







英文名称:Hetian white jade smoked stove









和田玉中的名品,是珍藏于陕西历史博物馆的西汉国宝级文物“皇后之玺”,其质地为新疆和田羊脂玉,是迄今唯一的汉代皇后玉玺,为首批禁止出国(境)展览文物 。2008年北京奥运会会徽徽宝“中国印”,也是采用新疆和田玉作为材料。

和田玉属镁质大理岩与中酸性岩浆岩接触交代而形成的变质岩,内含透闪石、角闪石、阳起石等多矿物集合体,化学成分是含水的钙镁硅酸盐,化学式为Ca2(Mg,Fe2 )5[Si8O22](OH)2,密度为2.95—3.17,摩氏硬度在6.0—6.5之间。





英文名称:Hetian jade auspicious ornaments








镂空 是一种雕刻技术。外面看起来是完整的图案,但里面是空的或者里面又镶嵌小的镂空物件。



景泰蓝(Cloisonne),中国的著名特种金属工艺品类之一,到明代景泰年间这种工艺技术制作达到了最巅峰,制作出的工艺品最为精美而著名,故后人称这种金属器为“景泰蓝”。景泰蓝正名“铜胎掐丝珐琅”,俗名“珐蓝”,又称“嵌珐琅”,是一种在铜质的胎型上,用柔软的扁铜丝,掐成各种花纹焊上,然后把珐琅质的色釉填充在花纹内烧制而成的器物 。因其在明朝景泰年间盛行,制作技艺比较成熟,使用的珐琅釉多以蓝色为主,故而得名“景泰蓝”。



英文名称:Cloisonne wealth and happiness disk








英文翻译:An ancient Chinese stove used for incense and heating.

Incense burner, also called incense burner or incense burner, was originally made of bronze. The Boshan burner of the Han Dynasty was made of bronze.

After han Dynasty, the material of incense burner was gradually enriched. In the Song Dynasty, boshan furnace made of porcelain appeared, but it could not resist the barbecue of fragrant powder and soon became the plaything of literati. Such as this, the jade censer that appears later, emerald censer and so on, also be a kind of ornamental article that USES display or handle. Compared with practical articles, furnishings may be of higher value, and are generally reserved for literati and noble people.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Hetian white jade smoked stove

English name: Hetian White Jade Smoked

Category: Jade

Specification: one piece

Appearance: Beautiful

This smoked stove is divided into two parts, the cover and the body. It is made of Hetian white jade. It is a typical Sou, whose craftsmanship surpassed that of Beijing at that time.

Most of the imperial jade in the Qing Dynasty was made of jade materials from Hetian area in Xinjiang, with white jade, green jade, green jade and jasper as the main materials. In the same situation, the value of jade between jade and jade. In the qing Dynasty palace jade, jade made of the most vessels.

The work of jade in the Qing Dynasty palace is not only sleek and smooth, but also according to the needs of the content, some sleek, some very sharp. At that time, there were three places to make jade for the court, one was in the imperial palace building office in Beijing, and the other two were in Suzhou and Yangzhou. Most of the jade in the court was made by jade workers in Suzhou zhuan Xiang. Qing Dynasty palace jade modeling is very diverse, there are round belly, flat belly, octagon, and so on.

Hetian jade, "China's four famous jade" one (its three for Shaanxi Lantian jade, Liaoning xiuyu jade and Henan Dushan jade). The traditional narrow sense refers to the jade produced in Hetian, Xinjiang, which is famous for its "sub-materials". Hetian jade in the broad sense refers to nephrite (true jade). Although hetian jade is named after Xinjiang Hetian, it is not the concept of the region itself, not specifically referring to the jade produced in Xinjiang Hetian region, but the name of a class of products. In China, more than 98% of the tremolite is named hetian jade, which is within the scope of national standards.

When Qin Shi Huang unified China, hetian jade was called "jade of Kunshan" because it was produced in Kunlun Mountain. Later, it was called "Jade of Khotan" because it was located in the land of Khotan. It was not until the ninth year of The Guangxu Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1883) when hetian Zhili Prefecture was established that it was officially named "Hetian Jade".

The famous hetian jade is the Queen's Seal, a national treasure of the Western Han Dynasty, which is stored in The Shaanxi History Museum. It is made of Xinjiang Hetian amniocentric jade. It is the only queen's seal of the Han Dynasty so far, and the first batch of cultural relics forbidden to be exhibited abroad. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem "Chinese seal", is also using xinjiang Hetian jade as material.

The metamorphic rock formed by contact metasomatism between Hetian jade magnesian marble and intermediate-acid magmatic rock contains multiple mineral aggregates such as tremolite, hornblende and actinite. The chemical composition is water-bearing calcium and magnesium silicate, the chemical formula is Ca2(Mg,Fe2 )5[Si8O22](OH)2, the density is 2.95 -- 3.17, and the Hardness is between 6.0 -- 6.5.

Whole smoked furnace with lotus as the type, a solid jade lion is smoked furnace cover button, down in the paint with the lotus and the lotus petals, like a beautiful lotus, lotus on a lotus, surrounded by four terminal four benevolent, lotus above a hollow out four petals around a spherical, forming a typical lion ball, the lion is the king of beasts, and of great deterrent, mounts manjusri bodhisattva, is the symbol of exorcism. And hydrangea because of the bright color, often used in the traditional wedding, there are auspicious festival, good implied meaning repeatedly. Therefore, the lion hydrangea symbolizes the elimination of disasters, exorcism, all disasters away, and good things are about to happen. So as the saying goes, "The lion rolls the hydrangea, the good things come after." The soil of the whole fumigation furnace is oozed naturally, the bottom light is soft and diffuse reflection appears. It is a rare high-quality white jade fumigation furnace with double rings under it, which conforms to the characteristics of the Period of The Warring States Han Dynasty. It is a unique product of the white jade fumigation furnace in Hetian of the Warring States Han Dynasty and has extremely high economic value.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Hetian qingyu auspicious ornaments

With some tools, Hetian Jade will be made

Category: Jade

Specification: one piece

Appearance: Beautiful

Can see that there is an obvious iron ore as the tail of the ooze color, like rust, we called the rust ooze, ladies ass transition natural yellow, including rust there to transition around ooze color yellow, this is a natural transition of the ooze color, prove your dizzy caused by scattered jade appeared, furnishing articles highlighted face in natural light at the end of the light is soft wen run, let a person s feeling extremely at a glance, above all open the door for a old sapphire furnishing articles.

Elephant bottom of rust qinqin is more obvious, rust qinqin and cinar qinqin is different, cinar Qinqin is flake, and rust qinqin color will smooth the texture of jade qinqin, you can see the bottom like capillary like the expansion, Qinqin color is very obvious, is a very open door of good luck.

Good luck: you can see the elephant body carrying two ladies, a broom, a water container, pour water to the elephant body, a focus on cleaning, here with a technique, the water down carved into the ruyi grain, meaning good luck, the implication of the whole layout for auspiciousness (like) auspicious.

This part reflects the superb hollow-out technology. Due to the brittleness of the jade, the hollow-out technology is difficult to control, and it will be destroyed if not done well.

Hollowing is a carving technique. The outside looks like a complete pattern, but the inside is empty or inlaid with small hollows.

This carving technique is also widely used in stone carving, jade carving, wood carving, ivory carving and other artistic carving fields, and even fruit carving and flour carving have adopted this carving technique in large quantities.

This can see clear yellow seeps areola color, overall carver exquisite furnishing articles this good fortune as one wishes, especially this kind of sharp ivory jade carving, it is difficult to preserve, usually break, and the prosperity of perfect save spread so far, the entire nettled furnishing articles without any damage, ooze color, patina nature, oily surface, for there is no doubt that the real hetian jade long mine to be abandoned, even xinjiang local hard to buy hetian jade, is valuable in terms of material, and the collection of market flattering, ooze color patina that one looks to have s feeling, above all, the auspicious furnishing articles, Has the extremely high collection value, and the market economy value.

Cloisonne is one of the famous special metal crafts in China. In the Period of Cloisonne of Ming Dynasty, the production of this kind of craft technology reached its peak, and the handicraft produced was the most exquisite and famous, so later it was called as "Cloisonne". Cloisonne, whose real name is "copper tire enamel" and the common name is "Va blue", is also called "inlaid enamel". It is a kind of utensil made of copper mold, which is welded into various patterns with soft flat copper wire, and then the colored glaze of the enamel is filled into the pattern and fired. The name "Cloisonne" is derived from the fact that it was popular during the Jingtai Period of the Ming Dynasty and its production techniques were relatively mature. The enamelled glaze was mostly blue.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Cloisonne riches and honor disk

Cloisonne Wealth and Happiness Disk

Category: Jade

Specification: one piece

Appearance: Beautiful

This cloisonne disc, with auspicious patterns inside, is surrounded by small bats. Because bats sound like "fu" meaning "blessed", the two magpies stand on the branches and echo each other, the picture is beautiful. Peony flowers symbolize wealth and happiness, meaning wealth, happiness and boundless.

The picture of blossoming riches and honour: flowers here generally refer to peonies. Zhao Shixue in the Theory of Peony Riches and Honour in the Qing Dynasty mentioned that peonies have the king's name, the first of all flowers, and the name of the world, and finally they are called by the name of riches and honour. Husband called riches and honour, to clean the lotus, but not closed; The law to recluse chrysanthemum, but not appropriate also. Very yi, riches and honour alone peony also.

Bottom foot shows copper tire, it is brass material, periphery pinches silk place to have flower grain, cloisonne, also say "copper tire pinches silk enamel", it is a kind of special handicraft, it is to use fine flat copper wire to do line, knead on copper tire gives all sorts of design decorative pattern, fill multicoloured enamel spot again in decorative pattern, classics is fired, grind smooth gilt and become. The appearance is glittering and shiny.

Cloisonne because the process is extremely complex, was classified as intangible cultural level of intellectual property rights in China, the device can see objects surface texture of silk, very heavy and complicated, want, need to cost a lot of time and multiple working procedure, wire drawing, pinched wire, welding, glaze, grinding equality, etc., are extremely complex, has a very high artistic value, it is the only comparable to those of porcelain vessels do, its process, known as a card loud art in the world, as well as the general direction of cultural development in our country, has a great appreciation potential.


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