移推动全方位对外开放,致力于发展更高水平的开放型经济。我们将深化制造业开放,落实好汽车领域放宽外资股比限制等措施,鼓励外资参与制造业高质量发展,支持外资投向电子信息、装备制造、医药、新材料等先进制造领域和中西部地区,在自用设备进口、企业所得税、土地供应等方面给予优惠待遇。 Going forward, no matter how the international situation may evolve, China will remain firmly committed to all-round opening-up and building an open economy of a higher standard. We will advance the opening-up of the manufacturing sector by following through on the commitment to ease foreign equity restrictions such as in the auto industry, encouraging foreign investment in high-quality manufacturing, and supporting foreign businesses in investing in advanced manufacturing such as electronics and information technology, equipment manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and new materials and in central and western China. Foreign businesses making such investments will be eligible for preferential treatment in terms of import of self-use equipment, corporate income tax and land use.

我们将深化金融等现代服务业开放举措,将原来规定的2021年取消证券、期货、寿险外资股比限制提前至2020年,在增值电信、交通运输等领域减少对外资准入限制,落实好征信、信用评级、支付等领域外资机构国民待遇,扩大债券市场双向开放。稳步推进汇率形成机制改革和资本项目可兑换,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定,不搞竞争性贬值。我们将进一步自主降低关税总水平,努力消除非关税壁垒,积极扩大商品和服务进口,提升进口便利化水平。 The financial and other modern services sectors will also be further opened up. We will move up the lifting of foreign ownership caps in securities, futures and life insurance from 2021 to 2020. Restrictions on foreign investment in value-added telecommunication services and transportation will be reduced, and foreign-funded institutions will receive national treatment in credit investigation, credit rating and payment. Two-way opening of the bond market will be expanded. The reform of the exchange rate mechanism and the convertibility of the RMB under the capital account will be taken forward in a steady manner. The RMB exchange rate will remain generally stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level. China will not engage in competitive devaluation. We will continue to lower overall tariffs voluntarily, remove non-tariff barriers, actively increase the import of goods and services, and enhance import facilitation.

我们将继续完善对外开放法律法规体系,外商投资法配套法规、规章正在抓紧制定,今年年底前都会完成,明年1月1日与外商投资法同步实施。同时,加快清理与外商投资法不相符的法律法规和规范性文件,年底前将全面取消外资准入负面清单外的限制规定。我们将更大力度保护知识产权,实施侵权惩罚性赔偿制度,严厉打击各类侵权假冒行为。中国对外商投资的开放度、透明度、可预期性会越来越高,整体投资环境会越来越好。一个更加开放的中国,必将为促进世界经济发展作出更大贡献。 We will further improve laws and regulations concerning opening-up and expedite the drafting of supporting rules and regulations for the Foreign Investment Law, which is expected to be finished by the end of this year and enter into force along with the Foreign Investment Law on 1 January 2020. In the meantime, we will move faster to overhaul laws, regulations and normative documents that are incompatible with the Foreign Investment Law, and will eliminate all remaining restrictions outside the negative lists for the access of foreign investment by the end of this year. We will strengthen IPR protection and introduce a punitive compensation mechanism to crack down hard on all kinds of infringements and counterfeiting. Efforts in all the above areas will make China even more open, transparent and predictable for foreign investment and improve the overall investment environment in this country. The world economy stands to benefit from a more open China.

女士们、先生们! Ladies and Gentlemen,

今年上半年刚刚过去,大家都很关心当前中国经济形势。综合看,中国经济总体平稳、运行在合理区间,经济基本面继续保持稳中向好态势,主要经济指标符合预期。就业持续增加,5月份城镇调查失业率稳定在5%左右的较低水平。经济结构不断优化,服务业平稳增长,工业企业利润增速由负转正,高技术制造业、战略性新兴产业增速明显快于整体工业,夏粮丰收在望。居民消费价格保持温和上涨。外汇储备稳中有升。前5个月平均每天新设企业1.89万户,继续保持较快增长,这反映出社会创业创新有活力、市场主体有信心。 As we head into the second half of this year, the performance of the Chinese economy may be a topic of great interest to many of you. On the whole, the Chinese economy has registered steady growth and has been operating within a proper range. The economic fundamentals remained stable with a positive momentum. Major economic indicators match our expectations. More jobs have been created, as can be seen from the relatively low surveyed urban unemployment rate in May, which was around 5 percent. The economic structure has continued to improve. The services sector has been steadily expanding; profit growth of industrial enterprises has re-entered positive territory; the growth of high-tech manufacturing and strategic emerging industries has notably outstripped that of the overall industrial sector; and a bumper harvest for summer grains is on the horizon. Consumer prices increased mildly. And foreign exchange reserves have remained stable and saw a moderate increase. In the first five months of this year, the average number of newly-registered businesses has risen substantially to 18,900 every day, reflecting vibrant start-up and innovation activities and confidence among market entities across the country.

当然,中国经济也面临着新的下行压力。外部不确定不稳定因素增多,给部分企业生产经营、外贸出口特别是市场预期带来一定影响;国内有效投资增长缓慢,保持经济平稳运行的难度不小。对今年国内外复杂严峻形势,我们早有预判、作了充分准备,一直在采取措施积极加以应对,尤其是实施更大规模的减税降费,已初见成效。中国市场规模巨大、人力人才资源丰富、产业配套齐全、新动能快速成长,综合优势较为明显,经济发展有足够的韧性、潜力和回旋余地,长期向好的趋势不会改变。 That being said, the Chinese economy does face some new downward pressure. The increase in uncertainties and destabilizing factors externally is affecting some businesses and weighing on export and market expectations. Slowing growth in effective domestic investment has added to the difficulty in maintaining stable economic performance. Yet, we have long seen challenges coming and have been making full preparations by acting proactively to tackle head-on the complex and difficult situation both at home and externally. Such efforts, especially larger-scale tax and fee cuts, have produced initial results. With its huge market, ample human resources, full-fledged industrial system and dynamic new growth drivers, the Chinese economy enjoys solid overall strength and resilience, potential and flexibility, sufficient to sustain its sound development in the long term.

下一步,我们将坚定不移抓好发展这个第一要务,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,加大改革开放力度,深化供给侧结构性改革,统筹推进稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险、保稳定,着力做好稳就业、稳金融、稳外贸、稳外资、稳投资、稳预期各项工作,保持经济运行在合理区间,推动经济高质量发展,确保实现全年发展主要目标任务。 In the coming months and years, we will unswervingly focus on development as China’s top priority. We will continue to follow the guiding principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, step up efforts in reform and opening-up, deepen the supply-side structural reform, and work holistically to pursue stable growth, continued reforms, structural adjustments, and higher living standards, and guard against risks while ensuring stability. We will work to ensure stable employment, a stable financial sector, stable foreign trade, stable foreign investment, stable domestic investment, and stable expectations. We will maintain economic performance within the proper range, pursue high-quality economic development, and make sure this year’s main economic and social development goals will be achieved.

为此,我们要深入落实已出台的宏观政策措施,继续创新和完善宏观调控,注重预调微调,为经济保持平稳运行创造条件。但中国不会搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激,不会走铺摊子、粗放增长的老路。我们稳增长首要是为保就业,就业是经济运行合理区间的下限,不能有闪失。要深入落实就业优先政策,支持以创业带动就业,加强对灵活就业、新就业形态的支持,多管齐下稳定和扩大就业。 To this end, we must implement well the macro policy measures we have introduced, continue to improve macro regulation in innovative ways, and do a good job in anticipatory adjustment and fine-tuning in order to create conditions for the steady operation of the economy. This does not mean that we will resort to massive stimulus measures, or return to the old approach of expansion in scale and inefficient growth. Maintaining stable growth, first and foremost, is to ensure stable employment, which is a key parameter defining the proper range of economic performance. We cannot allow mis-steps when it comes to employment. We must fully implement the employment-first policy, encourage job creation through business start-ups, strengthen support for flexible and new forms of employment, and keep employment stable and expanding through various means.

发展的根本动力在于改革。我们要不断深化改革,着力打造市场化、法治化、国际化的营商环境,进一步激发市场主体活力。优化营商环境就是解放和发展生产力、就是增强国际竞争力。要着力抓好实施更大规模减税降费和“放管服”改革两件大事,以减税降费为市场主体减负减压,以“放管服”改革给市场主体加油助力,两者相辅相成、并驾齐驱,形成激发市场主体活力、优化营商环境的强大合力。 Reform is the fundamental driving force for development. We will continue to deepen reforms to foster a world-class, market-oriented business environment governed by law and further invigorate all market entities. Improving the business environment is a crucial step in unlocking and strengthening productive forces and enhancing global competitiveness. China will slash taxes and fees to reduce the burden and pressure on market entities. At the same time, we will streamline administration, delegate power, improve compliance oversight and provide better services to give a boost to all market players. These two major initiatives are mutually reinforcing and will foster strong synergy in energizing the market and improving the business environment.

目前更大规模减税降费正按预期顺利推进,我们将及时解决落实中遇到的问题,确保不折不扣落实到位。持续深化“放管服”改革,进一步放宽市场准入,大力压减行政许可和整治各类管理措施中的变相审批,坚决打通企业开办经营和投资建设两大堵点,加强公正公平监管,优化政府服务,依法严格保护产权,为各类所有制企业、内外资企业打造一视同仁、公平竞争的市场环境。 Larger-scale tax and fee cuts are being implemented as scheduled. Timely measures will be taken to address problems down the road to ensure their full implementation. We will continue to deepen the above-mentioned reform of government functions to further ease market access, substantially reduce the number of items requiring administrative permits, and rescind any management measures that may involve approvals in disguised forms. Bottlenecks hindering businesses’ ability to start operations and obtain construction permits will be eliminated. We will promote fair and impartial regulation, improve government services, strengthen protection of property rights in accordance with the law, and create a market environment where companies under all types of ownership and from both home and abroad are treated as equals and compete on a level playing field.

围绕缓解企业融资难融资贵问题,综合采取降准、降低实际利率水平、扩大直接融资、支持市场化创业投资加快发展等措施,推动融资状况明显改观、融资综合成本明显降低。 To ease the difficulties faced by enterprises in accessing affordable financing, we have taken a combination of measures from cutting the required reserve ratio and real interest rates to expanding direct financing and supporting accelerated development of market-based venture capital. These measures have significantly improved access to financing and lowered the overall costs.

中国有7600多万个体工商户,带动约2亿人就业;有3600多万户企业,其中90%是中小微企业。这些量大面广的个体工商户和中小微企业,在扩大就业、方便生活、拓展消费等方面发挥着重要支撑作用,必须予以大力支持。要加强普惠金融服务,采取定向降准、定向中期借贷便利、提高不良贷款率容忍度等措施,鼓励金融机构加大对小微企业的信贷投放。支持大企业与中小微企业融通发展、优势互补,打造更具竞争力的产业链。 China now has 76 million plus self-employed traders, creating about 200 million jobs, and over 36 million companies, 90 percent of which are medium, small and micro businesses. Given their sheer numbers and the wide range of sectors they cover, these businesses play an important role in generating jobs, facilitating people’s daily lives and stimulating consumption. They deserve every support from the government. We will enhance inclusive financial services and encourage financial institutions to provide more loans to small and micro businesses through targeted cuts in the required reserve ratio, targeted Medium-term Lending Facility and higher tolerance for nonperforming loan ratio. We will support big enterprises in working with medium, small and micro companies in an integrated way to better leverage their comparative strengths and form more competitive industrial chains.

大力优化民营经济发展环境,落实好普惠性减税降费等财政支持政策,加强政策性融资担保,用好民营企业债券融资支持工具,坚决消除民营企业投资的各种隐形障碍。只要把营商环境搞好了,使亿万市场主体的活跃度保持住、提上去,中国经济平稳增长就有了坚实基础。 We will foster a more enabling environment for the development of private businesses. We will fully implement fiscal support policies such as general-benefit tax and fee cuts, increase policy loan guarantee, make good use of the instruments for supporting bond financing for private businesses, and remove all implicit barriers to private investment. When we can secure a sound business environment where hundreds of millions of market entities are invigorated and motivated, we will have a solid foundation for the steady growth of the Chinese economy.

发展要靠创新引领。我们将深入实施创新驱动发展战略,培育壮大发展新动能。强化科技支撑能力,落实和完善研发费用加计扣除等举措,鼓励企业增加研发投入,加快创新成果转化应用。支持“互联网 ”升级,拓展“智能 ”,为传统产业改造升级持续赋能。坚持实施包容审慎监管,促进新兴产业持续健康发展。加快发展现代职业教育,培养各类高素质的技术技能人才。深入推进大众创业万众创新。进一步完善创新发展政策,加强全方位公共服务,打造开放共享平台,不断增强经济创新力和竞争力。 Innovation is a key engine of development. We will fully implement the strategy of innovation-driven development and cultivate and strengthen new drivers of growth. We will better harness scientific and technological progress to support development. Measures such as allowing additional tax deductions for R&D spending will be implemented and improved to encourage greater R&D input from the business sector, and innovation results will be applied and commercialized at a faster pace. We will support the upgrading of Internet Plus and expand Intelligent Plus to empower the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. A prudent yet accommodating regulatory approach will remain in place to sustain the healthy growth of emerging industries. We will promote faster development of modern vocational education, and train high-caliber skilled workers in all professions. The nationwide business start-up and innovation initiative will be taken forward. We will further improve policies supporting innovation-driven development, enhance public services across the board, build open and sharing platforms, and make our economy more innovative and competitive.

发展的目的是改善民生。人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。要促进经济发展与民生改善良性互动,持续释放内需潜力。中国有近14亿人,中等收入群体超过4亿,民生改善、消费升级无不蕴含着巨大的市场需求,在适应民生需求中促进形成强大国内市场、增强发展动力大有可为。我们要大力引导社会力量发展服务业,增加医疗、文化、旅游、体育等服务供给,特别是瞄准民生的痛点和堵点,加快发展社区养老、托幼服务,实施消费促进政策,激发消费潜力,提升人民生活水平。 The purpose of China’s development is to improve the lives of our people. Their aspiration for a better life motivates all our endeavors. We will work to foster a healthy cycle of economic growth and higher living standards for the people, and continue to unleash domestic demand. China has nearly 1.4 billion people and boasts a middle-income population of over 400 million. The upgrading of consumption that comes with better lives for the people entails huge market demand. So our efforts to meet people’s needs for a better life will create boundless opportunities for fostering a robust market and stronger growth drivers. We will encourage a greater role of the private sector in developing social services to increase the supply of medical, cultural, tourism and sports services, and target the most acute bottlenecks affecting the daily lives of our people, by accelerating the development of community-based elderly care and childcare services. We will adopt pro-consumption policies to unlock the potential of consumption and make people’s lives better.

合理扩大有效投资,加强水电路和新一代信息基础设施等建设。改造城镇老旧小区,是群众所盼,还能拉动有效投资、促进消费。今年我们将加大试点力度,中央财政给予支持,运用市场化方式吸引社会力量参与。改善民生、发展民生没有终点,只有新的起点。中国政府将坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,持续推进民生工程建设和创新,提供更多优质产品和服务,使改革发展成果更好惠及人民群众。 Effective investment will be scaled up as needed to promote the construction of public utilities, roads and new-generation information infrastructures. Sprucing up aging residential areas in cities is not only the call of our people, but also a means to stimulate effective investment and consumption. This year, pilot programs in this endeavor will be intensified with funding support from the central government and the participation of the private sector through market-based modalities. Delivering a better life to our people is a never-ending process. The Chinese government will continue to put people first in pursuing development, explore innovative means to enhance people’s well-being, and provide more quality public goods and services to better share the fruits of reform and development among our people.

女士们、先生们! Ladies and Gentlemen,

夏季达沃斯论坛在中国已经举办了13年。当初设立夏季达沃斯论坛时,新一轮产业革命正在兴起,全球化步伐在加快,新业态、新技术、新商业模式层出不穷。当时确定了“新领军者”这一主题,并且延续至今,仍然具有现实意义。当年诸多成长型企业已成长为“参天大树”。我们就是要让各类市场主体,让大企业和成长型企业同台竞技,公平竞争,共同发展。希望更多“百年老店”大企业继续追求卓越,更多中小企业勇立潮头,涌现出更多“新领军者”。 The Annual Meeting of the New Champions has been held in China for 13 years. When it was launched 13 years ago, the new round of industrial revolution was just on the horizon, globalization was picking up pace, and new forms of business, new technologies and new business models were burgeoning. The focus on “New Champions” for the Summer Davos back then still remains meaningful today. Many growth enterprises, which were mere seedlings a dozen or so years ago, have grown into “towering trees”. We would like to see that all types of market players, large companies and growth enterprises alike, compete on a level playing field and achieve common development. We hope that companies with famous brands and long traditions will continue their record of excellence, and more small and medium-sized firms will stand out and become “New Champions”.

开放包容、合作共赢,是促进世界经济持久繁荣的必由之路。中国愿与各国携起手来,推动经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展,共同开创人类美好的未来!祝论坛圆满成功! Openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation are the sure way to lasting prosperity of the world economy. China is prepared to join hands with all other countries to make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all, and together create a brighter future for humankind! In conclusion, I wish the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2019 a full success!



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