Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning's
Regular Press Conference on October 17, 2023
总台央视记者:今天是国际消除贫困日,恰逢第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛即将举行。发言人能否介绍“一带一路”倡议在助力全球减贫方面有哪些贡献? CCTV: Today marks the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, just as the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation is soon to open. Can you brief us on how the Belt and Road Initiative contributes to global poverty reduction?
毛宁:消除贫困是联合国2030年可持续发展议程的首要目标。“一带一路”倡议提出十年来,始终把减贫作为重要方向,通过国际合作铺就了“减贫之路”。 Mao Ning: Ending poverty is the primary goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A decade on since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was announced, with poverty reduction as its priority, the BRI has been building a pathway to poverty alleviation through international cooperation.
10年来,共建“一带一路”拉动了近万亿美元投资,带动4000万人摆脱贫困。“一带一路”农业合作机制增强了共建国家贫困人口获得粮食和应对粮食危机的能力。“一带一路”框架下的产业投资、基础设施项目创造了大量就业机会。联合国维也纳办事处总干事加达·瓦利近日接受采访时表示,共建“一带一路”倡议有助于加速实现无贫穷、零饥饿等联合国可持续发展目标。 Over the past decade, the BRI has galvanized nearly USD 1 trillion of investment globally and lifted 40 million people out of poverty. The BRI agricultural cooperation mechanism helped enable impoverished population in partner countries to access food and respond to food crises. Industrial investment and infrastructure projects under the BRI framework created a huge amount of job opportunities. Ghada Waly, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna, said at a recent interview that Belt and Road cooperation can help accelerate efforts to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals, including no poverty and zero hunger.
我们相信,随着高质量共建“一带一路”不断推进,将更多惠及各国民众,为全球减贫事业注入新的强劲动力。 We are confident that high-quality Belt and Road cooperation will bring more benefits to the people and help empower the global poverty reduction effort.
法新社记者:明天,*主席将同普京总统举行会谈。俄方称,会谈时将重点讨论国际和地区问题。请问中俄将重点讨论哪些具体问题?会否谈及乌克兰危机和巴以冲突? AFP: President Xi Jinping and President Putin will hold talks tomorrow. The Russian side said that talks will focus on international and regional issues. What specific issues will China and Russia focus on? Will the Ukraine issue and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict be covered at the talks?
毛宁:普京总统已于今天上午抵达北京,将应*主席邀请出席第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛并参加相关活动。两国元首将举行会晤,就双边关系和共同关心的问题深入交换意见。具体情况我们会及时发布消息,请你保持关注。 Mao Ning: President Putin arrived in Beijing this morning. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, he will attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and related events. The two heads of state will also hold a meeting to have in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and issues of mutual interest. We’ll release information in due course. Please check back for updates.
日本共同社记者:据报道,日本首相岸田文雄17日以内阁总理大臣名义向靖国神社供奉名为“真榊”的祭品。你对此有何评论? Kyodo News: Fumio Kishida sent “masakaki” offering to the Yasukuni Shrine as Prime Minister on October 17. What’s China’s comment?
毛宁:靖国神社是日本军国主义对外发动侵略战争的精神工具和象征,供奉有对那场侵略战争负有严重罪责的14名甲级战犯。中方坚决反对日方有关消极动向,已向日方提出严正交涉。中方敦促日方切实信守正视并反省侵略历史的表态和承诺,彻底同军国主义切割,以实际行动取信于亚洲邻国和国际社会。 Mao Ning: The Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual tool and symbol of Japanese militarists’ war of aggression. It honors 14 convicted Class-A war criminals with grave responsibilities for the war crimes committed during that war of aggression. China firmly rejects Japan’s negative moves concerning the Yasukuni Shrine and has lodged démarches to the Japanese side. China urges Japan to credibly honor the statement and pledge of facing up to and reflecting on the history of aggression, make a clean break with militarism and earn the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community.
日本共同社记者:共同社民意调查显示,日本首相岸田文雄支持率创下历史新低。发言人对此有何评论? Kyodo News: According to a poll by Kyodo News, the approval rating of Fumio Kishida has hit a record low. What’s your comment?
毛宁:这是日本内政,我不作评论。 Mao Ning: What you mentioned is Japan’s domestic affair, and we will not comment on that.
总台华语环球节目中心记者:日本歌手谷村新司逝世在中国国内引发广泛关注,不少网民在社交媒体上也表达了哀悼。外交部对此有何评论? CCTV: The passing of Japanese singer-songwriter Shinji Tanimura has been widely discussed in China, and many Chinese people expressed condolences on social media platforms. What’s the foreign ministry’s comment?
毛宁:我们对谷村新司先生逝世表示哀悼,向他的亲属表示慰问。谷村先生是日本乐坛著名人物,不少作品在中国脍炙人口,深受中国民众喜爱。谷村先生热心中日人文交流,曾经多次来华演出,用音乐架起两国人民心灵沟通的桥梁,以实际行动为中日友好事业作出了积极贡献。 Mao Ning: We express our condolences over Mr. Shinji Tanimura’s passing and extend our sympathies to his family. Mr. Shinji Tanimura was a prominent figure on the Japanese music scene. Many of his works are highly popular in China and enjoyed by the Chinese. Mr. Shinji Tanimura played an active role in people-to-people exchanges between China and Japan, and had performed in China quite a few times. His music is a bridge that connects the hearts of our two peoples and we appreciate his contribution to China-Japan friendship.
斯人已逝,风范长存。期待两国更多的有识之士继往开来,将中日和平友好的乐章世代传唱下去。 Though Mr. Tanimura is no longer with us, his legacy will live on. We hope more people with vision from our two countries will follow his suit and pass on China-Japan peace and amity from generation to generation.
法新社记者:中国政府中东问题特使翟隽本周出访中东。发言人对此访有无更多可以提供的细节?比如他将出访哪些国家?会提出什么主张? AFP: Special Envoy of the Chinese Government on the Middle East Issue Zhai Jun will visit the Middle East soon. Can the Foreign Ministry offer more details? Which countries will he visit, and what will he propose during the visit?
毛宁:昨天我已经介绍了翟隽特使出访中东的有关考虑。此访主要目的是推动局势缓和,积极劝和促谈。具体情况我们会适时发布消息。 Mao Ning: I’ve shared with you the considerations behind Special Envoy Zhai Jun’s upcoming visit to the Middle East. The visit aims to help with de-escalation in the Middle East. This is part of China’s efforts to promote peace talks. We will release more information in due course. Please check back for updates.
日本广播协会记者:请问有多少国家来华参加第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛?可否具体介绍哪些国家*将与会? NHK: How many countries will be attending the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China? Specifically, could you tell us which leaders will be attending the forum?
毛宁:相信你已经注意到,不少国家*和各国代表已经陆续抵达中国。我们欢迎他们来华出席“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛。论坛的具体情况以及有关活动,我们会持续发布信息,请保持关注。 Mao Ning: You may have noticed ongoing reports about the arrival of foreign leaders and delegates in China for the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. We extend our warm welcome to them. As to the specifics about the forum and the events foreign leaders will attend in China, we will keep you updated.
东方卫视记者:昨天上午,由中资企业建设运营的柬埔寨暹粒吴哥国际机场正式通航。柬埔寨副首相兼内阁办公厅大臣翁赛维索赴机场出席首航仪式并迎接首批抵达旅客。发言人对此有何评论? Dragon TV: The Siem Reap International Airport undertaken and operated by the Chinese company officially opened to traffic yesterday morning. Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Council of Ministers Vongsey Vissoth attended the First Flight Ceremony and welcomed the first batch of tourists arriving at the airport. What’s your comment?
毛宁:我也注意到这个好消息。暹粒吴哥国际机场是中柬共建“一带一路”标志性工程,也是第一座由中资企业在海外以投资、建设、运营模式实施的国际机场。翁赛维索副首相表示,该机场将成为连接国际航空线路的纽带,带来更多的国际游客和投资者,进一步推动柬埔寨经济社会发展。当地民众也对新机场助力旅游事业发展充满期待。 Mao Ning: We’ve seen the good news too. The Siem Reap International Airport is a landmark project of China’s Belt and Road cooperation with Cambodia, and the first international airport invested, constructed and operated by Chinese companies. Cambodian Deputy Prime Minster Vongsey Vissoth said that the airport will help link international air routes, bring in more foreign visitors and investors, and facilitate Cambodia’s economic and social development. Cambodian people are also looking forward to a new boom in tourism made possible by the new airport.
第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛即将开幕,相信论坛将为共建“一带一路”擘画新蓝图,助力各国实现共同发展。 The third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation will open soon. We have enough reasons to believe and expect that it will draw a new blueprint for the Belt and Road Initiative and offer new impetus for global common development.
法新社记者:有加拿大媒体称,中国一架战机昨天以“不安全、不专业”的方式对加拿大一架侦察机实施了拦截。请问中方所掌握的情况是什么样的?双方军机空中相遇事件具体发生在哪里? AFP: Canadian media reported that a Canadian surveillance plane was intercepted yesterday by a Chinese warplane in an unsafe and unprofessional manner. What does China know about the situation? Where did the two military planes encounter?
毛宁:10月14日,加拿大1架CP-140型机非法侵入中国钓鱼岛附属岛屿赤尾屿领空,严重侵犯中国主权、威胁中国国家安全。针对加方的挑衅行为,中方已向加方提出严正交涉,中国军队在现场采取了必要的处置措施。事实真相就是,加方军机不远万里到中国家门口滋事挑衅,中方依法依规处置。加方应当尊重客观事实,停止散布虚假信息。 Mao Ning: The illegal intrusion of a Canadian CP-140 aircraft into the airspace of Chiwei Yu, an affiliated island of China’s Diaoyu Dao, on October 14 seriously violates China’s sovereignty and threatens our national security. In response to the Canadian side’s provocative act, the Chinese side has lodged démarches and the Chinese military has taken necessary measures at the scene. What happened was that the Canadian side has sent warplanes halfway around the world to stir up trouble and make provocations at China’s doorsteps. The Chinese side responded to the situation in accordance with laws and regulations. The Canadian side should respect the facts and stop spreading disinformation.
近年来,加拿大军机以执行联合国安理会决议为借口,频繁对中国抵近侦察并挑衅。需要强调的是,联合国安理会决议从未授权任何国家以执行决议为由在他国管辖海空域部署军力开展间谍侦察活动。中方坚决反对任何国家以执行决议为名危害中国国家主权和安全。中方敦促加方正视事态严重性,立即停止冒险挑衅行为。 In recent years, Canadian military aircraft have frequently conducted close-in reconnaissance and made provocations to the Chinese side in the name of implementing UN Security Council resolutions. What needs to be stressed is that UN Security Council resolutions have never mandated any country to deploy forces and conduct surveillance operations in the airspace or waters under other countries’ jurisdiction in the name of implementing the resolutions. China is firmly opposed to any country jeopardizing our national sovereignty and security in the name of implementing resolutions. China urges Canada to see the gravity of the incident and refrain from taking any adventurist or provocative moves.
鉴于第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式将于10月18日举行,当日外交部例行记者会暂停一次,10月19日(星期四)恢复。 In light of the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to be held on October 18, the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be adjourned on October 18 (Wednesday) and resumed on October 19 (Thursday).
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