新学年第二学期No. 277 擂响出征大战鼓 奔赴锦绣好前程

新学年第二学期No. 277 擂响出征大战鼓 奔赴锦绣好前程


新学年第二学期No. 277 擂响出征大战鼓 奔赴锦绣好前程

2023-06-05 Monday周一Cloudy多云 In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive. 一Lee Iacocca在巨大的压力或逆境中,最好总是保持忙碌,把你的愤怒和能量投入到积极的事情中。– 李·艾柯卡

Lee Iacocca, a former chief executive of Ford Motor Company and then president of Chrysler, miraculously turned the failing company around into America's third-largest car company. His perseverance and the spirit of fighting to turn defeat into victory swept people away. He became one of the first American business ICONS in the 1980s and early 1990s.李·艾柯卡,曾担任过福特汽车公司的裁,后又担任克莱斯勒汽车公司的总裁,使这家濒临*的公司奇迹般地东山再起,使之成为全美第三大汽车公司。他那锲而不舍、转败为胜的奋斗精神使人们为之倾倒。在 20 世纪 80 年代以及 90 年代初,成为美国商业偶像第一人。

6月5号周一记录1:英语金句迎升旗 高三入场告别式

6月5号周一记录2:出行队列迈步齐 万事俱备待升旗

6月5号周一记录3:奏唱国歌升国旗 全体都行注目礼

6月5号周一记录4:任涛主任受邀请 发表讲话再提醒

6月5号周一记录5:擂响战鼓 梦想成真

6月5号周一记录6:校长授战旗 学子考必胜

6月5号周一记录7:仪式结束 退场有序

6月5号周一记录8:网测调试停电 文科备课依然

6月5号周一记录9:学生部刘主任盼盼高意 为毕业班悄悄挂上惊喜


6月5号周一记录11:课间活动 室内自习




01写人:你校英语报拟开展“我最敬佩的改革先锋”征文评选活动。请从我国改革先锋中任选一位,撰稿应征。内容应包括:1.最敬佩的人物及理由;2.该人物对你的影响。注意:1. 词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

The Reform Pioneer in My MindOf all the reform pioneers,I admire the “Iron Hammer” Lang Ping most,who trains and shapes China women’s volleyball team.Admittedly,as coach of the national team,Lang Ping has helped China win many world titles and championships.The team’s series of triumphs make people nationwide fall in love with volleyball,and apart from that,bring us glory and joy.To me,she is not only the pride of China,but also the symbol of an era.All in all,Lang Ping’s outstanding skills and charming manner deeply influence me.Her fighting spirit is truly impressive.“It is your hardest time that leads to the greatest moment.” This inspires me to face difficulties with courage whenever I am depressed.

02记事:高中期间你一定参加过很多社会实践活动。请你为班级英语角写一篇短文,介绍一次难忘的社会实践活动,内容包括:1.时间、地点;2.活动过程;3.个人感受。注意:1. 词数100左右;2.题目已为你写好。

An Unforgettable Social Practice ActivityLast winter vacation,I participated in an unforgettable social practice activity—working as a volunteer at Dalian Library.At 8 am,my class gathered and started working as scheduled. We were assigned different tasks—cleaning rooms,sorting books,scanning bar codes and so on. My job was to help readers locate the needed books. Their satisfied smiles when they found their books made my day. This experience makes me realize the happiness of labor and the importance of serving the community.

03通知:假如你是班长,你们学校国际班本周日将组织一次参观首都博物馆的活动,请你写一个通知。相关内容如下:安排:1.8:00在学校大门口集合,集体乘车去首都博物馆;2.8:40在导游的带领下参观首都博物馆;3.12:00参观结束,集体乘车返回学校。要求:1. 参观过程中请自觉遵守公共秩序;2.馆内禁止拍照;3.参观后每人写一篇日记。注意:1. 词数100左右;2.通知的开头已为你写好。

Dear students,Attention,please. I have something to tell you.In order to know more about Beijing,we are going to pay a visit to the Capital Museum this Sunday. Be sure to arrive at the school gate before 8:00 am. We will go there by bus altogether. At about 8:40 am,we’ll visit the museum following a guide. The visit will be over at around 12:00,and then we’ll return by bus. Please observe public order,keep quiet and avoid running. Video recording and flash photography are forbidden in the museum so you’d better take some notes since we have to write a diary after the visiting. Hope you enjoy the visit. That’s all. Thank you.

04发言稿:你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:1.分析优势与不足;2.提出学习建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.题目和首句已为你写好。

Be smart online learnersOnline learning has become an important way to learn recently. However,online learning has both advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages are obvious. It allows us to learn anytime and anywhere. Besides,we can absorb all kinds of resources to learn more efficiently. However,its disadvantages cannot be ignored. Staring at the screen is harmful to our eyes. Worse still,we don’t have many opportunities to interact with our teachers and classmates. Then how to be smart online learners?First,we should be brave to discuss our problems with others. Second,it is wise to take a short break after learning for 30 minutes. In conclusion,only by being smart online learners can we truly enjoy the benefits of modern technology.

05申请信:假设你是李华,你校广播站正在招收英文编辑,请你根据以下提示,向负责此事的外教Mr Mark申请这一职务。要点如下:职位要求:1.有很强的英语表达能力;2.关心时事。个人优势:1.有做记者的经历,沟通能力强;2.父亲是一位专职编辑,深受其影响。注意:1. 词数100左右; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mr Mark,I’m writing to apply to be an English editor of the broadcasting station of our school.A full account of details will be given as follows.There is no escaping the fact that the strong capability of spoken English and concerns about social issues are obviously required for the job. As for me,on the one hand,equipped with the experience of being an editor,I have a good command of communicating skills,which will never live up to your expectations. On the other hand,what deserves a great emphasis is that it is my father,who makes a great difference on me for the sake of his job as a professional editor. Boasting my abundance in knowledge of various aspects,I will never fail to reach your standards. Should I be employed by the station,I would be more than delighted. Yours,Li Hua

06推荐信:假设你是学生会主席李华,学校安排你给即将到你校任教的外籍教师 Peter推荐一名学生助手(assistant),请根据以下要点给他写封推荐信。1.推荐李梅为学生助手;2.李梅的基本情况(17岁,高二学生,学校“十佳学生”之一);3.李梅的优势(电脑技术、沟通能力、英语水平等)。注意:1. 词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Peter,I am Li Hua,chairman of the Students’ Union. Having known that you are in need of a student assistant,I happily recommend Li Mei to you.Li Mei,a 17­-year­-old Senior Two student,is qualified as one of the Top Ten Students in our school. What’s more,she has a good command of computer technology and English,which enables her assistant work excellent. To our amazement,it is the experience of being monitor at her class that makes her armed with excellent communication skills. Therefore,I am convinced that your cooperation will be satisfying. I hope you will find my recommendation helpful. Yours,Li Hua

07建议信:假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike来信说他的父母打算搬家到纽约,他感到很苦恼,因为他更喜欢目前的小镇生活。请给他写封回信,内容包括:1.表示理解;2.你的看法及建议;3.表达祝愿。注意:1. 词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mike,I really understand your situation. It’s never easy to leave a familiar neighborhood for an unfamiliar one.In my opinion,urban life also has its advantages. For instance,cities have a better learning environment. Also,more job opportunities are available there. Maybe that’s why your parents have planned to move. So you should communicate with your parents about the move and express yourself. If it’s settled,you’d better adapt yourself and get ready for the new life. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if there’s anything I can do. May you get rid of your trouble soon. Yours,Li Hua

08邀请信:假定你是李华,你和几位朋友决定周末去参观当地博物馆举办的中国传统艺术摄影展,请给你的交换生朋友Cathy写封电子邮件,邀请她参加。内容包括:1.时间、地点;2.展览内容;3.注意事项。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Cathy,I’m writing to invite you to a photography exhibit centered on traditional Chinese art.The exhibit will be held in the city museum this coming Saturday morning,where you could enjoy pictures reflecting various aspects of traditional Chinese art like festivals and crafts taken by professional photographers. We’ll gather at the school gate and start out at 8:00 am. Our visit will begin at 9 o'clock and last about three hours. If you’d like to come,please keep in mind that taking pictures isn’t allowed in the museum. Meanwhile,be sure to take your mobile phone as we’re required to scan the health QR code before entering. Yours,Li Hua


Dear Jimmy,I’m writing to ask for a favor from you. To help us students gain a glimpse into American culture,the Student Union is organizing an American Culture Festival.We’re now in urgent need of some American popular magazines that can reflect modern American society. So,could you please help select and buy some and send them to us?Besides,we would appreciate it if you could see to it that the contents of the magazines are suitable for Chinese middle school students. We will cover all the relevant costs. Please reply at your earliest convenience!Thanks a lot!Yours,Li Hua

10感谢信:假定你是李华,是一名高三学生。上周五,你校举办了一场英语演讲比赛,你荣获了一等奖。请根据下面的写作提纲,给外教Susan Hill写一封感谢信。内容包括:1.写信的目的;2.她如何帮助了你;3.再次表示感谢。注意:1.词数100左右;2.开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Susan Hill,I am Li Hua,a student of Senior 3. I am writing to express my gratitude for your kind help.You don’t know how excited I was to get the first prize in the English Speech Contest held in my school last Friday and I owe it to your kind help. I used to be too shy to speak aloud in public. Luckily,you asked me to practice several times in your office and corrected my pronunciation and intonation. I made great progress with your kind help,without which I couldn’t have got the prize. Thank you again for your kind help!Yours,Li Hua

11祝贺信:假定你是李华,近日与你一起参加全国中学生英语演讲比赛的同学David获得了一等奖。请根据所给提示给 David写一封信,要点如下:1.告诉他获奖的消息并表示祝贺;2.回顾你们刻苦训练的过程;3.表示感谢并向他学习。注意:1.词数100左右; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear David,I am writing to tell you the thrilling news that you have won the first prize in the National High School Speech Contest. Therefore,I’d like to offer my congratulations on your success.As is well­known to us all,success comes from diligence and intelligence. It was in the early morning that you practiced reading English aloud till you speak English as fluently as Americans did. What’s more,when I found a mistake in your English,immediately,you repaid with appreciation. Not only did you make your English improved every day but also you encouraged me to practice more.With my English improved a lot,I hope you can accept my gratitude. I will learn from you. All the best.Yours,Li Hua

12咨询信:假定你是李华,正在澳大利亚学习,打算在暑假期间学习绘画。互联网上一则招生广告引起了你的注意,但一些具体信息尚不明确。请发一封电子邮件,询问有关情况。内容包括:1.初学者是否可以参加学习?2.是否有暑假班?费用如何?3.是否需要自带材料?注意:1. 词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Sir/Madam,I happened to come across your advertisement on your website. Just planning to take up painting this summer holiday,I am writing to you in the hope that you can provide me with further information concerning the course. First of all,as a beginner in painting,I wonder whether I can take your course.Besides,is there a course running in the summer holiday and how much does it cost? Last but not least,will your training center provide students with brushes as well as drawing paper or I have to take some myself? I would appreciate it if you could offer me the relevant information. I’m looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. Yours truly,Li Hua

13道歉信:假定你是李华,乘地铁时不小心遗失了交换生好友Mike借给你的英文版《三体》小说The ThreeBody Problem。请给他写封道歉信,内容包括:1.表达歉意;2.解释原因;3.补救措施。注意:1.词数100左右;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,I’m really sorry that I’ve lost the novel The Three-Body Problem you lent me last month. So I’m dropping you this line to express my sincere apologies. The book is definitely excellent!So attracted was I by the fantastic plot that I took it everywhere I went until yesterday. When I got off the subway I found it nowhere to be found. I immediately contacted the subway service department,hoping to recover it,but in vain. Considering this is your favorite book,I’ve bought the whole series for you as compensation. Once again,I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused. Yours,Li Hua


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