



As part of its OMG! Fund, the home-rental platform is asking people to submit "out-of-this-world" ideas for "the world's craziest spaces." The plans will be judged by an expert panel and the top 100 applicants will receive $100,000 in financing each, Airbnb said in its announcement on Wednesday.作为其 OMG 的一部分这-Fund个房屋租赁平台正在要求人们为“世界上最疯狂的空间”提交“超凡脱俗”的想法。 Airbnb 在周三的公告中表示,这些计划将由专家小组评判,前 100 名申请人将每人获得 10 万美元的融资。

Airbnb listed various properties – including those designed in the shape of a boot, a UFO, and a massive potato — as examples of unusual listings already available on the platform.

Airbnb 列出了各种房产——包括那些设计成靴子、不明飞行物和大土豆形状的房产——作为平台上已有的不寻常房源的例子。

"We want to make it easier to create more of these homes," Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky wrote on Twitter.“我们希望更容易建造更多这样的房屋,”Airbnb 首席执行官布莱恩切斯基在 Twitter 上写道。

"The fund is shaped in part by the growing trend of flexible living that has emerged in the past two years," Airbnb wrote in the announcement. "As part of this shift, Airbnb guests are craving more unexpected spaces that become the destinations themselves."Airbnb 在公告中写道:“该基金的部分原因是过去两年出现的灵活生活的增长趋势。” “作为这种转变的一部分,Airbnb 的客人渴望更多意想不到的空间,这些空间本身就是目的地。”

To tap into the trend, Airbnb in May introduced the "OMG!" category, features listings with unusual designs.为了顺应这一趋势,Airbnb 在 5 月推出了“OMG!”类别,具有不寻常设计的列表。

Airbnb itself is embracing remote work two years after the pandemic shuttered offices worldwide: In April, the company announced employees could live and work anywhere forever.在大流行关闭全球办公室两年后,Airbnb 本身正在接受远程工作:4 月,该公司宣布员工可以永远在任何地方生活和工作。

Chesky said at Airbnb's first-quarter earnings call in May that the pandemic spurred longer-term stays at properties listed on its platform. Long-term stays of 28 days or more remained Airbnb's fastest-growing category by trip length compared to 2019, the company said in its letter to shareholders.Chesky 在 5 月份 Airbnb 的第一季度财报电话会议上表示,这种流行病促使人们在其平台上列出的房产中长期停留。该公司在致*的信中表示,与 2019 年相比,28 天或更长时间的长期住宿仍然是 Airbnb 增长最快的类别。

"Right now, what's happened is that for millions of people, they don't need to go back to an office five days a week. And the vast majority of companies are not requiring employees to come back to an office," Chesky said in the call, according to a transcript.“现在,发生的事情是,对于数百万人来说,他们不需要每周五天回到办公室。绝大多数公司并不要求员工回到办公室,”切斯基在通话记录显示。

"I don't think this is a temporary phenomenon. I think that the genie's out of the bottle, and flexibility is here to stay," he added.“我认为这不是暂时的现象。我认为精灵已经从瓶子里出来了,灵活性会一直存在,”他补充道。

来源:Airbnb Is Giving Away $10M to Help Build 'the World's Craziest Spaces' (


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