

首页音乐舞蹈Dancing Planet更新时间:2024-07-28


On the morning of Oct 23, Chinese singer-songwriter Liu Shuang arrived in Heze, Shandong province, with his band to perform at an outdoor music festival.


柳爽 图源:中国日报

One hour before they checked their equipment and tested the sound, they were told that the event had been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Liu and the band were soon on their way back to Beijing, where they are based.


On the train journey to the Chinese capital, Liu received a message on Sina Weibo, saying that his song Mohe Ballroom had gone viral on the Douyin video-sharing platform.


However, he didn't take the message seriously until the next day, when he learned that footage of the song had been viewed more than 10 million times on Douyin.


Liu, 29, now one of the most talked about Chinese singer-songwriters, said: "My team and I were overwhelmed by this sudden fame. It was like a dream come true, as we had been working hard to get our songs known by a wider audience."



In less than two days, the video of the song had been viewed some 700 million times.


Mohe Ballroomwas released in June last year and featured in Liu's third album,First Planet.


The song was inspired by Liu's trip in 2019 to Mohe, Heilongjiang province, China's northernmost city, where he met an elderly man who was dancing alone in a ballroom.


"I was curious and danced with him. We talked for a while during a break, when I learned about his story," said Liu, who later wrote an article titled Goodbye Evening Star, which he published on his social media platform.



Mohe Ballroom, written in March last year, is based on the old man's story.


On May 6, 1987, about 200 people were killed when a fire that broke out in mountains near Mohe tore through the city. The fire, which lasted 28 days, destroyed more than 10,000 square kilometers of forest. Direct economic losses were estimated at 500 million yuan.


The elderly man, who uses the pseudonym Zhang Dequan, lost his wife to the blaze. He has not remarried and has no children, so he often visits the old ballroom and dances alone to remember the times he and his wife spent there.


Liu said: "Both the article and the song have been fictionalized, and I added some additional details. To me, the most important part of the song are the lyrics. I wanted to dedicate Mohe Ballroomto those who lost their lives in that big fire."


One listener said: "It's easy to see why Mohe Ballroomresonated with listeners when it did. Full of emotional detail and poetic lyrics, the song, with Liu's whispery vocals, fulfills people's imaginations about a tragic love story."


But Liu is upset when people refer to him as a singer who gained overnight fame on the internet.


Born and raised in Kuqa city, Aksu prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the self-taught singer-songwriter made his stage debut in 2014, performing his original song Grandpaduring a year-end gala at his university. Since then, he has been writing his own material. In 2018, he released his debut albumGrowand toured nationwide.


The song's huge popularity has made Mohe an in-demand tourism destination. Visitors flock to the city to see the ballroom, in the hope of meeting the elderly man.


Li Jinbao, who owns the ballroom, told Beijing News: "The man often visited my ballroom in 2019. However, since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have not seen him.


"I was 21 when I witnessed the fire that swept through Mohe. The city was later rebuilt and its first public ballroom opened, which immediately became popular among local residents."


Zhang Wenqian, 30, a civil servant, visited the venue for the first time after she viewed Mohe Ballroom online.


"This is a good chance to promote our city nationwide," she said. "At the same time, the song also reminds residents of painful memories and of the need to prevent a similar incident."


Mohe is one of the few places in China with a subarctic climate-long, severe winters and short, warm summers. Winter begins in early to mid-October and lasts until late April. The city holds the record for China's lowest temperature, minus 52.3 C in 1956.


漠河 图源:中国新闻社

But if the climate suggests an inhospitable place, this is not the case. The border with Russia has a raw beauty, attracting countless tourists every year, although they mostly visit in summer to witness the aurora borealis, or northern lights.


The local tourism department has been quick to seize the chance brought by Mohe Ballroom.


漠河北极滑雪场 图源:中国日报

Feng Guangqing, director of the bureau, told China Tourism News: "The local government has developed the tourist industry since 1981. However, due to the long distances involved and inconvenient transportation links, we haven't seen a large influx of tourists like some other well-known tourist destinations."


Mohe has a long history, profound cultural heritage, and Mohe Ballroomhas touched the hearts of millions of people.



编辑:陈月华 周婵 商桢

记者:陈楠 周慧颖

录音:Stephanie Stone

实习生:李蕤 申乐

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